// English support -> // // Make sure not to use any converted Game that has no permission from its author ! //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ################################################################################# // ### some global switches - only change if you are told to for support-reasons ### // ################################################################################# $DEBUGMODE = 0; // 0 = off / 1 = enable the debugmode / 2 = verbose debugging (support only!) $NATIVEMODE = 0; // set this to 1 to disable all Hooks/PlugIns within ibProArcade $LOGIPS = 1; // set this to 0 to disable logging of IP-addresses $AVATARRESIZE = 0; // set this to 0 to disable resizing of avatars or problems with getimagesize() $FIXSTYLE = 0; // set this to 1 if you get empty pages (tournament-creation ect.) $FIXIE = 1; // current workaround to fix problems with IE7 $MYSQLI = 0; // set to 1 to use ibProArcade-mySQLi-driver (may cause problems!) // ########################################## // ### !! DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW !! ### // ########################################## // #################### Add v3arcade Game Support ######################## if (isset($_POST['sessdo'])) { if($_POST['sessdo'] == "sessionstart") { $gamerand = rand(1,10); $gametime = mktime(); $lastid = $_POST['gamename']; echo "&connStatus=1&initbar=$gamerand&gametime=$gametime&lastid=$lastid&result=OK"; exit; } if($_POST['sessdo'] == "permrequest") { $microone = microtime(); setcookie("v3score", $_POST['score']); echo "&validate=1µone=$microone&result=OK"; exit; } } // ####################### SET PHP ENVIRONMENT ########################### error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); // ################## Page-Refresher while playing ####################### if ($_GET['do'] == "holdsession") { include ("./holdsession.php"); exit; } // #################### DEFINE IMPORTANT CONSTANTS ####################### define('NO_REGISTER_GLOBALS', 1); define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'arcade'); define('ROOT_PATH' , "./" ); define('CAT_IMGS' , "./arcade/cat_imgs/" ); define('MODULE_PATH' , "./arcade/modules/" ); define('FUNCTIONS_PATH', "./arcade/functions/"); define('PATH', (($getcwd = getcwd()) ? $getcwd : '.')); // ################### PRE-CACHE TEMPLATES AND DATA ###################### // get special phrase groups $phrasegroups = array(); // get special data templates from the datastore $specialtemplates = array(); // pre-cache templates used by specific actions $actiontemplates = array(); // pre-cache templates used by all actions $globaltemplates = array('ARCADE'); // ######################### REQUIRE BACK-END ############################ include_once "./global.php"; setcookie('ibPAcookiecheck', "yesss"); $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); if ($vbversion != "3.0") { // make some legacy-variables compatible to vBulletin 3.5.x $vboptions[forumhome] = $vbulletin->options[forumhome]; $vboptions[bburl] = $vbulletin->options[bburl]; if ($NATIVEMODE==0) { ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('ibproarcade_global_start')) ? eval($hook) : false; } } class info { var $member = array(); var $input = array(); var $session_id = ""; var $base_url = ""; var $vars = ""; var $skin_id = "0"; var $skin_rid = ""; var $lang_id = "en"; var $skin = ""; var $lang = ""; var $server_load = 0; var $version = "v1.3 Final"; var $lastclick = ""; var $location = ""; var $debug_html = ""; var $perm_id = ""; var $forum_read = array(); var $topic_cache = ""; var $session_type = ""; function info() { global $sess, $std, $DB, $INFO, $vboptions, $vbulletin, $session; $this->vars = &$INFO; $this->vars['board_name'] = $vboptions['bbtitle']; } } include ROOT_PATH . "includes/config.php"; require FUNCTIONS_PATH . "functions.php"; $std = new FUNC; $print = new display(); $sess = new session(); $skin_universal = $std->load_template('skin_global'); $sql_driver = FUNCTIONS_PATH . "dbclass.php"; // support for mysqli by MrZeropage if ((strtolower($config['Database']['dbtype']) == "mysqli") && ($MYSQLI == 1)) { $sql_driver = FUNCTIONS_PATH . "dbclass_mysqli.php"; } require $sql_driver; $DB = new db_driver; // automatic vB-Version-Detection by MrZeroage $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); if ($vbversion == "3.0") { // DB-Access for vBulletin 3.0.x $DB->obj['sql_database'] = $dbname; $DB->obj['sql_user'] = $dbusername; $DB->obj['sql_pass'] = $dbpassword; $DB->obj['sql_host'] = $servername; $DB->obj['sql_port'] = $port; $DB->obj['sql_tbl_prefix'] = $tableprefix; $DB->connect(); // End DB Connectivity unset($dbname, $dbusername, $dbpassword, $servername); } else { // DB-Access for vBulletin 3.5.x $DB->obj['sql_database'] = $config['Database']['dbname']; $DB->obj['sql_user'] = $config['MasterServer']['username']; $DB->obj['sql_pass'] = $config['MasterServer']['password']; $DB->obj['sql_host'] = $config['MasterServer']['servername']; $DB->obj['sql_port'] = $config['MasterServer']['port']; $DB->obj['sql_tbl_prefix'] = $config['Database']['tableprefix']; $DB->connect(); // End DB Connectivity unset($config['Database']['dbname'], $config['MasterServer']['username'], $config['MasterServer']['password'], $config['Database']['tableprefix']); } //-------------------------------- // Wrap it all up in a nice easy to // transport super class //-------------------------------- $ibforums = new info(); //-------------------------------- // Set up our vars //-------------------------------- $ibforums->input = $std->parse_incoming(); if ($vbversion == "3.0") { $forumpath = $vboptions[bburl]; $sess = $session['sessionurl']; } else { $forumpath = $vbulletin->options[bburl]; $sess = $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl']; } // fix for lousy configurated vBulletin options as this eats some time in support... if (strpos($forumpath,"index.php")===false) { // seems to be correct } else { $forumpath = str_replace("/index.php", "", $forumpath); } $ibforums->vars['base_url'] = $forumpath . "/" . "arcade.php?".$sess."&"; $ibforums->base_url = $forumpath . "/" . "arcade.php?".$sess."&"; foreach($_POST as $key => $value) { $ibforums->input[$key] = $value; } foreach($_GET as $key => $value) { $ibforums->input[$key] = $value; } $ibforums->input['keepsess'] = 0; // for PNflashgames to keep their session // handle calls from v3arcade links if (($ibforums->input['categoryid']!="") && (intval($ibforums->input['categoryid'])>0)) { $ibforums->input['cat'] = $ibforums->input['categoryid']; } // define possible Guest-Player-ID $guestplayerid=0; $DB->query("SELECT arcade_access, p_require FROM ibf_groups WHERE g_id = 1"); $guestperm = $DB->fetch_row(); if ($guestperm['arcade_access']==4) { if (intval($guestperm['p_require'] > 0)) { $guestplayerid = $guestperm['p_require']; } } // DEBUG-Mode v1.0 by MrZeropage $DEBUGPAGE = ""; if ($ibforums->input['debug']=="yes") { if ($DEBUGMODE!=0) { $DEBUGPAGE.= "DEBUG-Information
"; $DEBUGPAGE.= "vboptions[forumhome]   =   ".$vboptions[forumhome]."
"; $DEBUGPAGE.= "vboptions[bburl]   =   ".$vboptions[bburl]."
"; if ($vboptions[templateversion]!="") { $DEBUGPAGE.= "vboptions[templateversion]   =   ".$vboptions[templateversion]."
"; } else { $DEBUGPAGE.= "vbulletin->options[templateversion]   =   ".$vbulletin->options[templateversion]."
"; } } if ($vbversion == "3.0") { // vBulletin 3.0.x if(isset($bbuserinfo['userid']) && !empty($bbuserinfo['userid'])) { $ibforums->member['id'] = $bbuserinfo['userid']; } else { $ibforums->member['id'] = $guestplayerid; } } else { // vBulletin 3.5.x if(isset($vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) && !empty($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'])) { $ibforums->member['id'] = $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']; } else { $ibforums->member['id'] = $guestplayerid; } } if($_POST['sessdo'] == "burn") { $gamename = ibp_cleansql($_POST['id']); $cheat=0; $getgameidquery = $DB->query("SELECT gid FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gname='".$gamename."'"); $getgameid = $DB->fetch_row($getgameidquery); $gameid = $getgameid['gid']; if ($guestplayerid != $ibforums->member['id']) { // this is not a guest playing $userquery = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_user WHERE userid=".$ibforums->member['id']); $userinfo = $DB->fetch_row($userquery); if ($userinfo['arcade_session']=="") { $ERRORLEVEL = ($DEBUGMODE == 0) ? "" : "Error #020 - no session"; $std->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'cheater', EXTRA => $ERRORLEVEL) ); } // check if there is a stored session for that gameid $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_session WHERE sessid='".$userinfo['arcade_session']."' LIMIT 1"); $vs = $DB->fetch_row(); if ( ($vs['gameid'] != $_COOKIE['gidstarted']) || ($gameid != $vs['gameid']) ) { // cheat! so eliminate the result *g* $cheat++; $VERBOSE = ($DEBUGMODE == 2) ? " -> vs_gid=".$vs['gameid']." | cookie_gid=".$_COOKIE['gidstarted']." | gameid=".$gameid : ""; $ERRORLEVEL = ($DEBUGMODE == 0) ? "" : "Error #001"; $ERRORLEVEL = $ERRORLEVEL . $VERBOSE; $std->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'cheater', EXTRA => $ERRORLEVEL) ); } } else { // this is a guest! $userinfo['arcade_session'] = intval($_COOKIE['guestsession']); } $_POST['gname'] = $gamename; $_POST['gscore'] = ibp_cleansql($_COOKIE['v3score']); $ibforums->input['do'] = "newscore"; } class Arcade { var $output = ""; var $html = ""; var $page_title = ""; var $nav = array(); var $parser = ""; var $arcade = array(); var $version = "2.7.0+"; var $updatecheck = ""; // do not change this !! function Arcade() { global $ibforums, $DB, $std, $print, $DEBUGPAGE, $DEBUGMODE, $vbulletin, $vboptions; require MODULE_PATH."mod_arcade.php"; $this->arcade = new mod_arcade; $this->arcade->authorize(); // load the language set in AdminCP (by MrZeropage) $ibforums->langid = $this->arcade->settings['arcade_language']; $langfile="lang_Arcade_".$ibforums->langid; $ibforums->lang = $std->load_words($ibforums->lang, $langfile, $ibforums->lang_id ); if( $this->arcade->settings['skin'] == 0 ) { $this->html = $std->load_template('skin_Arcade'); } else { $this->html = $std->load_template('skin_v3Arcade'); } // hand some main setting to LANG to reach functions.php $ibforums->lang['htmltitle'] = ($this->arcade->settings['htmltitle']) ? $this->arcade->settings['htmltitle'] : "%FORUMNAME% - %IBPRO% - %ACTION%"; $this->arcade->top_links($this->html); $this->output .= $this->arcade->extra_links; if ($ibforums->input['debug']=="yes") { if ($DEBUGMODE!=0) { $DEBUGPAGE .= "score_type = ".$this->arcade->settings['score_type']."
"; $DEBUGPAGE .= "use_cats = ".$this->arcade->settings['use_cats']."
"; $DEBUGPAGE .= "def_cat = ".$this->arcade->settings['def_cat']."
"; $DEBUGPAGE .= "cats_per_tr = ".$this->arcade->settings['cats_per_tr']."
"; $DEBUGPAGE .= "crown_type = ".$this->arcade->settings['crown_type']."
"; $DEBUGPAGE .= "show_crowns = ".$this->arcade->settings['show_crowns']."
"; $DEBUGPAGE .= "show_t_won = ".$this->arcade->settings['show_t_won']."
"; $DEBUGPAGE .= "notification = ".$this->arcade->settings['notification']."
"; $DEBUGPAGE .= "auto_prune = ".$this->arcade->settings['auto_prune']."
"; } $DEBUGPAGE .= "ibProArcade v".$this->version."
"; $this->output .= $DEBUGPAGE."
"; } if( isset($ibforums->input['module']) && $ibforums->input['module'] != "arcade" ) { return; } else { switch( $ibforums->input['do'] ) { case 'rate': $this->rate(); break; case 'play': $this->arcade->play_game_authorize(); $this->play_game(); break; case 'playfull': $this->arcade->play_game_authorize(); $this->playfull(); break; case 'newscore': $this->post_score(); break; case 'stats': $this->show_stats(); break; case 'viewtournaments': $this->view_tournaments(); break; case 'playtourney': $this->play_tourney(); break; case 'viewtourney': $this->view_tourney($ibforums->input['tid']); break; case 'createtourney': $this->create_tourney(); break; case 'registertourney': $this->register_tourney($ibforums->input['tid']); break; case 'docreatetourney': $this->do_create_tourney(); break; case 'disqualtourney': $this->disqual_tournoi($ibforums->input['tid'], $ibforums->input['rung'], $ibforums->input['faceoff'], $ibforums->input['mid']); break; case 'corigetourney': $this->corige_tournoi($ibforums->input['tid'], $ibforums->input['rung'], $ibforums->input['faceoff']); break; case 'viewtourneyend': $this->view_tourney_end(); break; case 'pnFStoreScore': $this->pnFlashGames_StoreScore(); break; case 'pnFSaveGame': $this->pnFlashGames_SaveGame(); break; case 'pnFLoadGame': $this->pnFlashGames_LoadGame(); break; case 'verifyscore': $this->verify_score(); break; case 'savescore': $this->save_score(); break; default: $this->show_games(); break; } $action = (isset($ibforums->input['do'])) ? $ibforums->input['do'] : 'glist'; $show_users = unserialize($this->arcade->settings['show_active']); if( $show_users[$action] != 0 ) { $this->arcade->get_active($this->html); $this->output .= $this->arcade->active; } $this->output .= $this->html->copyright($this->version,$ibforums->lang['timeformat1']); $print->add_output($this->output); $print->do_output( array( 'TITLE' => $this->page_title, 'JS' => 0, NAV => $this->nav ) ); } } // All we have to do here is set gscore to the score sent by the game function pnFlashGames_StoreScore(){ global $ibforums, $DB; // Set the variables as needed $gid = intval($ibforums->input['gid']); $sql = "SELECT * FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gid='".$gid."'"; $DB->query($sql); $gameinfo = $DB->fetch_row(); $ibforums->input['gname'] = $gameinfo['gname']; $_GET['gname'] = $ibforums->input['gname']; $_POST['gname'] = $ibforums->input['gname']; // Convert a time based score to an integer if necessary $score = $ibforums->input['score']; if(strstr($score, ":") !== false){ $timestamp = strtotime($score); $formatedTime = strftime("%H:%M:%S", $timestamp); $hours = substr($formatedTime, 0, 2); $minutes = substr($formatedTime, 3, 2); $seconds = substr($formatedTime, 6, 2); $numSeconds = (($hours * 60) * 60) + ($minutes * 60) + $seconds; $score = $numSeconds; $ibforums->input['gscore'] = $score; } $ibforums->input['gscore'] = $ibforums->input['score']; $_POST['gscore'] = $ibforums->input['score']; // There might be a better way to do this if(isset($_POST['gscore'])){ // We will only set this if 'score' was set (the pnflashgames score var) // Otherwise, the request is still not legit and we will let IbProArcade's security weed that out $_POST['gscore'] = $ibforums->input['gscore']; // IbProArcade checks the _POST data, so we have to fake this in order to not get labeled as a cheater } // pnFlashGames looks for this to make sure the score got saved correctly print "&opSuccess=true&endvar=1"; // tell the scoresaver not to delete the session... $_POST['keepsess'] = 1; $ibforums->input['keepsess'] = 1; // Allow the stock function to the hard work here :) $this->post_score(); } // Save game function function pnFlashGames_SaveGame(){ global $ibforums, $DB, $std; $gid = intval($ibforums->input['gid']); $gameData = ibp_cleansql($_POST['gameData']); //We can't use the $ibforums->input[gameData] because of the changes that are made to the data by the ibforums class. We need the data in its raw format here $uname = ibp_cleansql($this->arcade->user['name']); if ((!isset($gid)) || (!isset($uname)) || (!isset($gameData))) { // Missing information, exit now print "&opSuccess=Missing info&endvar=1"; return false; } $savedgames = 'ibf_games_savedGames'; $sql = "SELECT gameData as oldGameData FROM $savedgames WHERE uname='$uname' AND gid=$gid"; $DB->query($sql); if($DB->get_num_rows() == 0){ //No rows found, this user has not stored a high score for this game yet $sql = "INSERT INTO $savedgames SET gid=$gid, uname='".$uname."', gameData='$gameData', saveDate=NOW()"; }else{ //old gameData found so replace it with the new one. $sql = "UPDATE $savedgames SET gameData='$gameData', saveDate=NOW() WHERE uname='".$uname."' AND gid=$gid"; } // Do the selected action $DB->query($sql); print "&opSuccess=true&endvar=1"; } // Load the users last saved game function pnFlashGames_LoadGame(){ global $ibforums, $DB, $std; $gid = intval($ibforums->input['gid']); $uname = addslashes($this->arcade->user['name']); if ((!isset($gid)) || (!isset($uname))) { // Missing information, exit now return false; } $savedgames = 'ibf_games_savedGames'; $sql = "SELECT gameData FROM $savedgames WHERE uname='$uname' AND gid=$gid"; $DB->query($sql); if($DB->get_num_rows() == 0){ //No rows found, this user has not stored a high score for this game yet $gameData = ""; }else{ //Game data found $data = $DB->fetch_row(); $gameData = urlencode(($data['gameData'])); } print "&opSuccess=true&gameData=$gameData&endvar=1"; } function pnFlashGames_getDomain(){ $url = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/"; // get host name from URL preg_match("/^(http:\/\/)?([^\/]+)/i",$url, $matches); $host = $matches[2]; $host = str_replace("www.", "", $host); return $host; } function pnFlashGames_getChecksum($file){ $file = "arcade/".$file.".swf"; if($fp = fopen($file, 'r')){ $filecontent = fread($fp, filesize($file)); fclose($fp); return md5($filecontent); }else{ return false; } } //------------------------------------------ // View_Tourney // // This will show a specific tournament // //------------------------------------------ function view_tourney($tid) { global $ibforums, $DB, $std; $std->time_options['ARCADE'] = "{$ibforums->lang['timeformat4']}"; $a = explode( ',', gmdate( 'Y,n,j,G,i,s', time() + $std->get_time_offset() ) ); $day1 = $a[2]; $month1 = $a[1]; $year1 = $a[0]; $tid = intval($tid); $DB->query("SELECT t.nbtries, t.demare, t.datestarted, t.cost, t.numplayers, g.gtitle, g.gname, g.gid, g.decpoints, g.highscore_type FROM ibf_tournaments as t, ibf_games_list as g WHERE t.gid = g.gid AND t.tid=".$tid." LIMIT 0, 1"); $tinfo = $DB->fetch_row(); $tinfo['datestarted'] = $std->get_date($tinfo['datestarted'],'ARCADE'); if ($tinfo['highscore_type']=="high") { $tinfo['hilotext']=$ibforums->lang['tourney_highwin']; } else { $tinfo['hilotext']=$ibforums->lang['tourney_lowwin']; } $tinfo['limit1'] = ""; $tinfo['limit2'] = ""; if ($this->arcade->settings['tourney_limit1'] > 0) { $tinfo['limit1'] = $ibforums->lang['tourney_remind1'].$this->arcade->settings['tourney_limit1'].$ibforums->lang['tourney_remind2']."
"; } if ($this->arcade->settings['tourney_limit2'] > 0) { $tinfo['limit2'] = $ibforums->lang['tourney_disqual1'].$this->arcade->settings['tourney_limit2'].$ibforums->lang['tourney_disqual2']."
"; } $tinfo['jackpottxt'] = ""; if ( (floatval($tinfo['cost']) > 0) && (($vbulletin->options['vbbux_enabled'] == 1) && ($vbulletin->options['vbbux_arcadeintegration'] == 1)) ) { $tinfo['jackpottxt'] = $ibforums->lang['tourney_jackpot1']."".$tinfo['cost']."
"; $tinfo['jackpottxt'].= $ibforums->lang['tourney_jackpot2']."".(floatval($tinfo['cost'])*intval($tinfo['numplayers']))."
"; } $DB->query("SELECT champion FROM ibf_tournaments WHERE tid=".$tid); $champ = $DB->fetch_row(); $this->output .= $this->html->tourney_start($ibforums->lang['tournament_ladder'] , $tinfo,$champ['champion']); $DB->query("SELECT DISTINCT rung FROM ibf_tournament_players WHERE tid=".$tid." ORDER BY rung DESC LIMIT 0, 1"); $qrungs = $DB->fetch_row(); $numrungs = $qrungs['rung']; $listenodisqual = ""; $cptlnodq = 0; for($i=1; $i<=$numrungs; $i++) { $ctr=0; $playerinfo = array(); $tdclass = array(); $refctr = 0; while($refctr <= 7) { $playerinfo[$refctr]['name'] = ""; $playerinfo[$refctr]['timesplayed'] = 0; $playerinfo[$refctr]['rungscore'] = 0; $playerinfo[$refctr]['playlink'] = ""; $playerinfo[$refctr]['repairlink'] = ""; $playerinfo[$refctr]['disquallink'] = ""; $playerinfo[$refctr]['bgcolor'] = ""; $playerinfo[$refctr]['dateplayed'] = ""; $tdclass[$refctr]=""; $refctr++; } $already=0; $user_intourney = false; $tourney_started = false; if ($tinfo['demare'] > 0) { $tourney_started = true; } $DB->query("SELECT, t.timesplayed, t.timeplayed, t.rungscore, t.mid, t.rung, t.faceoff, ps.statut FROM ibf_tournament_players as t, ibf_members as m, ibf_tournament_players_statut as ps WHERE t.tid=".$tid." AND t.rung=".$i." AND AND ps.tid=t.tid AND ps.mid=t.mid ORDER BY t.faceoff ASC"); while($row = $DB->fetch_row()) { // set correct counter corresponding to faceoff if(($ctr < 2) && ($row['faceoff'] == 2)) { $ctr = 2; } if(($ctr < 4) && ($row['faceoff'] == 3)) { $ctr = 4; } if(($ctr < 6) && ($row['faceoff'] == 4)) { $ctr = 6; } // is current user already participating in that tournament ? if ($ibforums->member['id'] == $row['mid']) { $user_intourney = true; } $playerinfo[$ctr]['disquallink'] = ""; if($this->arcade->user['is_admin'] && $champ['champion'] == "") { $cpttest = 0; $bool = "false"; while($cpttest < $cptlnodq) { if($listenodisqual[$cpttest][mid] == $row['mid']) { $bool = "true"; $cpttest = $cptlnodq; $playerinfo[$ctr]['disquallink'] = ""; $playerinfo[(floor($ctr/2))]['repairlink'] = ""; } $cpttest++; } if($bool == "false") { $listenodisqual[$cptlnodq][mid] = $row['mid']; $cptlnodq++; if($row['statut'] == 0 && $row['timesplayed'] < $tinfo['nbtries']) { $playerinfo[$ctr]['disquallink'] = "".$ibforums->lang['disqualify'].""; } if(floor($ctr/2) != ($crt/2) && $playerinfo[(floor($ctr/2))]['repairlink'] != "") { $playerinfo[(floor($ctr/2))]['repairlink'] = "".$ibforums->lang['winner_advance'].""; } else { if(floor($ctr/2) == ($ctr/2)) { $playerinfo[(floor($ctr/2))]['repairlink'] = "".$ibforums->lang['winner_advance'].""; } } } } else { $playerinfo[(floor($ctr/2))]['repairlink'] = ""; $playerinfo[$ctr]['disquallink'] = ""; } if($row['mid'] > 0) { $playerinfo[$ctr]['name'] = $row['name']; } else { $playerinfo[$ctr]['name'] = ""; } $diff = ""; if($tinfo['demare'] == 1) { $small1=""; $small2=""; if(($champ['champion'] == "") && ($row['timesplayed'] < $tinfo['nbtries'])) { if($row['timesplayed'] == "0") { // not played any time yet $diff = $small1.$ibforums->lang['no_date']."
"; } else { $diff = $small1.$ibforums->lang['last_play'].":
"; } if (intval($this->diff_dates($row['timeplayed']))>0) { $red1=""; $red2=""; if (intval($this->diff_dates($row['timeplayed'])) > $this->arcade->settings['tourney_limit1']-1) { $red1=""; $red2=""; } if (intval($this->diff_dates($row['timeplayed']))<2) { if (intval($this->diff_dates($row['timeplayed']))==1) { $daytext = $this->diff_dates($row['timeplayed'])." ".$ibforums->lang['acp_day1']; } else { $daytext = $ibforums->lang['today']; } } else { $daytext = $this->diff_dates($row['timeplayed'])." ".$ibforums->lang['acp_day1'].$ibforums->lang['acp_day2']; } $diff .= $red1.$daytext.$red2; } else { $diff .= $ibforums->lang['today']; } $diff .= $small2; } else { $diff = $ibforums->lang['completed']."
"; } $playerinfo[$ctr]['timesplayed'] = $row['timesplayed']." / ".$tinfo['nbtries']; $playerinfo[$ctr]['dateplayed'] = $diff; if ($row['timesplayed'] < $tinfo['nbtries']) { $playerinfo[$ctr]['rungscore'] = $ibforums->lang['best_score'].":
".$this->arcade->do_arcade_format($row['rungscore'], $tinfo['decpoints'])."

"; } else { $playerinfo[$ctr]['rungscore'] = $ibforums->lang['final_score'].":
".$this->arcade->do_arcade_format($row['rungscore'], $tinfo['decpoints'])."

"; } if ($row['timesplayed']==0) { $playerinfo[$ctr]['rungscore'] = "

"; } if($row['statut'] == 1) { $playerinfo[$ctr]['name'] = "".$playerinfo[$ctr]['name'].""; $playerinfo[$ctr]['bgcolor'] = $this->arcade->settings['ladder_elim_color']; $playerinfo[$ctr]['playlink'] = "".$ibforums->lang['eliminated'].""; $playerinfo[$ctr]['disquallink'] = ""; $tdclass[$ctr] = "elim"; } if($row['statut'] == 2) { $playerinfo[$ctr]['name'] = "".$playerinfo[$ctr]['name'].""; $playerinfo[$ctr]['bgcolor'] = $this->arcade->settings['ladder_disqual_color']; $playerinfo[$ctr]['playlink'] = "".$ibforums->lang['disqualified'].""; $playerinfo[$ctr]['disquallink'] = ""; $tdclass[$ctr] = "disqual"; } if($row['statut'] == 0) { $playerinfo[$ctr]['bgcolor'] = $this->arcade->settings['ladder_qual_color']; if($row['timesplayed'] < $tinfo['nbtries'] && $ibforums->member['id'] == $row['mid']) { $playerinfo[$ctr]['playlink'] = "".$ibforums->lang['play'].""; } else { $playerinfo[$ctr]['playlink'] = ""; } $tdclass[$ctr] = "qual"; } } else { $playerinfo[$ctr]['timesplayed'] = ""; $playerinfo[$ctr]['rungscore'] = ""; $playerinfo[$ctr]['playlink'] = ""; $playerinfo[(floor($ctr/2))]['repairlink'] = ""; $playerinfo[$ctr]['disquallink'] = ""; $playerinfo[$ctr]['bgcolor'] = $this->arcade->settings['ladder_empty_color']; $playerinfo[$ctr]['dateplayed'] = ""; $tdclass[$ctr] = "empty"; } $ctr++; } // Sort the Tournament to match correct faceoffs - by MrZeropage if ($i < $numrungs) { // not the first round in tournament so query the round before and build variables $old=0; $DB->query("SELECT, t.timesplayed, t.rungscore, t.mid, t.rung, t.faceoff FROM ibf_tournament_players as t, ibf_members as m WHERE t.tid=".$tid." AND t.rung=".($i+1)." AND ORDER BY t.faceoff ASC"); while ($qoldrow=$DB->fetch_row()) { $oldrow[$old]['name']=$qoldrow['name']; $oldrow[$old]['timesplayed']=$qoldrow['timesplayed']; $oldrow[$old]['rungscore']=$qoldrow['rungscore']; $old++; } for ($j=0;$j<=$ctr;$j++) { if ($j==0) { $m=0; $n=1; } if ($j==1) { $m=2; $n=3; } if ($j==2) { $m=4; $n=5; } if ($j==3) { $m=6; $n=7; } if (($playerinfo[$j]['name'] != $oldrow[$m]['name']) && ($playerinfo[$j]['name'] != $oldrow[$n]['name'])) { // swap this faceoff $tempdata['name'] = $playerinfo[$j]['name']; $tempdata['timesplayed']= $playerinfo[$j]['timesplayed']; $tempdata['rungscore'] = $playerinfo[$j]['rungscore']; $tempdata['playlink'] = $playerinfo[$j]['playlink']; $tempdata['disquallink']= $playerinfo[$j]['disquallink']; $tempdata['bgcolor'] = $playerinfo[$j]['bgcolor']; $tempdata['dateplayed'] = $playerinfo[$j]['dateplayed']; $tempdata['tdclass'] = $tdclass[$j]; // search the old faceoff... $oldfaceoff=333; for ($k=0;$k<8;$k++) { if ($oldrow[$k]['name'] == $playerinfo[$j]['name']) { $oldfaceoff=$k; } } if ($oldfaceoff != 333) { if (($oldfaceoff==0) || ($oldfaceoff==1)) { $oldmatch = 0; } if (($oldfaceoff==2) || ($oldfaceoff==3)) { $oldmatch = 1; } if (($oldfaceoff==4) || ($oldfaceoff==5)) { $oldmatch = 2; } if (($oldfaceoff==6) || ($oldfaceoff==7)) { $oldmatch = 3; } $playerinfo[$j]['name'] = $playerinfo[$oldmatch]['name']; $playerinfo[$j]['timesplayed'] = $playerinfo[$oldmatch]['timesplayed']; $playerinfo[$j]['rungscore'] = $playerinfo[$oldmatch]['rungscore']; $playerinfo[$j]['playlink'] = $playerinfo[$oldmatch]['playlink']; $playerinfo[$j]['disquallink'] = $playerinfo[$oldmatch]['disquallink']; $playerinfo[$j]['bgcolor'] = $playerinfo[$oldmatch]['bgcolor']; $playerinfo[$j]['dateplayed'] = $playerinfo[$oldmatch]['dateplayed']; $tdclass[$j] = $tdclass[$oldmatch]; $playerinfo[$oldmatch]['name'] = $tempdata['name']; $playerinfo[$oldmatch]['timesplayed'] = $tempdata['timesplayed']; $playerinfo[$oldmatch]['rungscore'] = $tempdata['rungscore']; $playerinfo[$oldmatch]['playlink'] = $tempdata['playlink']; $playerinfo[$oldmatch]['disquallink'] = $tempdata['disquallink']; $playerinfo[$oldmatch]['bgcolor'] = $tempdata['bgcolor']; $playerinfo[$oldmatch]['dateplayed'] = $tempdata['dateplayed']; $tdclass[$oldmatch] = $tempdata['tdclass']; } } } } // set WAITING flag to those without any opponent for ($j=0;$j<=$ctr;$j++) { // bad code, I know, but too lazy right now to do a fine one *gg* if ($j==0) { $opponent = 1; } if ($j==1) { $opponent = 0; } if ($j==2) { $opponent = 3; } if ($j==3) { $opponent = 2; } if ($j==4) { $opponent = 5; } if ($j==5) { $opponent = 4; } if ($j==6) { $opponent = 7; } if ($j==7) { $opponent = 6; } if (($playerinfo[$j]['name']=="") || ($playerinfo[$opponent]['name']=="")) { // at least one slot in this faceoff is free! if ($playerinfo[$j]['name']=="") { $playerinfo[$j]['dateplayed']=""; } if ($playerinfo[$opponent]['name']=="") { $playerinfo[$j]['dateplayed']=""; } } } $this->output .= $this->define_ladder($i, $playerinfo, $tdclass); } if ( !$user_intourney && !$tourney_started && intval($ibforums->member['id'])>0 ) { $this->output .= "

"; } $this->output .= $this->html->tourney_stop(); $this->page_title = $ibforums->vars['board_name']." -> ".$ibforums->lang['page_title']." -> ".$ibforums->lang['tournament_view']; $this->nav = array( "{$ibforums->lang['page_title']}", "".$ibforums->lang['tournament_view']."", $tinfo['gtitle']." ".$ibforums->lang['tournament'] ); } //----------------------------------- // View_Tournaments // // This will show a listing of all // currently active Tournaments // //----------------------------------- function view_tournaments() { global $ibforums, $DB, $std, $vbulletin, $vboptions, $NATIVEMODE; $std->time_options['ARCADE'] = "{$ibforums->lang['timeformat4']}"; // Look for the tourneys where the member is registered $cpt = 0; $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_tournament_players_statut WHERE mid='".$ibforums->member['id']."' AND statut<'3'"); while($row = $DB->fetch_row()) { $tournoi[$cpt]['tid'] = $row['tid']; $tournoi[$cpt]['statut'] = $row['statut']; $cpt = $cpt + 1; } $this->output .= $this->html->tournament_listing(); $DB->query("SELECT t.numplayers,t.datestarted,t.tid,g.gtitle,g.gid,t.champion FROM ibf_tournaments as t, ibf_games_list as g WHERE champion = '' AND t.gid = g.gid AND demare>0 ORDER BY datestarted DESC"); while($row = $DB->fetch_row()) { $row['link'] = "".$ibforums->lang['view_tourney'].""; $row['datestarted'] = $std->get_date($row['datestarted'],'ARCADE'); $row['statut'] = $ibforums->lang['not_in_tourney']; $i=0; if ($ibforums->member['id'] != 0) { while($i<$cpt) { if($tournoi[$i]['tid'] == $row['tid']) // Inscrit { switch($tournoi[$i]['statut']) { case '0': $row['statut'] = $ibforums->lang['still_in']; $row['link'] = "".$row['link'].""; break; case '1': $row['statut'] = $ibforums->lang['eliminated_2']; break; case '2': $row['statut'] = $ibforums->lang['disqualified_2']; break; default: echo $ibforums->lang['problem']; break; } $i=$cpt; } $i = $i + 1; } } $this->output .= $this->html->tournament_actif($row); } $this->output .= $this->html->tournament_attente(); $costhtmlstart=""; $costhtmlend=""; // detect vBplaza if (($vbulletin->options['vbbux_enabled'] == 1) && ($vbulletin->options['vbbux_arcadeintegration'] == 1)) { $costhtmlstart = "
".$ibforums->lang['costs_tourneyj']; $costhtmlend = ""; } $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); if (($vbversion != "3.0") && ($NATIVEMODE==0)) { ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('ibproarcade_view_tourney')) ? eval($hook) : false; } $DB->query("SELECT t.nbtries, t.plibre, t.creat, t.gid, t.numplayers,t.datestarted,t.tid,t.champion,t.cost,g.gtitle FROM ibf_tournaments as t, ibf_games_list as g WHERE t.gid = g.gid AND demare = 0 ORDER BY datestarted DESC"); while($row = $DB->fetch_row()) { $row['link'] = "".$ibforums->lang['see_this_tourney'].""; if ($costhtmlstart!="") { // add the costs to HTML and format it $value = $vbulletin->options['vbbux_decimalplaces']; if (($vbversion != "3.0") && ($NATIVEMODE==0)) { ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('ibproarcade_view_tourney_getcosts')) ? eval($hook) : false; } $costhtmlstart .= vb_number_format($row['cost'], $value); } $row['inscrire'] = "".$ibforums->lang['register']."".$costhtmlstart.$costhtmlend; $i=0; while($i<$cpt) { if($tournoi[$i]['tid'] == $row['tid']) // Inscrit { $row['inscrire'] = $ibforums->lang['registered']; $i=$cpt; } $i++; } $row['datestarted'] = $std->get_date($row['datestarted'],'ARCADE'); $row['creat'] = $row['creat']; if (intval($row['plibre'])==1) { $row['plibre'] = "".$row['plibre'].""; if ($row['inscrire'] != $ibforums->lang['registered']) { $row['inscrire'] = "".$row['inscrire'].""; } } if (intval($ibforums->member['id']) == 0) { $row['inscrire'] = ""; } $this->output .= $this->html->tournament_attente_row($row); } $this->output .= $this->html->stop(" ", " "); $this->output .= "

"; $this->output .= "

"; $this->page_title = $ibforums->vars['board_name']." -> ".$ibforums->lang['page_title']." -> ".$ibforums->lang['tournament_view']; $this->nav = array( "{$ibforums->lang['page_title']}", $ibforums->lang['tournament_view'] ); } function define_ladder($rung, $playerinfo, $tdclass) { global $ibforums; for ($nr=0;$nr<9;$nr++) { if ($playerinfo[$nr]['name']=="") { $playerhtml[$nr]="

"; } else { $playerhtml[$nr]="".$playerinfo[$nr]['name']."
"; if ($playerinfo[$nr]['timesplayed']!="") { $playerhtml[$nr] .= $ibforums->lang['tourneytxt1']."
". "".$playerinfo[$nr]['rungscore']."".$playerinfo[$nr]['dateplayed']."
"; } if ($playerinfo[$nr]['playlink']!="") { $playerhtml[$nr] = $playerhtml[$nr] . $playerinfo[$nr]['playlink'] . "
"; } else { $playerhtml[$nr] = $playerhtml[$nr] . "
"; } if ($playerinfo[$nr]['disquallink']!="") { $playerhtml[$nr] = $playerhtml[$nr] . $playerinfo[$nr]['disquallink'] . "
"; } else { $playerhtml[$nr] = $playerhtml[$nr] . "
";} $playerhtmlend_big[$nr]=""; // if (strlen($playerinfo[$nr]['name'])>12) // { $playerhtmlend_big[$nr]="

"; } $playerhtmlend_small[$nr]=""; // if (strlen($playerinfo[$nr]['name'])>14) // { $playerhtmlend_small[$nr]="

"; } } } $tablecolor = $this->arcade->settings['ladder_color']; switch ($rung) { case 1: $ladderhtml = "
{$playerhtml[0]} {$playerhtmlend_big[0]}
{$playerhtml[1]} {$playerhtmlend_big[1]}
"; break; case 2: $ladderhtml = "
{$playerhtml[0]} {$playerhtmlend_big[0]}
{$playerhtml[1]} {$playerhtmlend_big[1]}
{$playerhtml[2]} {$playerhtmlend_big[2]}
{$playerhtml[3]} {$playerhtmlend_big[3]}
"; break; case 3: $infoboxsize = 90; $infoboxhsize = 150; $spacesize = 10; $fontsize = 1; $ladderhtml = "
$playerhtml[0] $playerhtmlend_small[0]
$playerhtml[1] $playerhtmlend_small[1]
$playerhtml[2] $playerhtmlend_small[2]
$playerhtml[3] $playerhtmlend_small[3]
$playerhtml[4] $playerhtmlend_small[4]
$playerhtml[5] $playerhtmlend_small[5]
$playerhtml[6] $playerhtmlend_small[6]
$playerhtml[7] $playerhtmlend_small[7]
"; break; } return $ladderhtml; } //------------------------------------------ // Show_Games // // This shows the list of games available // //------------------------------------------ function show_games() { global $ibforums, $DB, $std, $vbulletin, $vboptions, $NATIVEMODE; $games = array(); $game_gids = array(); $game_string = "(0)"; $rowcol = "alt1"; $total_num = 0; // cleanup some incoming stuff $ibforums->input['gsearch'] = ibp_cleansql($ibforums->input['gsearch']); $stylecolumns = $this->arcade->settings['games_pr']; // this affects the ibPro-Style only! // Newest Games $DB->query("SELECT g.gid, g.gtitle, g.gname, g.gcat, cat.password, FROM ibf_games_list AS g, ibf_games_cats AS cat WHERE AND AND g.gcat=cat.c_id AND trim(password)='' ORDER BY g.added DESC LIMIT ".$this->arcade->settings['games_new']); $firstnew = true; while($newgline = $DB->fetch_row()) { if($firstnew) { $firstnew = false; } else { $new_games .= "
\n"; } $new_games .= " {$newgline['gtitle']} "; } // End Newest Games // Begin Most Popular Games $DB->query("SELECT g.gid, g.gtitle, g.gname, g.gcat, cat.password, g.gcount, FROM ibf_games_list AS g, ibf_games_cats AS cat WHERE AND AND g.gcat=cat.c_id AND trim(password)='' ORDER BY g.gcount DESC LIMIT ".$this->arcade->settings['games_popular']); $firstpop = true; while($popgline = $DB->fetch_row()) { if($firstpop) { $firstpop = false; } else { $pop_games .= "
\n"; } $pop_games .= " {$popgline['gtitle']} ".$ibforums->lang[times_played].$popgline["; } //Most End Popular Games // Random Game $DB->query("SELECT g.gid, g.gtitle, g.gname, g.gcat, cat.password, FROM ibf_games_list AS g, ibf_games_cats AS cat WHERE AND AND g.gcat=cat.c_id AND trim(password)='' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1"); $firstran = true; while($rangline = $DB->fetch_row()) { if($firstran) { $firstran = false; } else { $ran_games .= "
\n"; } // Create Code based on setting for static/AJAX $this->arcade->settings['random_AJAX']=0; if ($this->arcade->settings['random_AJAX'] < 1) { // static display $ran_games .= "

"; } else { $ran_games .= ' '; } } // End Random Game // Begin Total Stuff $tot_games = 0; //Arrays $games2 = array(); $gid_array2 = array(); $DB->query("SELECT g.gid, c.password from ibf_games_list AS g, ibf_games_cats AS c WHERE AND g.gcat=c.c_id AND trim(password)='' ORDER BY ".$this->arcade->settings['g_display_sort']." ".$this->arcade->settings['g_display_order']); while( $this_game = $DB->fetch_row() ) { $games2[] = array( 'gid' => $this_game2['gid'], ); $gid_array2[] = $this_game2['gid']; $tot_games++; } if( count($gid_array2) > 0 ) { $game_string2 = "(".implode("," , $gid_array2).")"; } $tot_cats = 0; $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_cats AS c WHERE AND c.show_all=0"); while ( $this_cat = $DB->fetch_row() ) { $tot_cats++; } // End Total Stuff // die Top3 der Highscores $query = "SELECT champ_gid AS GID, champ_mid AS MID, champ_name AS name, COUNT(champ_mid) AS total FROM ibf_games_champs GROUP BY MID ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 3"; $result = $DB->query($query); $Cpt = 1; while ($data = $DB->fetch_row($result)) { $Highscorechamp['ArcadeChampion'.$Cpt] = ''.$data['name'].'
'.$ibforums->lang[top3box_txt1].''.$data['total'].''.$ibforums->lang[top3box_txt2]; $Highscorechamp['ArcadeChampionMid'.$Cpt] = $data['MID']; $Highscorechamp['ArcadeChampionScore'.$Cpt] = $data['total']; $DB->query("SELECT avatar,avatar_size AS size FROM ibf_members WHERE id=".$Highscorechamp['ArcadeChampionMid'.$Cpt]); if ($avatar = $DB->fetch_row()) { $Highscorechamp['ArcadeChampionAvatarCode'.$Cpt] = $std->get_avatar($avatar , 1 , $avatar['size']); if ($Highscorechamp['ArcadeChampionAvatarCode'.$Cpt] == "") { $Highscorechamp['ArcadeChampionAvatarCode'.$Cpt] = ""; } } else { $Highscorechamp['ArcadeChampionAvatarCode'.$Cpt] = ""; } $Cpt++; } if (!$Highscorechamp['ArcadeChampion1']) $Highscorechamp['ArcadeChampion1'] = "{$ibforums->lang['top3box_norank']}"; if (!$Highscorechamp['ArcadeChampion2']) $Highscorechamp['ArcadeChampion2'] = "{$ibforums->lang['top3box_norank']}"; if (!$Highscorechamp['ArcadeChampion3']) $Highscorechamp['ArcadeChampion3'] = "{$ibforums->lang['top3box_norank']}"; // Smilies für Top3 definieren $Highscorechamp['ArcadeChampionSmily1'] = "\"{$ibforums-lang['top3info1']}\" />"; $Highscorechamp['ArcadeChampionSmily2'] = "\"{$ibforums-lang['top3info2']}\" />"; $Highscorechamp['ArcadeChampionSmily3'] = "\"{$ibforums-lang['top3info3']}\" />"; if ($Highscorechamp['ArcadeChampionScore2'] == $Highscorechamp['ArcadeChampionScore1']) { if ($Highscorechamp['ArcadeChampionScore2'] > 0) { $Highscorechamp['ArcadeChampionSmily2'] = $Highscorechamp['ArcadeChampionSmily1']; } } if ($Highscorechamp['ArcadeChampionScore3'] == $Highscorechamp['ArcadeChampionScore2']) { if ($Highscorechamp['ArcadeChampionScore3'] > 0) { $Highscorechamp['ArcadeChampionSmily3'] = $Highscorechamp['ArcadeChampionSmily2']; } } // Champion mit den meisten besten Ergebnissen aller Zeiten $Champion['ArcadeChampion1'] = "{$ibforums->lang['top3box_norank']}"; $Champion['ArcadeChampion2'] = "{$ibforums->lang['top3box_norank']}"; $Champion['ArcadeChampion3'] = "{$ibforums->lang['top3box_norank']}"; $Cpt = 0; $DB->query("SELECT g.gid,, count(*) nb, g.bestscore, g.bestmid AS champ_mid, u.username AS champ_name FROM ibf_games_list AS g INNER JOIN ibf_user AS u ON u.userid=g.bestmid WHERE active=1 GROUP BY bestmid ORDER BY 3 DESC LIMIT 1"); while ($res = $DB->fetch_row()) { $Cpt++; $Champion['ArcadeChampion'.$Cpt] = ''.$res['champ_name'].'
'.$ibforums->lang[arcadeking_txt1].''.$res['nb'].''.$ibforums->lang[arcadeking_txt2]; $Champion['ArcadeChampionMid'.$Cpt] = $res['champ_mid']; } for ($i = 1; $i <= $Cpt; $i++) { $DB->query("SELECT avatar,avatar_size AS size FROM ibf_members WHERE id=".$Champion['ArcadeChampionMid'.$i]); if ($avatar = $DB->fetch_row()) { $Champion['ArcadeChampionAvatarCode'.$i] = $std->get_avatar($avatar , 1 , $avatar['size']); if ($Champion['ArcadeChampionAvatarCode'.$i] == "") { $Champion['ArcadeChampionAvatarCode'.$i] = ""; } } else { $Champion['ArcadeChampionAvatarCode'.$i] = ""; } } $std->time_options['ARCADE'] = "{$ibforums->lang['timeformat4']}"; $cattable = ""; $show_all = ""; if( isset($ibforums->input['cat']) ) { $cat = $ibforums->input['cat']; } else { $cat = $this->arcade->settings['def_cat']; } if(!is_numeric($cat)) { $cat = 1; } $termine = 0; $actifs = 0; $attente = 0; $DB->query("SELECT demare, champion FROM ibf_tournaments"); while($row = $DB->fetch_row()) { if($row['demare'] == 0) { $attente++; } else { if($row['champion'] == '') { $actifs++; } else { $termine++; } } } $termine = "$termine ".$ibforums->lang['finished_tourneys'].""; $actifs = "$actifs ".$ibforums->lang['running_tourneys'].""; if($attente == 0) { $attente = $ibforums->lang['no_tourney_waiting']; } else { $attente = "$attente ".$ibforums->lang['tourneys_waiting'].""; } $DB->query("SELECT tps.*, ta.tid FROM ibf_tournament_players_statut tps LEFT JOIN ibf_tournaments ta ON (tps.tid=ta.tid) WHERE tps.mid='".$ibforums->member['id']."' AND tps.statut<'3' AND ta.demare = '1'"); $mtinfo['encourse'] = 0; $mtinfo['elimine'] = 0; $mtinfo['disqualifie'] = 0; if ($ibforums->member['id'] != 0) { while($res = $DB->fetch_row()) { if($res['statut'] == 0) $mtinfo['encourse']++; if($res['statut'] == 1) $mtinfo['elimine']++; if($res['statut'] == 2) $mtinfo['disqualifie']++; } } $mtinfo['participe'] = $mtinfo['encourse'] + $mtinfo['elimine'] + $mtinfo['disqualifie']; $mtinfo['participe'] = $ibforums->lang['active_in'].$mtinfo['participe']; $mtinfo['encourse'] = $ibforums->lang['still_qualified']." ".$mtinfo['encourse']; $mtinfo['elimine'] = $ibforums->lang['eliminated_in']." ".$mtinfo['elimine']; $mtinfo['disqualifie'] = $ibforums->lang['disqualified_in']." ".$mtinfo['disqualifie']; $cat_counter = 0; //Category System if( $this->arcade->settings['use_cats'] ) { $show_all = " AND gcat=".$cat; $categories = ""; if ($this->arcade->user['userid']==0) { // this is a guest! $DB->query("SELECT ibpa_cats FROM ibf_groups WHERE g_id = 1"); $guestperm = $DB->fetch_row(); $this->arcade->user['allowed_categories'] = $guestperm['ibpa_cats']; } $restrictedcats=false; $allowedcats = explode(',', $this->arcade->user['allowed_categories']); if (!in_array(0,$allowedcats)) { $restrictedcats=true; } $DB->query("SELECT cat_name, c_id, show_all, password, num_of_games, description FROM ibf_games_cats WHERE active=1 ORDER BY pos ASC"); while( $the_cat = $DB->fetch_row() ) { $displaycat=true; if ($restrictedcats) { if (!in_array($the_cat['c_id'],$allowedcats)) { $displaycat=false; } } if ($displaycat) { if( $cat == $the_cat['c_id'] ) { $total_num = $the_cat['num_of_games']; if( $the_cat['show_all'] == 1 ) { $show_all = " AND trim(password)=''"; $the_cat['num_of_games'] = $ibforums->lang['acp_all']; } if( $the_cat["password"] != "" ) { $the_cookie = "cat_pass_".$the_cat['c_id']; $pass = ibp_cleansql($_COOKIE[$the_cookie]); if( $pass != $the_cat['password'] ) { $this->output .= $this->html->cat_pass($the_cat['c_id']); return; } } $the_cat['cat_name'] = "".$the_cat['cat_name'].""; if (strlen($the_cat['description']) > 2) $tourneyinfo['desc'] = $this->html->cat_desc($the_cat['description']); else $tourneyinfo['desc'] = ""; } else { if( $the_cat['show_all'] == 1 ) { $the_cat['num_of_games'] = $ibforums->lang['acp_all']; } } if (intval($this->arcade->settings['cats_per_tr']) > 0) { if( (($cat_counter % $this->arcade->settings['cats_per_tr']) == 0) && ($this->arcade->settings['cats_per_tr'] != 0) && ($cat_counter != 0) ) { $categories .= ""; $cat_counter = 0; } } $file = CAT_IMGS.$the_cat['c_id'].".gif"; if( file_exists($file) ) { $the_cat['cat_name'] = " ".$the_cat['cat_name']; } $the_cat = "base_url."act=Arcade&cat=".$the_cat['c_id']."\">".$the_cat['cat_name']." (".$the_cat['num_of_games'].")"; $categories .= $this->html->cat_cell($the_cat); $cat_counter++; } } if( ($this->arcade->settings['cats_per_tr'] != 0) && ($this->arcade->settings['cats_per_tr'] - $cat_counter > 0) ) { $left_over = $this->arcade->settings['cats_per_tr'] - $cat_counter; for( $a = 1 ; $a <= $left_over ; $a++ ) { $categories .= $this->html->cat_cell(" "); } } $cattable = $this->html->the_cat_table($categories,$stylecolumns); $extquery = ""; $DB->query("SELECT mid, gid, sum(position) AS position, sum(points) AS points FROM ibf_games_league ".$extquery." GROUP BY mid ORDER BY points DESC LIMIT 1"); $row = $DB->fetch_row(); if ($row['mid'] > 0) { $DB->query("SELECT name FROM ibf_members WHERE id=".$row['mid']); $row = $DB->fetch_row(); $tourneyinfo['catchamp'] = $row['name']; } else { $tourneyinfo['catchamp'] = $ibforums->lang['nobody']; } if( $this->arcade->settings['skin'] != 0 ) $tourneyinfo['catchamp'] = "base_url."act=Arcade&module=league&lcat=".$cat."\">".$tourneyinfo['catchamp']." ".$ibforums->lang['category_champion'].""; else $tourneyinfo['catchamp'] = "base_url."act=Arcade&module=league&lcat=".$cat."\">".$tourneyinfo['catchamp'].""; } //End category table building. $query_limit = ""; if( $this->arcade->settings['games_pp'] && ($ibforums->input['gsearch']=="") ) { $this->arcade->get_pages(0 , $this->arcade->settings['use_cats'] , $total_num); $start = 0; if( isset($ibforums->input['st']) ) { $start = intval($ibforums->input['st']); } if ($start < 0) { $start = 0; } $query_limit = "LIMIT ".$start.", ".$this->arcade->settings['games_pp']; } //tourney stuff $tourneyinfo['active'] = 0; $tourneyinfo['unactive'] = 0; $tourneyinfo['numenrolled'] = 0; $tourneyinfo['championships'] = 0; $tourneyinfo['playable'] = $ibforums->lang['no_active']; $DB->query("SELECT champion FROM ibf_tournaments"); while( $this_tourney = $DB->fetch_row() ) { if( $this_tourney['champion'] == $this->arcade->user['name'] ) { $tourneyinfo['championships']++; } if( $this_tourney['champion'] == "") { $tourneyinfo['active']++; } else { $tourneyinfo['unactive']++; } } $DB->query("SELECT DISTINCT(p.tid) FROM ibf_tournaments as t, ibf_tournament_players as p WHERE t.tid=p.tid AND t.champion='' AND p.mid = '".$this->arcade->user['id']."' ORDER BY t.datestarted ASC"); while( $this_tourney = $DB->fetch_row() ) { $tourneyinfo['numenrolled']++; $tourneyinfo['playable'] = "".$ibforums->lang['view_latest_active'].""; } //plays left today $plays_left = ""; if( $this->arcade->user['max_play'] != 0 && $this->arcade->user['arcade_access'] == 2) { $plays_left = $ibforums->lang['plays'].($this->arcade->user['max_play']-$this->arcade->user['times_played']); } //latest score and champions //Added g.decpoints after g.title $DB->query("SELECT s.*, g.gtitle, g.decpoints, c.password FROM ibf_games_scores AS s, ibf_games_list AS g, ibf_games_cats AS c WHERE s.gid=g.gid AND g.gcat=c.c_id AND AND trim(password)='' ORDER BY datescored DESC LIMIT 0,5"); $newest_score = $DB->fetch_row(); //$newest_score['score'] = $this->arcade->t3h_format($newest_score['score']); // Replaced $newest_score['score'] = $this->arcade->do_arcade_format($newest_score['score'],$newest_score['decpoints']); if ($this->arcade->settings['use_announce']) { $announce = $this->arcade->settings['announcement_parsed']; $tourneyinfo['announcement'] = $this->html->generalbox($ibforums->lang['arcade_announcements'], $announce); } else $tourneyinfo['announcement'] = ""; $latestinfo = $ibforums->lang['newest_score']; $latestinfo = preg_replace("/<% NAME %>/i" , $newest_score['name'] , $latestinfo); $latestinfo = preg_replace("/<% SCORE %>/i" , $newest_score['score'] , $latestinfo); $latestinfo = preg_replace("/<% GAME %>/i" , $newest_score['gtitle'] , $latestinfo); $newtext = ""; $DB->query("SELECT c.*, g.gcat, cat.password FROM ibf_games_champs AS c, ibf_games_list AS g, ibf_games_cats AS cat WHERE c.champ_gid=g.gid AND g.gcat=cat.c_id AND AND trim(password)='' ORDER BY champ_date DESC LIMIT 0,5"); while( $row = $DB->fetch_row() ) { $row['champ_date'] = $std->get_date($row['champ_date'],'ARCADE'); if( $row['champ_date'] == date("{$ibforums->lang['timeformat4']}") ) { $row['champ_date'] = $ibforums->lang['today']; } else { if ($ibforums->lang[timeformat1] == "de") { $yesterday = date("{$ibforums->lang['timeformat4']}", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("d")-1 , date("m"), date("Y"))); } else { $yesterday = date("{$ibforums->lang['timeformat4']}", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m")-1 , date("d"), date("Y"))); } if( $row['champ_date'] == $yesterday ) { $row['champ_date'] = $ibforums->lang['yesterday']; } } $row['text'] = $ibforums->lang['new_champ']; $row['text'] = preg_replace("/<% USERNAME %>/i", $row['champ_name'] , $row['text'] ); $row['text'] = preg_replace("/<% GAMENAME %>/i", $row['champ_gtitle'] , $row['text'] ); $newtext .= $this->html->newest_champs_row($row); } $DB->query("SELECT mid, gid, sum(position) AS position, sum(points) AS points FROM ibf_games_league GROUP BY mid ORDER BY points DESC LIMIT 1"); $row = $DB->fetch_row(); $points=$row['points']; $name = "base_url."act=Arcade&module=report&user=".$row['mid']."\">"; if ($row['mid'] > 0) { $Touruserid = $row['mid']; $DB->query("SELECT name FROM ibf_members WHERE id=".$Touruserid); $row = $DB->fetch_row(); $name = $name . $row['name'].''; $tourneyinfo['champ'] = "".$name."
{$ibforums->lang['tourneyinfo_txt1']}".$points."{$ibforums->lang['tourneyinfo_txt2']}"; $tourneyinfo['champavatar'] = ""; $DB->query("SELECT avatar,avatar_size AS size FROM ibf_members WHERE id=".$Touruserid); if ($avatar = $DB->fetch_row()) { $tourneyinfo['champavatar'] = $std->get_avatar($avatar , 1 , $avatar['size']); if ($tourneyinfo['champavatar'] == "") { $tourneyinfo['champavatar'] = ""; } } else { $tourneyinfo['champavatar'] = ""; } } else { $tourneyinfo['champ'] = "{$ibforums->lang['top3box_norank']}"; $tourneyinfo['champavatar'] = ""; } $usecats = $this->arcade->settings['use_cats']; $defcat = $this->arcade->settings['def_cat']; // alpha-navbar by MrZeropage $alphabet = array( "ALL", "0-9" , "A" , "B" , "C" , "D" , "E" , "F" , "G" , "H" , "I" , "J" , "K" , "L" , "M" , "N" , "O" , "P" , "Q" , "R" , "S" , "T" , "U" , "V" , "W" , "X" , "Y" , "Z" ); $alphabar = ""; $currentfilter="ALL"; if ($ibforums->input['gsearch'] != "") { $currentfilter = $ibforums->input['gsearch']; } foreach ($alphabet as $letter) { $style="alt1"; $boldon=""; $boldoff=""; $width="18"; $urlstring="act=Arcade&gsearch=".$letter."&search_type="; if ($letter == "0-9") { $urlstring.="3"; $width="24"; } else { $urlstring.="1"; } if ($letter == $currentfilter) { $style="alt2"; $boldon=""; $boldoff=""; } if ($letter == "ALL") { $urlstring=""; $letter=$ibforums->lang['acp_all']; $width="26"; } if (isset($ibforums->input['cat'])) { $urlstring .= "&cat=".intval($ibforums->input['cat']); } $alphabar .= '
'; } $this->arcade->links['alphabar'] = $alphabar; // end alpha-navbar $selected['sort']['gtitle']=""; $selected['sort']['gcount']=""; $selected['sort']['gwords']=""; $selected['sort']['g_rating']=""; $selected['sort']['added']=""; $selected['order']['ASC']=""; $selected['order']['DESC']=""; // make sure the setting is clean and has a valid value if (!in_array($this->arcade->settings['g_display_sort'],array('gtitle','gcount','gwords','g_rating','added'))) { $this->arcade->settings['g_display_sort'] = "gtitle"; } if (!in_array($this->arcade->settings['g_display_order'],array('ASC','DESC'))) { $this->arcade->settings['g_display_order'] = "ASC"; } $selected['sort'][$this->arcade->settings['g_display_sort']] = 'selected="selected" '; $selected['order'][$this->arcade->settings['g_display_order']] = 'selected="selected" '; //header $this->arcade->make_links($newest_score['gid'] , $newest_score['gtitle']); $viewerav = ""; if ($this->arcade->settings['arcade_status']==0) { $this->output .= "
"; } $this->output .= $this->html->start($newtext,$latestinfo,$new_games,$pop_games,$ran_games,$tot_games,$usecats,$tot_cats,$this->arcade->links,$plays_left,$tourneyinfo,$cattable,$attente,$termine,$actifs,$mtinfo,$Champion,$Highscorechamp,$stylecolumns,$selected); $this->output .= ""; // start of gametable //show new? if( $this->arcade->settings['show_new'] ) { $time = time()-($this->arcade->settings['show_new']*$this->arcade->settings['show_new_frame']); } // Search Mod $search = ''; $show_all=""; if( $ibforums->input['gsearch'] != "" ) { $show_all = " and trim(password)=''"; switch( intval($ibforums->input['search_type']) ) { case 0: $search = " and gtitle like '%".$ibforums->input['gsearch']."%'"; break; case 1: $search = " and gtitle like '".$ibforums->input['gsearch']."%'"; break; case 2: $search = " and gtitle like '%".$ibforums->input['gsearch']."'"; break; case 3: $search = " and gtitle REGEXP '^[0-9]'"; break; } } // End Search Mod $catselect=""; if ($this->arcade->settings['use_cats']) { if (isset($ibforums->input['cat'])) { $querycat = intval($ibforums->input['cat']); } else { $querycat = $this->arcade->settings['def_cat']; } // category selected/setup, but make sure it is active and not showing all games anyway $catquery = $DB->query("SELECT show_all, active FROM ibf_games_cats WHERE c_id=".$querycat); $catdata = $DB->fetch_row($catquery); if (($catdata[show_all]==0) && ($catdata[active]==1)) { if ($search=="") { // no searching here $catselect = " and gcat=".$querycat; } else { // ok, search found, now check if we can access ALL categories if (substr($this->arcade->user['allowed_categories'],0,1)!="0") { $mycats = $this->arcade->user['allowed_categories']; if (substr($mycats,-1)==",") { $mycats = substr($mycats,0,(strlen($mycats)-1)); } $catselect = " and gcat IN (".$mycats.")"; } } } } $game_counter = 1; //get games $DB->query("select g.*, c.password, c.cat_name from ibf_games_list as g left join ibf_games_cats as c on (g.gcat = c.c_id) where = 1 ".$show_all.$search.$catselect." order by ".$this->arcade->settings['g_display_sort']." ".$this->arcade->settings['g_display_order']." ".$query_limit); while( $this_game = $DB->fetch_row() ) { $games[] = array( 'gid' => $this_game['gid'], 'gwidth' => $this_game['gwidth'], 'gheight' => $this_game['gheight'], 'gkeys' => $this_game['gkeys'], 'gname' => $this_game['gname'], 'gtitle' => $this_game['gtitle'], 'gcount' => $this_game['gcount'], 'gwords' => $this_game['gwords'], 'added' => $this_game['added'], 'g_rating' => $this_game['g_rating'], 'gtime' => $this_game['gtime'], 'g_raters' => $this_game['g_raters'], 'decpoints' => $this_game['decpoints'], 'filesize' => $this_game['filesize'], 'cat_name' => $this_game['cat_name'], 'cost' => $this_game['cost'], 'jackpot' => $this_game['jackpot'], 'jackpot_type' => $this_game['jackpot_type'], 'highscore_type' => $this_game['highscore_type'], 'bestscore' => $this_game['bestscore'], 'bestmid' => $this_game['bestmid'] ); $game_gids[] = $this_game['gid']; } $game_string="(0)"; if( count($game_gids) > 0 ) { $game_string = "(".implode("," , $game_gids).")"; } // get the best result of all time for each game $highscores = array(); $scores_query = $DB->query("SELECT g.bestmid, g.bestscore AS champ_score, g.gid AS champ_gid, g.decpoints, u.username AS champ_name FROM ibf_games_list AS g INNER JOIN ibf_user AS u ON u.userid=g.bestmid WHERE g.gid IN ".$game_string." ORDER BY g.gid"); while( $row = $DB->fetch_row($scores_query) ) { $row['champ_score'] = $this->arcade->do_arcade_format($row['champ_score'],$row['decpoints']); $highscores[ $row['champ_gid'] ] = array( 'name' => $row['champ_name'], 'score' => $row['champ_score'] ); } $personal_highs = array(); $scores_query = $DB->query("SELECT mid, gid, score AS the_score, MAX(score) FROM ibf_games_scores WHERE gid IN ".$game_string." AND mid=".$this->arcade->user['id']." GROUP BY score"); while( $row = $DB->fetch_row($scores_query) ) { $personal_highs[ $row['gid'] ] = $row['the_score']; } foreach( $games as $the_game ) { $gamesplit = ""; //row color if( $this->arcade->settings['skin'] != 0 ) { $rowcol = ($rowcol == "alt1") ? "alt2" : "alt1"; } //game top score $top = $highscores[ $the_game['gid'] ]; // crowns only if name not empty (by MrZeropage) if ($top['score'] <> 0) { $top['name'] = "\"\" " . $top['name'] . " \"\""; $top['score'] = "{$ibforums->lang['tourneyinfo_txt1']}" . $top['score'] . "{$ibforums->lang['tourneyinfo_txt2']}"; } else { $top['name'] = "{$ibforums->lang['noscorestored']}"; $top['score'] = " "; } //game actual highscore $ordering = ($the_game['highscore_type'] == "high") ? "DESC" : "ASC"; $this_query = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_scores WHERE gid=".$the_game['gid']." ORDER BY score ".$ordering.", timespent ASC"); $actualhighscore = $DB->fetch_row($this_query); $actualtop['score'] = $this->arcade->do_arcade_format($actualhighscore['score'],$the_game['decpoints']); if ($actualtop['score'] != "0") { $actualtop['name'] = "\"\" " .$actualhighscore['name']. " \"\""; $actualtop['score'] = "{$ibforums->lang['tourneyinfo_txt1']}" . $actualtop['score'] . "{$ibforums->lang['tourneyinfo_txt2']}"; } else { $actualtop['name'] = "{$ibforums->lang['noscorestored']}"; $actualtop['score'] = " "; } //create play links $this->arcade->make_links($the_game['gid'] , $the_game['gtitle']); //is game new? $newgame = ""; if( $the_game['added'] > $time && $this->arcade->settings['show_new'] ) { $this->arcade->links['click'] .= " {$ibforums->lang["; $newgame = "{$ibforums->lang["; } //fav games $temp = unserialize($this->arcade->user['favs']); if( !is_array($temp) ) { $temp = array(); } $favs = $temp; $the_game['gtitle2'] = $the_game['gtitle']; $favtitle = $ibforums->lang['add_to_faves']; $favtitle = preg_replace("/<% GAMENAME %>/i" , $the_game['gtitle'] , $favtitle); $star = ""; if( in_array($the_game['gid'] , $favs) ) { $star = "".$ibforums->lang[ "; $favtitle = $ibforums->lang['remove_from_faves']; $favtitle = preg_replace("/<% GAMENAME %>/i" , $the_game['gtitle'] , $favtitle); } if( $this->arcade->user['arcade_access'] == 2 && $this->arcade->user['id'] ) { $the_game['gtitle'] = $star."$favtitle"; } //personal best $pbesttext = ""; if( $personal_highs[ $the_game['gid'] ] == "" ) { $pbesttext = $ibforums->lang['n_a']; } else { //$pbesttext = $this->arcade->t3h_format($personal_highs[ $the_game['gid'] ]); //Replaced $pbesttext = $this->arcade->do_arcade_format($personal_highs[ $the_game['gid'] ],$the_game['decpoints']); } //rating $rating = ""; $rating = $ibforums->lang['rating']; $raters = unserialize($the_game['g_raters']); if( empty($the_game['g_raters']) ) { $rating .= $ibforums->lang['no_votes']; } else { $amount = count($raters).$ibforums->lang['rates']; for( $a = 1 ; $a <= $the_game['g_rating'] ; $a++ ) { $rating .= "".$amount.""; } $leftover = (5-$the_game['g_rating']); for( $a = 1 ; $a <= $leftover ; $a++ ) { $rating .= "".$amount.""; } } if( $this->arcade->user['id'] != 0 && !isset($raters[$this->arcade->user['id']]) ) { //no rating here, play game to rate! //$rating .= $this->html->rate_link($the_game['gid']); } // File Size Mod if( $the_game['filesize'] > 0) { $the_game['filesize'] = "\n\n".$ibforums->lang['file_size'].": ".$std->size_format($the_game['filesize']); } else { $the_game['filesize'] = ""; } // End File Size Mod if ($game_counter == $stylecolumns) { $gamesplit = ""; $game_counter = 0; } //getting the row $the_game['gtime'] = $this->arcade->thatdate($the_game['gtime']); $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); if (($vbversion != "3.0") && ($NATIVEMODE==0)) { ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('ibproarcade_gamebit')) ? eval($hook) : false; } $the_game['jackpot_info'] = ""; $the_game['cost_info'] = ""; $the_game['jackpot_info'] = ""; $the_game['ibprostyle_info1'] = ""; $the_game['ibprostyle_info2'] = ""; $the_game['v3style_info'] = "
"; // detect vBplaza if (($vbulletin->options['vbbux_enabled'] == 1) && ($vbulletin->options['vbbux_arcadeintegration'] == 1)) { $the_game['ibprostyle_info1']="
"; $the_game['ibprostyle_info2']="
"; $the_game['v3style_info']="
"; $the_game['cost_info'] = $ibforums->lang['costs_pgame']."".$the_game['cost']."
"; if ($the_game['jackpot_type']=='-1') { // raising Jackpot, so display it in GameBit! $the_game['jackpot_info'] = $ibforums->lang['gb_win_jackpot_raising']."".$the_game['jackpot'].""; } else { // static Jackpot $the_game['jackpot_info'] = $ibforums->lang['gb_win_jackpot_static']."".$the_game['jackpot'].""; } } $this->output .= $this->html->row($the_game,$gamesplit,$top,$pbesttext,$this->arcade->links,$rowcol,$rating,$actualtop,$newgame,$stylecolumns); $game_counter++; } $this->output .= $this->html->stop($this->arcade->links['pages']); $this->page_title = $ibforums->vars['board_name']." -> ".$ibforums->lang['page_title']; $this->nav = array( $ibforums->lang['page_title'] ); } //------------------------------------------ // Play_Game // // This brings up the game to play // //------------------------------------------ function play_game() { global $ibforums, $DB, $std, $vboptions, $vbulletin, $DEBUGMODE, $NATIVEMODE; if( ($GROUP['max_play']-$ibforums->member['times_played']) <= 0 && $GROUP['max_play'] != 0 ) { $std->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'max') ); } $id = intval($ibforums->input['gameid']); if ($id < 1) { $id=1; } setcookie('gidstarted', '', time() - 3600); setcookie('gidstarted',$id); setcookie('tidstarted', '', time() - 3600); setcookie('gpstarted', time()); if (! preg_match( "/^(\d+)$/" , $id ) ) { $std->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'no_help_file') ); } $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gid=".$id); $game = $DB->fetch_row(); $game['hash'] = $hash; $randomchar = "1"; $randomchar2 = "1"; // only run this if the game is using the new code if ( ( file_exists(ROOT_PATH.'arcade/gamedata/'.$game['gname'].'/v32game.txt' ) ) || ( file_exists(ROOT_PATH.'arcade/gamedata/'.$game['gname'].'/v3game.txt' ) ) ) { $randomchar = rand(1, 10); $randomchar2 = rand(1, 5); $game['gidencoded'] = $game['gid'] * $randomchar ^ $randomchar2; } if ($this->arcade->user['arcade_access'] > 2) { // this is a guest // create a hash for that guest playing srand ((double)microtime()*1000000); $guesthash = rand(100000,999999); setcookie('guesthash', $guesthash); if ($_COOKIE['ibPAcookiecheck'] != "yesss") { $server = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); if (strpos($server,"arcade.php") > 0) { $VERBOSE = ($DEBUGMODE == 2) ? " cookie #001 -> ghash=".$guesthash." | ibPAcheck=".$_COOKIE['ibPAcookiecheck'] : ""; $std->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'cat_pass_notice', EXTRA => $VERBOSE) ); } else { // game called directly (without arcade.php), so set cookie NOW for later verification setcookie('ibPAcookiecheck', "yesss"); } } // now create session-entry... $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_games_session (gname, gameid, gtitle, mname, mid, randgid, randgid2) VALUES ('".addslashes($game['gname'])."', '".$game['gid']."', '".addslashes($game['gtitle'])."', '".$guesthash."', '0', '".$randomchar."', '".$randomchar2."')"); $sessionid = $DB->get_insert_id(); setcookie('guestsession', $sessionid); } else { // prune any old session from that user $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_games_session WHERE mid=".$this->arcade->user['id']); // now create session-entry... $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_games_session (gname, gameid, gtitle, mname, mid, randgid, randgid2) VALUES ('".addslashes($game['gname'])."', '".$game['gid']."', '".addslashes($game['gtitle'])."', '".addslashes($this->arcade->user['name'])."', '".$this->arcade->user['id']."', '".$randomchar."', '".$randomchar2."')"); $sessionid = $DB->get_insert_id(); // ...and store session-info in userprofile $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_members SET times_played=times_played+1, arcade_sess_gid='".$game['gid']."', arcade_sess_start='".time()."', arcade_gtype=0, arcade_session='".$sessionid."' WHERE id=".$this->arcade->user['id']); } $DB->query("SELECT champ_name AS name,champ_score AS score FROM ibf_games_champs WHERE champ_gid=".$id); $top = $DB->fetch_row(); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_list SET gcount=gcount+1 WHERE gid=".$id); $top['score'] = $this->arcade->do_arcade_format($top['score'],$game['decpoints']); if ($top['name'] == "") { $top['name'] = $ibforums->lang['top3box_norank']; } /*********************************************************************** pnFlashGames Modification: Add in extra information to the $game array so that it can be displayed properly and so that the pnFlashGames component can get the information it needs */ $game['username'] = $player_name = $this->arcade->user['name']; $game['checksum'] = $this->pnFlashGames_getChecksum($game['gname']); $game['domain'] = $this->pnFlashGames_getDomain(); //couldnt get this to work for some reason /**********************************************************************/ $extra_html = ""; if( trim($game['object']) != "" ) { $extra_html .= $this->html->objective($game); } if( trim($game['gkeys']) != "" ) { $extra_html .= $this->html->keys($game); } //fav games $temp = unserialize($this->arcade->user['favs']); if( !is_array($temp) ) { $temp = array(); } $favs = $temp; $favtitle = $ibforums->lang['add_to_faves']; $favtitle = preg_replace("/<% GAMENAME %>/i" , $game['gtitle'] , $favtitle); $star = ""; if( in_array($game['gid'] , $favs) ) { $star = "".$ibforums->lang[ "; $favtitle = $ibforums->lang['remove_from_faves']; $favtitle = preg_replace("/<% GAMENAME %>/i" , $game['gtitle'] , $favtitle); } if( $this->arcade->user['arcade_access'] == 2 && $this->arcade->user['id'] ) { $game['fave'] = $star."$favtitle"; } $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); if (($vbversion != "3.0") && ($NATIVEMODE==0)) { ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('ibproarcade_play_game')) ? eval($hook) : false; } $this->output .= $this->html->game($game,$top,$extra_html); $this->page_title = $ibforums->vars['board_name']." -> ".$ibforums->lang['page_title']." -> ".$game['gtitle']; $this->nav = array( "base_url."act=Arcade&cat=".$game['gcat']."\">{$ibforums->lang['page_title']}", $game['gtitle'] ); } //------------------------------------------ // Play_Game In Popup Window v1.0 // // This will allow users to play game in new window // //------------------------------------------ function playfull() { global $ibforums, $DB, $std, $vboptions, $vbulletin, $DEBUGMODE, $NATIVEMODE; if( ($GROUP['max_play']-$ibforums->member['times_played']) <= 0 && $GROUP['max_play'] != 0 ) { $std->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'max') ); } $id = intval($ibforums->input['gameid']); if ($id < 1) { $id=1; } setcookie('gidstarted', '', time() - 3600); setcookie('gidstarted',$id); setcookie('tidstarted', '', time() - 3600); setcookie('gpstarted', time()); $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gid=".$id); $game = $DB->fetch_row(); $game['hash'] = $hash; $randomchar = "1"; $randomchar2 = "1"; // only run this if the game is using the new code if ( ( file_exists(ROOT_PATH.'arcade/gamedata/'.$game['gname'].'/v32game.txt' ) ) || ( file_exists(ROOT_PATH.'arcade/gamedata/'.$game['gname'].'/v3game.txt' ) ) ) { $randomchar = rand(1, 10); $randomchar2 = rand(1, 5); $game['gidencoded'] = $game['gid'] * $randomchar ^ $randomchar2; } if ($this->arcade->user['arcade_access'] > 2) { // this is a guest // create a hash for that guest playing srand ((double)microtime()*1000000); $guesthash = rand(10,99); setcookie('guesthash', $guesthash); // check if cookies are working if ($_COOKIE['ibPAcookiecheck'] != "yesss") { $VERBOSE = ($DEBUGMODE == 2) ? " cookie #002 -> ghash=".$guesthash." | ibPAcheck=".$_COOKIE['ibPAcookiecheck'] : ""; $std->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'cat_pass_notice', EXTRA => $VERBOSE) ); } // now create session-entry... $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_games_session (gname, gameid, gtitle, mname, mid, randgid, randgid2) VALUES ('".addslashes($game['gname'])."', '".$game['gid']."', '".addslashes($game['gtitle'])."', '".$guesthash."', '0', '".$randomchar."', '".$randomchar2."')"); $sessionid = $DB->get_insert_id(); setcookie('guestsession', $sessionid); } else { // prune any old session from that user $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_games_session WHERE mid=".$this->arcade->user['id']); // now create session-entry... $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_games_session (gname, gameid, gtitle, mname, mid, randgid, randgid2) VALUES ('".addslashes($game['gname'])."', '".$game['gid']."', '".addslashes($game['gtitle'])."', '".addslashes($this->arcade->user['name'])."', '".$this->arcade->user['id']."', '".$randomchar."', '".$randomchar2."')"); $sessionid = $DB->get_insert_id(); // ...and store session-info in userprofile $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_members SET times_played=times_played+1, arcade_sess_gid='".$game['gid']."', arcade_sess_start='".time()."', arcade_gtype=0, arcade_session='".$sessionid."' WHERE id=".$this->arcade->user['id']); } if (! preg_match( "/^(\d+)$/" , $id ) ) { $std->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'no_help_file') ); } $DB->query("SELECT champ_name AS name,champ_score AS score FROM ibf_games_champs WHERE champ_gid=".$id); $top = $DB->fetch_row(); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_list SET gcount=gcount+1 WHERE gid=".$id); /*********************************************************************** pnFlashGames Modification: Add in extra information to the $game array so that it can be displayed properly and so that the pnFlashGames component can get the information it needs */ $game['username'] = $player_name = $this->arcade->user['name']; $game['checksum'] = $this->pnFlashGames_getChecksum($game['gname']); $game['domain'] = $this->pnFlashGames_getDomain(); //couldnt get this to work for some reason /**********************************************************************/ $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); if (($vbversion != "3.0") && ($NATIVEMODE==0)) { ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('ibproarcade_play_game_popup')) ? eval($hook) : false; } echo << {$ibforums->lang['popuptitle']}{$game['gname']} {$ibforums->lang['no_embed']}{$game['gtitle']} EOF; exit(); } //------------------------------------------ // Play_Tourney // // This brings up the game to play // //------------------------------------------ function play_tourney() { global $ibforums, $DB, $std, $vboptions, $vbulletin, $guestplayerid, $NATIVEMODE; $id = intval($ibforums->input['gameid']); $tid = intval($ibforums->input['tid']); $rung = intval($ibforums->input['rung']); $faceoff = intval($ibforums->input['faceoff']); setcookie('gidstarted', '', time() - 3600); setcookie('gidstarted',$id); setcookie('tidstarted', '', time() - 3600); setcookie('tidstarted', $tid); if ($guestplayerid == $this->arcade->user['id']) { $std->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'no_tourney_user') ); } $DB->query("SELECT nbtries FROM ibf_tournaments WHERE tid=".$tid); $readrow = $DB->fetch_row(); $nbtries = $readrow['nbtries']; $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_tournament_players WHERE mid=".$this->arcade->user['id']." AND tid=".$tid." AND timesplayed<".$nbtries." AND rung=".$rung); $ctr=0; while($row = $DB->fetch_row()) { $ctr++; } if($ctr==0) { $std->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'passed_times_played') ); } if (! preg_match( "/^(\d+)$/" , $id ) ) { $std->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'no_help_file') ); } $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gid=".$id); $game = $DB->fetch_row(); $randomchar = "1"; $randomchar2 = "1"; // prune any old session from that user $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_games_session WHERE mid=".$this->arcade->user['id']); // now create session-entry... $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_games_session (gname, gameid, gtitle, mname, mid) VALUES ('".addslashes($game['gname'])."', '".$game['gid']."', '".addslashes($game['gtitle'])."', '".addslashes($this->arcade->user['name'])."', '".$this->arcade->user['id']."')"); $sessionid = $DB->get_insert_id(); // ...and store session-info in userprofile $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_members SET times_played=times_played+1, arcade_sess_gid='".$game['gid']."', arcade_sess_start='".time()."', arcade_gtype=1, arcade_session='".$sessionid."' WHERE id=".$this->arcade->user['id']); $DB->query("SELECT, t.rungscore, t.timesplayed FROM ibf_members as m, ibf_tournament_players as t WHERE = t.mid AND t.tid=".$tid." AND t.rung=".$rung." AND t.faceoff=".$faceoff." AND t.mid<>".$this->arcade->user['id']." LIMIT 0, 1"); $top = $DB->fetch_row(); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_list SET gcount=gcount+1 WHERE gid=".$id); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournament_players SET timesplayed=timesplayed+1, notified=0 WHERE tid=".$tid." AND mid=".$this->arcade->user['id']." AND rung=".$rung); /*********************************************************************** pnFlashGames Modification: Add in extra information to the $game array so that it can be displayed properly and so that the pnFlashGames component can get the information it needs */ $game['username'] = $player_name = $this->arcade->user['name']; $game['checksum'] = $this->pnFlashGames_getChecksum($game['gname']); $game['domain'] = $this->pnFlashGames_getDomain(); /**********************************************************************/ $top['nbtries'] = $nbtries; $top['rungscore'] = $this->arcade->do_arcade_format($top['rungscore'],$game['decpoints']); $top['playertext'] = $ibforums->lang['tourney_opponent']; $top['name'] .= "
(".$ibforums->lang['tourney_playinfo1']." ".$top['timesplayed']."/".$top['nbtries']." ".$ibforums->lang['tourney_playinfo2'].")"; $top['scoretext'] = $ibforums->lang['tourney_scoretext1']; if ($top['timesplayed']==0) { $top['scoretext'] = $ibforums->lang['tourney_scoretext2']; $top['rungscore'] = ""; } if ($top['timesplayed'] == $top['nbtries']) { $top['scoretext'] = $ibforums->lang['tourney_scoretext3']; } $game['ginfotxt'] = "
*** ".$ibforums->lang['gtourneyinfotxt1']." ***
"; $game['extra'] = ""; if( trim($game['object']) != "" ) { $game['extra'] .= $this->html->objective($game); } if( trim($game['gkeys']) != "" ) { $game['extra'] .= $this->html->keys($game); } $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); if (($vbversion != "3.0") && ($NATIVEMODE==0)) { ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('ibproarcade_play_game_tourney')) ? eval($hook) : false; } $this->output .= $this->html->tourneygame($game,$top,$tid); $this->page_title = $ibforums->vars['board_name']." -> ".$ibforums->lang['page_title']." -> ".$game['gtitle']; $this->nav = array( "{$ibforums->lang['page_title']}", $game['gtitle'] ); } //---------------------------------------- // Show_Stats // // This shows the leaderboard // //---------------------------------------- function show_stats() { global $ibforums, $DB, $std, $vbulletin, $vboptions; // clean incoming stuff... $ibforums->input['comment'] = ibp_cleanhtml(ibp_cleansql($ibforums->input['comment'])); $ibforums->input['s_id'] = ibp_cleansql($ibforums->input['s_id']); $ibforums->input['gameid'] = intval($ibforums->input['gameid']); if($ibforums->input['comment'] != "") { if(isset($ibforums->input['s_id']) && $ibforums->input['s_id'] != "") { $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_scores SET comment='".$ibforums->input['comment']."' WHERE s_id=".$ibforums->input['s_id']); } else { $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_scores SET comment='".$ibforums->input['comment']."' WHERE mid=".$this->arcade->user['id']." AND gid=".$ibforums->input['gameid']); } } $query_limit = ""; if( $this->arcade->settings['scores_amount'] ) { $this->arcade->get_pages(1); $start = 0; if( isset($ibforums->input['st']) ) { $start = intval($ibforums->input['st']); } $query_limit = "LIMIT ".$start.", ".$this->arcade->settings['scores_amount']; } $id = intval($ibforums->input['gameid']); $DB->query("SELECT g.gid,g.gname,g.gtitle,g.gwords,g.gcat,g.highscore_type,g.decpoints, c.* FROM ibf_games_list AS g, ibf_games_champs AS c WHERE (g.gid = c.champ_gid) AND gid=".$id); if( $DB->get_num_rows() ) { $ginfo = $DB->fetch_row(); //$ginfo['champ_score'] = $this->arcade->t3h_format($ginfo['champ_score']); //replaced $ginfo['champ_score'] = $this->arcade->do_arcade_format($ginfo['champ_score'],$ginfo['decpoints']); if( !empty($ginfo['champ_mid']) ) { $DB->query("SELECT avatar,avatar_size AS size FROM ibf_members WHERE id=".$ginfo['champ_mid']); $avatar = $DB->fetch_row(); $ginfo['avatarcode'] = $std->get_avatar($avatar , 1 , $avatar['size']); } } else { $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gid=".$id); $ginfo = $DB->fetch_row(); } $ginfo['avatarcode'] = (empty($ginfo['avatarcode'])) ? "" : $ginfo['avatarcode']; // favorites-link $temp = unserialize($this->arcade->user['favs']); if( !is_array($temp) ) { $temp = array(); } $favs = $temp; $favtitle = $ibforums->lang['add_to_faves']; $favtitle = preg_replace("/<% GAMENAME %>/i" , $game['gtitle'] , $favtitle); $star = ""; if( in_array($ginfo['gid'] , $favs) ) { //$star = "".$ibforums->lang[ "; $favtitle = $ibforums->lang['remove_from_faves']; $favtitle = preg_replace("/<% GAMENAME %>/i" , $ginfo['gtitle'] , $favtitle); } if( $this->arcade->user['arcade_access'] == 2 && $this->arcade->user['id'] ) { $ginfo['fave'] = "$favtitle"; } // make the link fit everything ;) $ginfo['backlink'] = $ibforums->lang['arcade_home']; if ($this->arcade->settings['use_cats']) { $ginfo['backlink'] = $ibforums->lang['showothersincat']; } $this->arcade->make_links($ginfo['gid'] , $ginfo['gtitle']); $this->output .= $this->html->leaderstart($ginfo, $this->arcade->links); $DB->query("SELECT mid FROM ibf_games_scores WHERE gid=".$id); $num_scores=0; while($nsarray = $DB->fetch_row()){ $num_scores++; } $ordering = ($ginfo['highscore_type'] == "high") ? "DESC" : "ASC"; //$this_query = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_scores WHERE gid=".$id." ORDER BY score ".$ordering.", datescored ASC ".$query_limit); $this_query = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_scores WHERE gid=".$id." ORDER BY score ".$ordering.",timespent ASC ".$query_limit); $ctr=$start+1; $intctr=1; $rowcol = "alt2"; while($lboard = $DB->fetch_row($this_query)) { //$lboard['comment'] = array( 'TEXT' => $lboard['comment'], 'SMILIES' => 1, 'CODE' => 1, 'SIGNATURE' => 0, 'HTML' => 0); //$lboard['comment'] = $this->parser->convert($lboard['comment']); // parse the comment $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); // Version 3.0 oder 3.5 if ($vbversion == "3.0") { require_once('./includes/functions_bbcodeparse.php'); $parsed_comment = parse_bbcode($lboard['comment']); } else { require_once('./includes/class_bbcode.php'); $bbcode_parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list()); $parsed_comment = $bbcode_parser->parse($lboard['comment'],0,1); } $lboard['comment'] = $parsed_comment; if ($ibforums->lang[timeformat1]=="de") { $std->time_options['LROW'] = "{$ibforums->lang['timeformat2']} \u\m {$ibforums->lang['timeformat3']}"; } else { $std->time_options['LROW'] = "{$ibforums->lang['timeformat2']} {$ibforums->lang['timeformat3']}"; } $formatteddate = $std->get_date($lboard['datescored'],'LROW'); $usercell = ""; $usercell .= "{$lboard[name]}"; $datecell = $formatteddate; $scorecell = $this->arcade->do_arcade_format($lboard['score'],$ginfo['decpoints']); if ($lboard['timespent'] == 0) $lboard['timespent'] = $ibforums->lang['n_a']; else $lboard['timespent'] = $this->arcade->thatdate($lboard['timespent']); if($this->arcade->settings['skin'] != 0) { if($rowcol == "alt1") { $rowcol = "alt2"; } else { $rowcol = "alt1"; } } $this->output .= $this->html->leaderrow($lboard,$ctr,$usercell,$datecell,$scorecell,$rowcol); $ctr++; $intctr++; $start_row++; } $this->output .= $this->html->stop($this->arcade->links['pages']); $this->page_title = $ibforums->vars['board_name']." -> ".$ibforums->lang['page_title']." -> ".$ibforums->lang['arcade_scores']; $this->nav = array( "{$ibforums->lang['page_title']}", "{$ibforums->lang['hscores_title']}" ); } // ####################################### // new function for secure games (v32/v33) // ####################################### function verify_score() { global $DB, $DEBUGMODE; list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); $gametime = ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); $randomchar = rand(1, 10); $randomchar2 = rand(1, 5); if ($this->arcade->user['arcade_access'] > 2) { // this is a guest $userinfo['arcade_session'] = intval($_COOKIE['guestsession']); } else { $userquery = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_user WHERE userid=".$this->arcade->user['id']); $userinfo = $DB->fetch_row($userquery); } if ($userinfo['arcade_session']=="") { $ERRORLEVEL = ($DEBUGMODE == 0) ? "" : "Error #021 - no session"; $std->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'cheater', EXTRA => $ERRORLEVEL) ); } $DB->query("SELECT sessd FROM ibf_games_session WHERE sessid='".$userinfo['arcade_session']."'"); $s = $DB->fetch_row(); if( !$DB->get_num_rows() ) { die(); } if( $s['sessd'] != 1 ) { $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_session SET randchar1 = '".$randomchar."' , randchar2 = '".$randomchar2."' , start = '".$gametime."' , sessd = 1 WHERE sessid = '".$userinfo['arcade_session']."'"); //sleep(1); // Do not unedit this unless your instructed to ! // Do not edit this line! echo "&randchar=$randomchar&randchar2=$randomchar2&savescore=1&blah=OK"; exit(); } } function save_score() { // ### for new, secured ibPro-Games global $DB, $ibforums, $std, $DEBUGMODE, $FIXIE, $vboptions, $vbulletin, $NATIVEMODE; $tgame = 0; $player_ip = $ibforums->input['IP_ADDRESS']; $player_score = isset($ibforums->input['gscore']) ? $ibforums->input['gscore'] : 0; $gidencoded = isset($ibforums->input['arcadegid']) ? $ibforums->input['arcadegid'] : 0; $genscore = $ibforums->input['enscore']; $swfgname = $ibforums->input['gname']; $player_score_encode = $player_score; // ### protection for external scripts faking incoming gamedata // ### by MrZeropage // look who sends the POST-data... $referer = ""; if ($_SERVER['REFERER']!="") { $referer = strtolower($_SERVER['REFERER']); } if ($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']!="") { $referer = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } if ($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REFERER']!="") { $referer = strtolower($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REFERER']); } // avoid external scripts calling this function if ((strpos($referer,"arcade.php") > 0) && (strpos($referer,$vboptions[bburl]) > 0)) { // maybe there is some cheater trying to inject a score ?! *boooooh* $VERBOSE = ($DEBUGMODE == 2) ? " -> referrercheck | referer=".$referer : ""; $ERRORLEVEL = ($DEBUGMODE == 0) ? "" : "Error #002"; $ERRORLEVEL = $ERRORLEVEL . $VERBOSE; $std->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'cheater', EXTRA => $ERRORLEVEL) ); } // ### if ($this->arcade->user['arcade_access'] == 3) { // This is a Guest that won't record any score $player_score = 0; $good_score = 1; } if ($this->arcade->user['arcade_access'] > 2) { // this is a guest $userinfo['arcade_session'] = intval($_COOKIE['guestsession']); $userinfo['arcade_sess_start'] = $_COOKIE['gpstarted']; $userinfo['arcade_gtype'] = 0; // guests never play tourneys! $userinfo['arcade_sess_gid'] = intval($_COOKIE['gidstarted']); $player_name = $this->arcade->user['name']; } else { $userquery = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_user WHERE userid=".$this->arcade->user['id']); $userinfo = $DB->fetch_row($userquery); $player_name = $userinfo['username']; } $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gid=".$userinfo['arcade_sess_gid']); $g = $DB->fetch_row(); // Kiss Cookies good bye! if( !isset($userinfo['arcade_gtype']) || $userinfo['arcade_gtype'] == '0' ) { $tgame = 0; $tid = 0; } else { $tgame = 1; $tid = $userinfo['arcade_gtype']; } if ($userinfo['arcade_session']=="") { $ERRORLEVEL = ($DEBUGMODE == 0) ? "" : "Error #022 - no session"; $std->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'cheater', EXTRA => $ERRORLEVEL) ); } $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_session WHERE sessid='".$userinfo['arcade_session']."' LIMIT 1"); $vs = $DB->fetch_row(); $gid = $vs['gameid']; $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); if (($vbversion != "3.0") && ($NATIVEMODE==0)) { ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('ibproarcade_savescore_readsessiondata')) ? eval($hook) : false; } if ((($vs['sessd']!=1) && ($vs['sessid']>0)) && ($FIXIE==1)) { // this score has NOT run through the verify() function! // actual issue using IE7 and doing more than one play per game // make it valid anyway ;) list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); $gametime = ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); $randomchar = rand(1, 10); $randomchar2 = rand(1, 5); $vs['sessd'] = 1; $vs['start'] = $gametime; $vs['randchar1'] = $randomchar; $vs['randchar2'] = $randomchar2; $genscore = $player_score * $vs['randchar1'] ^ $vs['randchar2']; } // for the new games... if ( ( file_exists(ROOT_PATH.'arcade/gamedata/'.$g['gname'].'/v32game.txt' ) ) || ( file_exists(ROOT_PATH.'arcade/gamedata/'.$g['gname'].'/v3game.txt' ) ) ) { $encoded_gid = $vs['gameid'] * $vs['randgid'] ^ $vs['randgid2']; if ($gidencoded == 0) { $gidencoded = $g['gid'] * $vs['randgid'] ^ $vs['randgid2']; } } $decodescore = $player_score * $vs['randchar1'] ^ $vs['randchar2']; list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); $time_end = ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); $timecheck = round($time_end - $vs['start'], 4); $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_games_session WHERE sessid=".$userinfo['arcade_session']); if ( ($vs['sessd'] != 1) || (!$vs['start']) || (!$vs['sessid']) ) { $ERRORLEVEL = ($DEBUGMODE == 0) ? "" : "Error #003"; $BROWSERDATA = ($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] != "") ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $VERBOSE = ($DEBUGMODE == 2) ? " -> sessd=".$vs['sessd']." | start=".$vs['start']." | sessid=".$vs['sessid']."
userid=".$this->arcade->user['id']." | ui[arcade_session]=".$userinfo['arcade_session']." | ui[arcade_sess_gid]=".$userinfo['arcade_sess_gid']."

".$BROWSERDATA : ""; $ERRORLEVEL = $ERRORLEVEL . $VERBOSE; $std->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'cheater', EXTRA => $ERRORLEVEL) ); } if ($gid != $userinfo['arcade_sess_gid']) { // avoid cross-scoring... finally! *gg* $ERRORLEVEL = ($DEBUGMODE == 0) ? "" : "Error #004"; $VERBOSE = ($DEBUGMODE == 2) ? " -> gid=".$gid." | ui[arcade_sess_gid]=".$userinfo['arcade_sess_gid'] : ""; $ERRORLEVEL = $ERRORLEVEL . $VERBOSE; $std->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'cheater', EXTRA => $ERRORLEVEL) ); } $readtimeoutquery = $DB->query("SELECT scoretimeout FROM ibf_games_settings"); $readtimeout = $DB->fetch_row($readtimeoutquery); $SCORETIMEOUT = $readtimeout['scoretimeout']; if( !$timecheck || $timecheck > $SCORETIMEOUT ) { $ERRORLEVEL = ($DEBUGMODE == 0) ? "Transmission Timeout (".$timecheck." sec)" : "Error #005"; $VERBOSE = ($DEBUGMODE == 2) ? " -> timecheck=".$timecheck : ""; $ERRORLEVEL = $ERRORLEVEL . $VERBOSE; $std->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'cheater', EXTRA => $ERRORLEVEL) ); } if( $genscore != $decodescore ) { $ERRORLEVEL = ($DEBUGMODE == 0) ? "" : "Error #006"; $VERBOSE = ($DEBUGMODE == 2) ? " -> genscore=".$genscore." | decodescore=".$decodescore." | score=".$player_score : ""; $ERRORLEVEL = $ERRORLEVEL . $VERBOSE; $std->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'cheater', EXTRA => $ERRORLEVEL) ); } if ( file_exists(ROOT_PATH.'arcade/gamedata/'.$g['gname'].'/v32game.txt' ) ) { if( ($gidencoded != $encoded_gid) || ($swfgname != $g['gname']) ) { $ERRORLEVEL = ($DEBUGMODE == 0) ? "" : "Error #007"; $VERBOSE = ($DEBUGMODE == 2) ? " -> gidenc=".$gidencoded." | enc_gid=".$encoded_gid." | swfgn=".$swfgname." | g[gname]=".$g['gname'] : ""; $ERRORLEVEL = $ERRORLEVEL . $VERBOSE; $std->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'cheater', EXTRA => $ERRORLEVEL) ); } } //Get's the timespent $timespent = 0; if( $userinfo['arcade_sess_start'] ) { $timespent = time() - $userinfo['arcade_sess_start']; } if( $timespent ) { $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_list SET gtime=gtime+'".$timespent."', gtotalscore=gtotalscore+'".$player_score."' WHERE gid='".$gid."' LIMIT 1"); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_members SET games_played=games_played+1, time_played=time_played+'".$timespent."' WHERE id=".$ibforums->member['id']); } // users sessiondata is no longer needed, so kick it to avoid any re-usage $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_members SET arcade_sess_gid='0', arcade_sess_start='0', arcade_gtype=0, arcade_session='0' WHERE id=".$this->arcade->user['id']); $this->storescore($this->arcade->user['id'],$player_score,$timespent,$gid,$tgame,$tid,0); } function post_score() { // ### for old, unsecured ibPro-Games // ### for v3arcade-Games // ### for pnFlashGames-Games global $ibforums, $DB, $std, $vboptions, $vbulletin, $DEBUGMODE, $NATIVEMODE; $tgame = 0; $player_ip = $ibforums->input['IP_ADDRESS']; $member_id = $this->arcade->user['id']; $player_name = $this->arcade->user['name']; $player_score = floatval($_POST['gscore']); $game_name = ibp_cleansql($_POST['gname']); $score = $ibforums->input['gscore']; $keepsess = $ibforums->input['keepsess']; // ### protection for external scripts faking incoming gamedata // ### by MrZeropage // look who sends the POST-data... $referer = ""; if ($_SERVER['REFERER']!="") { $referer = strtolower($_SERVER['REFERER']); } if ($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']!="") { $referer = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } if ($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REFERER']!="") { $referer = strtolower($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REFERER']); } // avoid external scripts calling this function if ((strpos($referer,"arcade.php") > 0) && (strpos($referer,$vboptions[bburl]) > 0)) { // maybe there is some cheater trying to inject a score ?! *boooooh* $ERRORLEVEL = ($DEBUGMODE == 0) ? "" : "Error #008"; $VERBOSE = ($DEBUGMODE == 2) ? " -> REF = ".$referer : ""; $ERRORLEVEL = $ERRORLEVEL . $VERBOSE; $std->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'cheater', EXTRA => $ERRORLEVEL) ); } // ### if ($this->arcade->user['arcade_access'] == 3) { // This is a Guest that won't record any score $player_score = 0; $good_score = 1; } if ($this->arcade->user['arcade_access'] > 2) { // GUEST $userinfo['arcade_session'] = $_COOKIE['guestsession']; $userinfo['arcade_sess_start'] = $_COOKIE['gpstarted']; $userinfo['arcade_gtype'] = 0; // guests never play tourneys! } else { $userquery = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_user WHERE userid=".$this->arcade->user['id']); $userinfo = $DB->fetch_row($userquery); } $getgameidquery = $DB->query("SELECT gid FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gname='".$game_name."'"); $getgameid = $DB->fetch_row($getgameidquery); $timespent = 0; if( $userinfo['arcade_sess_start'] ) { $timespent = time() - $userinfo['arcade_sess_start']; } if(strstr($score, ":") !== false) { $timestamp = strtotime($score); $formatedTime = strftime("%H:%M:%S", $timestamp); $hours = substr($formatedTime, 0, 2); $minutes = substr($formatedTime, 3, 2); $seconds = substr($formatedTime, 6, 2); $numSeconds = (($hours * 60) * 60) + ($minutes * 60) + $seconds; $score = $numSeconds; $ibforums->input['gscore'] = $score; } // Kiss Cookies good bye! if( !isset($userinfo['arcade_gtype']) || $userinfo['arcade_gtype'] == '0' ) { $tgame = 0; $tid = 0; } else { $tgame = 1; $tid = $userinfo['arcade_gtype']; } $DB->query("SELECT gid, highscore_type, game_type FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gname='".$game_name."' LIMIT 1"); $g = $DB->fetch_row(); if ($g['game_type']==1) { // this is a secure game which should not use POST_SCORE !! $ERRORLEVEL = ($DEBUGMODE == 0) ? "" : "Error #009"; $std->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'cheater', EXTRA => $ERRORLEVEL) ); } if ($userinfo['arcade_session']=="") { $ERRORLEVEL = ($DEBUGMODE == 0) ? "" : "Error #023 - no session"; $std->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'cheater', EXTRA => $ERRORLEVEL) ); } $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_session WHERE sessid='".$userinfo['arcade_session']."' LIMIT 1"); $vs = $DB->fetch_row(); $gid = $vs['gameid']; $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); if (($vbversion != "3.0") && ($NATIVEMODE==0)) { ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('ibproarcade_postscore_readsessiondata')) ? eval($hook) : false; } if ($keepsess != 1) { // remove session as all data is read from it... and this is NO PNfg $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_games_session WHERE sessid=".$userinfo['arcade_session']); } if ( (!$vs['sessid']) ) { $ERRORLEVEL = ($DEBUGMODE == 0) ? "" : "Error #010"; $std->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'cheater', EXTRA => $ERRORLEVEL) ); } // ######################################### // final fix for cross-scoring by MrZeropage // ######################################### // first we check if GameID stored in userinfo is the same of submitting Game if ($this->arcade->user['arcade_access'] < 3) // make sure this is NOT a guest { // compare userinfo and sessiondata if ( ($gid != $userinfo['arcade_sess_gid']) || ($gid != $g['gid']) || ($userinfo['userid'] != $vs['mid']) || ($vs['gname'] != $game_name) ) { $ERRORLEVEL = ($DEBUGMODE == 0) ? "" : "Error #011"; $VERBOSE = ($DEBUGMODE == 2) ? " -> gid=".$gid."|ui[a_sess_gid]=".$userinfo['arcade_sess_gid']."|g[gid]=".$g['gid']."|vs[mid]=".$vs['mid']."|vs[gname]=".$vs['gname']."|gamename=".$game_name : ""; $ERRORLEVEL = $ERRORLEVEL . $VERBOSE; $std->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'cheater', EXTRA => $ERRORLEVEL) ); } // compare incoming gameid with the one stored in sessiondata if ($getgameid['gid'] != $gid) { $ERRORLEVEL = ($DEBUGMODE == 0) ? "" : "Error #012"; $VERBOSE = ($DEBUGMODE == 2) ? " -> gid=".$gid."|getgameid=".$getgameid['gid'] : ""; $ERRORLEVEL = $ERRORLEVEL . $VERBOSE; $std->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'cheater', EXTRA => $ERRORLEVEL) ); } } else { // this is a guest... if ($vs['mname'] != $_COOKIE['guesthash']) { $ERRORLEVEL = ($DEBUGMODE == 0) ? "" : "Error #013"; $VERBOSE = ($DEBUGMODE == 2) ? " -> vs[mname]=".$vs['mname']."|guesthash=".$_COOKIE['guesthash'] : ""; $ERRORLEVEL = $ERRORLEVEL . $VERBOSE; $std->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'cheater', EXTRA => $ERRORLEVEL) ); } // cleanup cookiestuff from guest $_COOKIE['guesthash'] = ""; $_COOKIE['guestsession'] = ""; } if ($keepsess != 1) { // users sessiondata is no longer needed, so kick it to avoid any re-usage $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_members SET arcade_sess_gid='0', arcade_sess_start='0', arcade_gtype=0, arcade_session='0' WHERE id=".$this->arcade->user['id']); } // ######################################### if ($timespent < 86400) { $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_list SET gtime=gtime+'".$timespent."', gtotalscore=gtotalscore+'".$player_score."' WHERE gid='".$gid."' LIMIT 1"); if ( ($ibforums->member['id'] > 0) && ($this->arcade->user['arcade_access']==2 || $this->arcade->user['arcade_access']==4) ) { $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_members SET games_played=games_played+1, time_played=time_played+'".$timespent."' WHERE id=".$ibforums->member['id']); } } $this->storescore($this->arcade->user['id'],$player_score,$timespent,$gid,$tgame,$tid,$keepsess); } function storescore($userid,$player_score,$timespent,$gid,$tgame,$tid,$keepsess) { // ############################################################## // common handling of scores coming from any game (by MrZeropage) // ############################################################## global $DB, $std, $vbulletin, $vboptions, $ibforums, $LOGIPS, $NATIVEMODE; $gid = intval($gid); $tid = intval($tid); $userid = intval($userid); $keepsess = intval($keepsess); $player_score = floatval($player_score); $timespent = ibp_cleansql($timespent); $server = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); $referer = strpos($server,"arcade.php"); // for guests playing and calling games directly (without arcade.php) we have to re-check cookies if (($_COOKIE['ibPAcookiecheck'] != "yesss") && ($_COOKIE['guesthash']) > 0) { $VERBOSE = ($DEBUGMODE == 2) ? " cookie #003 -> ghash=".$_COOKIE['guesthash']." | ibPAcheck=".$_COOKIE['ibPAcookiecheck']." | referer=".$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : ""; $std->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'cat_pass_notice', EXTRA => $VERBOSE) ); } $gamequery = $DB->query("SELECT highscore_type FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gid='".$gid."' LIMIT 1"); $g = $DB->fetch_row($gamequery); $ordering = ($g['highscore_type'] == "high") ? "DESC" : "ASC"; $player_name = $this->arcade->user['name']; $member_id = $userid; $player_ip = ($LOGIPS == 0) ? "" : $ibforums->input['IP_ADDRESS']; // get this user's best result in that game $scorequery = $DB->query("SELECT score, timespent FROM ibf_games_scores WHERE gid=".$gid." AND mid=".$this->arcade->user['id']." ORDER BY score ".$ordering." LIMIT 0, 1"); if( $DB->get_num_rows($scorequery) ) { $userscore = $DB->fetch_row($scorequery); $score = $userscore['score']; $usertime = $userscore['timespent']; $name_found = 1; } else { $score = 0; $usertime = 0; $name_found = 0; } if($tgame == 0) { $std->time_options['LROW'] = "G:i"; $max_scores_shown = $this->arcade->settings['scores_amount']; $DB->query("SELECT g.gid,g.gname,g.gtitle,g.gwords,g.gcat,g.highscore_type,g.decpoints,g.cost,g.jackpot,g.jackpot_type,g.g_rating,g.g_raters,c.* FROM ibf_games_list AS g, ibf_games_champs AS c WHERE (g.gid = c.champ_gid) AND gid=".$gid); if( $DB->get_num_rows() ) { $ginfo = $DB->fetch_row(); $ginfo['champ_score'] = $this->arcade->do_arcade_format($ginfo['champ_score'],$ginfo['decpoints']); if( !empty($ginfo['champ_mid']) ) { $DB->query("SELECT avatar,avatar_size AS size FROM ibf_members WHERE id=".$ginfo['champ_mid']); $avatar = $DB->fetch_row(); $ginfo['avatarcode'] = $std->get_avatar($avatar , 1 , $avatar['size']); } } else { $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gid=".$gid); $ginfo = $DB->fetch_row(); } $ginfo['avatarcode'] = (empty($ginfo['avatarcode'])) ? "" : $ginfo['avatarcode']; $DB->query("SELECT champ_score AS score, champ_time AS time, champ_name AS name, champ_mid AS mid, champ_gtitle FROM ibf_games_champs WHERE champ_gid=".$gid); if( $DB->get_num_rows() ) { $champ = $DB->fetch_row(); if( ($player_score<>0) && (($player_score > $champ['score'] && $ginfo['highscore_type'] == "high") || ($player_score < $champ['score'] && $ginfo['highscore_type'] == "low") || ($player_score == $champ['score'] && (($timespent < $champ['time']) || ($champ['time']==0)))) ) { $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); if (($vbversion != "3.0") && ($NATIVEMODE==0)) { ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('ibproarcade_new_champ')) ? eval($hook) : false; } $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array ( 'champ_gid' => $gid, 'champ_gtitle' => $ginfo['gtitle'], 'champ_mid' => $this->arcade->user['id'], 'champ_name' => $this->arcade->user['name'], 'champ_date' => time(), 'champ_score' => $player_score, 'champ_time' => $timespent ) ); // update Avatarinfo for HTML-Output $DB->query("SELECT avatar,avatar_size AS size FROM ibf_members WHERE id=".$this->arcade->user['id']); $avatar = $DB->fetch_row(); $ginfo['avatarcode'] = $std->get_avatar($avatar , 1 , $avatar['size']); $ginfo['avatarcode'] = (empty($ginfo['avatarcode'])) ? "" : $ginfo['avatarcode']; if ($player_score != 0) { // PM-Notification on new highscore by MrZeropage :-) $senderid = $this->arcade->user['id']; $sendername = $this->arcade->user['name']; $recipient = $champ['mid']; $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); // Version 3.0 oder 3.5 if ($vbversion == "3.0") { $forumlink = $vboptions['bburl']."/"; } else { $forumlink = $vbulletin->options['bburl']."/"; } $title = $ibforums->lang['pmnote_title']; $mailtitle = $ibforums->lang['mailnote_title']; $message = $this->arcade->settings['msgsys_hscore_text']; $mailmessage = $this->arcade->settings['msgsys_hscore_text']; $message = preg_replace('/%NAME%/',$champ['name'],$message); $message = preg_replace('/%GAME%/',$ginfo['gtitle'],$message); $message = preg_replace('/%CHAMP%/',$this->arcade->user['name'],$message); $message = preg_replace("#%LINKGAME\|(.*?)%#","[url='".$forumlink."arcade.php?do=play&gameid=".$gid."']$1[/url]",$message); $message = preg_replace("#%LINKHIGH\|(.*?)%#","[url='".$forumlink."arcade.php?do=stats&gameid=".$gid."']$1[/url]",$message); $mailmessage = preg_replace('/%NAME%/',$champ['name'],$mailmessage); $mailmessage = preg_replace('/%GAME%/',$ginfo['gtitle'],$mailmessage); $mailmessage = preg_replace('/%CHAMP%/',$this->arcade->user['name'],$mailmessage); $mailmessage = preg_replace("#%LINKGAME\|(.*?)%#","$1",$mailmessage); $mailmessage = preg_replace("#%LINKHIGH\|(.*?)%#","$1",$mailmessage); $mailmessage = strip_bbcode($mailmessage, true); $mailmessage = preg_replace('/<\/?[a-z][a-z0-9]*[^<>]*>/i', '', $mailmessage); if ( ($senderid != $recipient) && ($this->arcade->settings['msgsys_hscore']==1) ) { // does the recipient want to receive any Notifications from the Arcade ? $DB->query("SELECT arcade_pmactive, email FROM ibf_user WHERE userid=$recipient"); $recip = $DB->fetch_row(); // check for possible Guest-Player if ($guestplayerid == $recipient) { $recip['arcade_pmactive']=0; } if (($recip['arcade_pmactive'] == 1) && ($this->arcade->settings['msgsys_hscore']==1)) { // Notification via PM if (($this->arcade->settings['notification']=="pm") || ($this->arcade->settings['notification']=="pm+mail")) { $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_pmtext (fromuserid, fromusername, title, message, touserarray, iconid, dateline, showsignature, allowsmilie) VALUES ('".$senderid."', '".addslashes($sendername)."', '".addslashes($title)."', '" . addslashes($message) . "', '" . addslashes(serialize(array($recipient))) . "', 0, " . TIMENOW . ", 0, 0)"); $pmid = $DB->get_insert_id(); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_user SET pmtotal=pmtotal+1, pmunread=pmunread+1 WHERE userid=$recipient"); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_pm (pmtextid, userid, folderid, messageread) VALUES ('$pmid', '$recipient', '0', '0')"); } // Notification via eMail if (($this->arcade->settings['notification']=="mail") || ($this->arcade->settings['notification']=="pm+mail")) { vbmail($recip['email'],$mailtitle,$mailmessage); } } } // finally update Highscore-Table if ( ($this->arcade->user['id'] != 0) && ($player_score <> 0) ) { $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_champs SET ".$db_string." WHERE champ_gid=".$gid); $ginfo['champ_mid'] = $this->arcade->user['id']; $ginfo['champ_name'] = $this->arcade->user['name']; $ginfo['champ_score'] = $player_score; } } } } else { $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'champ_gid' => $gid, 'champ_gtitle' => $ginfo['gtitle'], 'champ_mid' => $this->arcade->user['id'], 'champ_name' => $this->arcade->user['name'], 'champ_date' => time(), 'champ_score' => $player_score, 'champ_time' => $timespent ) ); if ($player_score <> 0) // no champ with no result ... { $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_games_champs (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"); $ginfo['champ_mid'] = $this->arcade->user['id']; $ginfo['champ_name'] = $this->arcade->user['name']; $ginfo['champ_score'] = $player_score; } } // best result of all time? by MrZeropage if ($player_score <> 0) { $DB->query("SELECT gid, bestmid, bestscore, besttime, highscore_type FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gid=".$gid); if ($DB->get_num_rows()) { // check if existing best result ever is lower $best = $DB->fetch_row(); if (($best['bestscore'] < $player_score && $best['highscore_type'] == "high") || ($best['bestscore'] > $player_score && $best['highscore_type'] == "low") || (intval($best['bestscore'])==0) || ($best['bestscore']=="") || (($best['bestscore'] == $player_score) && (($best['besttime']==0) || ($best['besttime'] > $timespent)))) { $userid=$this->arcade->user['id']; $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_list SET bestmid=".$userid.", bestscore=".$player_score.", besttime='".$timespent."' WHERE gid=$gid"); } } } // end of b.r.o.a.t. if ( isset($player_score) && is_numeric($player_score) && isset($player_name) ) { //Has this name played already? $gtime = time(); $highsid = array(); $highsid['s_id'] = 0; if( $this->arcade->settings['score_type'] == 'top' || empty($this->arcade->settings['score_type']) ) { if ( $name_found == 1 ) { // if name already exists, and score is good enough, update it if ( (($player_score > $score) && $ginfo['highscore_type'] == "high") || (($player_score < $score && $ginfo['highscore_type'] == "low") && $score != 0) || (($player_score == $score) && ($timespent < $usertime)) ) { $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array ( 'score' => $player_score, 'datescored' => $gtime, 'ip' => $player_ip, 'timespent' => $timespent ) ); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_scores SET ".$db_string." WHERE mid=".$member_id." AND gid=".$gid); $good_score=1; $DB->query("SELECT s_id FROM ibf_games_scores WHERE score=".$player_score." AND datescored=".$gtime." AND gid=".$gid." AND mid=".$member_id." ORDER BY s_id DESC LIMIT 0, 1"); $highsid = $DB->fetch_row(); } } else { $good_score = 1; //Insert new name, score and ip if ($good_score==1) { $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'mid' => $member_id, 'gid' => $gid, 'name' => $player_name, 'score' => $player_score, 'ip' => $player_ip, 'timespent' => $timespent, 'datescored' => $gtime, 'comment' => '' ) ); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_games_scores (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"); //$getsid = $DB->get_insert_id(); //$highsid['s_id']=$getsid; $DB->query("SELECT s_id FROM ibf_games_scores WHERE score=".$player_score." AND datescored=".$gtime." AND gid=".$gid." AND mid=".$member_id." ORDER BY s_id DESC LIMIT 0, 1"); $highsid = $DB->fetch_row(); } } } else { $good_score = 1; $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'mid' => $member_id, 'gid' => $gid, 'name' => $player_name, 'score' => $player_score, 'ip' => $player_ip, 'timespent' => $timespent, 'datescored' => $gtime, 'comment' => '' ) ); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_games_scores (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"); //$highsid = $DB->get_insert_id(); //$highsid['s_id']=$getsid; $DB->query("SELECT s_id FROM ibf_games_scores ORDER BY s_id DESC LIMIT 0, 1"); $highsid = $DB->fetch_row(); } } if ($keepsess != 1) { // favorites-link $temp = unserialize($this->arcade->user['favs']); if( !is_array($temp) ) { $temp = array(); } $favs = $temp; $favtitle = $ibforums->lang['add_to_faves']; $favtitle = preg_replace("/<% GAMENAME %>/i" , $game['gtitle'] , $favtitle); $star = ""; if( in_array($ginfo['gid'] , $favs) ) { //$star = "".$ibforums->lang[ "; $favtitle = $ibforums->lang['remove_from_faves']; $favtitle = preg_replace("/<% GAMENAME %>/i" , $ginfo['gtitle'] , $favtitle); } if( $this->arcade->user['arcade_access'] == 2 && $this->arcade->user['id'] ) { $ginfo['fave'] = "$favtitle"; } // make the link fit everything ;) $ginfo['backlink'] = $ibforums->lang['arcade_home']; if ($this->arcade->settings['use_cats']) { $ginfo['backlink'] = $ibforums->lang['showothersincat']; } $this->arcade->make_links($ginfo['gid'] , $ginfo['gtitle']); $this->output .= $this->html->leaderstart($ginfo, $this->arcade->links); $yscore[1] = $player_name; $yscore[2] = $this->arcade->do_arcade_format($player_score,$ginfo['decpoints']); $yscore[3] = $std->get_date($gtime,'LROW'); $yscore[4] = $gid; $yscore[5] = $good_score; $yscore[6] = $this->arcade->thatdate($timespent); $ordering = ($ginfo['highscore_type'] == "high") ? "DESC" : "ASC"; // set all League-Scores for this Game to default, as they get recalculated next $leaguearray = explode("," , $this->arcade->settings['league_scores'] ); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_league SET points='".$leaguearray[10]."', position='0' WHERE gid=".$gid); // calculate which scores should show up on page $s_query = $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS counter FROM ibf_games_scores WHERE gid=".$gid); $s_all = $DB->fetch_row($s_query); $s_all = $s_all['counter']; $s_limit = $this->arcade->settings['scores_amount']; $lookctr = 1; $s_pos = 0; $lookupquery = $DB->query("SELECT s_id, mid, name, score FROM ibf_games_scores WHERE gid=".$gid." ORDER BY score ".$ordering.",timespent ASC"); while ($lookup = $DB->fetch_row($lookupquery)) { if ((($highsid['s_id']!=0) && ($lookup['s_id']==$highsid['s_id'])) || (($highsid['s_id']=="0") && ($lookup['name']==$player_name))) { $s_pos = $lookctr; } $lookctr++; } if (($s_pos/$s_limit)==(floor($s_pos/$s_limit))) { $startpage = (floor($s_pos / $s_limit) * $s_limit)-$s_limit; } else { $startpage = floor($s_pos / $s_limit) * $s_limit; } $endpage = $startpage + $s_limit + 1; $startpage = $startpage; if ($endpage > $s_all) { $endpage = $s_all; } if ($startpage < 0) { $startpage = 0; } if ($endpage <= $startpage) { $endpage = $startpage + 1; } // setup LIMIT which should be at least 11 to make sure all Top10 get leaguepoints if ($endpage < 11) { $limitquery = "LIMIT 11"; } else { $limitquery = "LIMIT ".$endpage; } $this_query = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_scores WHERE gid=".$gid." ORDER BY score ".$ordering.",timespent ASC ".$limitquery); $ctr=1; $rowcol = "alt2"; while($lboard = $DB->fetch_row($this_query)) { // parse the comment $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); // Version 3.0 oder 3.5 if ($vbversion == "3.0") { require_once('./includes/functions_bbcodeparse.php'); $parsed_comment = parse_bbcode($lboard['comment']); } else { require_once('./includes/class_bbcode.php'); $bbcode_parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list()); $parsed_comment = $bbcode_parser->parse($lboard['comment'],0,1); } $lboard['comment'] = $parsed_comment; if ($ibforums->lang[timeformat1]=="de") { $std->time_options['LROW'] = "{$ibforums->lang['timeformat2']} \u\m {$ibforums->lang['timeformat3']}"; } else { $std->time_options['LROW'] = "{$ibforums->lang['timeformat2']} {$ibforums->lang['timeformat3']}"; } $formatteddate = $std->get_date($lboard['datescored'],'LROW'); $usercell = ""; $usercell .= "{$lboard[name]}"; $datecell = $formatteddate; $scorecell = $this->arcade->do_arcade_format($lboard['score'],$ginfo['decpoints']); if ($lboard['timespent'] == 0) { $lboard['timespent'] = $ibforums->lang['n_a']; } else { $lboard['timespent'] = $this->arcade->thatdate($lboard['timespent']); } if($this->arcade->settings['skin'] != 0) { if($rowcol == "alt1") { $rowcol = "alt2"; } else { $rowcol = "alt1"; } } // only display scorelines that match the page needed if (($ctr > $startpage) && ($ctr < ($endpage+1))) { if ($ctr != $s_pos) { $this->output .= $this->html->leaderrow($lboard,$ctr,$usercell,$datecell,$scorecell,$rowcol); } else { if ($this->arcade->user['arcade_access']==3) { $yscore[5]=0; } if (($ctr==1 && $s_pos==1) && ($yscore[5]==1)) { $usercell = " ".$usercell." "; } $commentcell=$lboard['comment']; if($yscore[5]==1) { $commentcell = "
base_url."act=Arcade&do=stats&gameid=".$yscore[4]."&st=".$startpage."\" method=\"POST\">\n"; $commentcell .= "  \n"; $commentcell .= "lang['save_comment']."\">\n"; if( $this->arcade->settings['score_type'] == 'all' ) { $commentcell .= ""; } $commentcell .= "
"; } $data['comment'] = $commentcell; $data['timespent'] = $yscore[6]; $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); if (($vbversion != "3.0") && ($NATIVEMODE==0)) { ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('ibproarcade_play_game_finished')) ? eval($hook) : false; } $this->output .= $this->html->leaderrow($data,"".$ctr."","".$usercell."",$datecell,$scorecell,"alt1"); } } switch($ctr) { case 1: $points = $leaguearray[0]; break; case 2: $points = $leaguearray[1]; break; case 3: $points = $leaguearray[2]; break; case 4: $points = $leaguearray[3]; break; case 5: $points = $leaguearray[4]; break; case 6: $points = $leaguearray[5]; break; case 7: $points = $leaguearray[6]; break; case 8: $points = $leaguearray[7]; break; case 9: $points = $leaguearray[8]; break; case 10: $points = $leaguearray[9]; break; default: $points = $leaguearray[10]; } // ***** LEAGUE finally fixed by MrZeropage :) ***** if (($ctr < 11) && ($points != $leaguearray[10])) { // check if that player already has an entry for that game $DB->query("SELECT gid, mid, lid FROM ibf_games_league WHERE gid=".$gid." AND mid=".$lboard['mid']." AND position=0"); if ($DB->get_num_rows()) { // already in league, so just update the entry $onerow = $DB->fetch_row(); $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array ( 'mid' => $lboard['mid'], 'gid' => $gid, 'position' => $ctr, 'points' => $points, 'cat' => $ginfo['gcat'] ) ); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_league SET ".$db_string." WHERE gid=".$gid." AND mid=".$lboard['mid']." AND lid=".$onerow['lid']); } else { // new entry in league $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'mid' => $lboard['mid'], 'gid' => $gid, 'position' => $ctr, 'points' => $points, 'cat' => $ginfo['gcat'] ) ); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_games_league (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"); } } // ***** end of League ***** $ctr++; } $this->output .= $this->html->stop($this->arcade->links['pages']); if ($yscore[5]!=1) // show information if score is not stored because of main settings { if ($this->arcade->user['arcade_access']==3) { $this->output .= "

"; } else { $this->output .= "

"; } } $this->output .= "

"; $rating = ""; $rating = $ibforums->lang['rating']; $raters = unserialize($ginfo['g_raters']); if (isset($raters[$this->arcade->user['id']]) || $this->arcade->user['id']==0) { // no output for rating (guestplayer or already rated this game) } else { if( empty($ginfo['g_raters']) ) { $rating .= $ibforums->lang['no_votes']; } else { $amount = count($raters).$ibforums->lang['rates']; for( $a = 1 ; $a <= $ginfo['g_rating'] ; $a++ ) { $rating .= "".$amount.""; } $leftover = (5-$ginfo['g_rating']); for( $a = 1 ; $a <= $leftover ; $a++ ) { $rating .= "".$amount.""; } } $this->output .= "
"; $this->output .= "base_url}act=Arcade&do=rate&gid={$gid}&scored=1','comment_edit','height=150,width=400'); return false;\">{$ibforums->lang['rate_game']}

"; } $this->page_title = $ibforums->vars['board_name']." -> ".$ibforums->lang['page_title']." -> ".$ibforums->lang['hscores_title']; $this->nav = array( "{$ibforums->lang['page_title']}", "{$ibforums->lang['hscores_title']}" ); } else { // PNfg! This means we have to update the league now... $leaguearray = explode("," , $this->arcade->settings['league_scores'] ); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_league SET points='".$leaguearray[10]."', position='0' WHERE gid=".$gid); $game_query = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gid=".$gid); $ginfo = $DB->fetch_row($game_query); $ordering = ($ginfo['highscore_type'] == "high") ? "DESC" : "ASC"; $ctr = 1; $this_query = $DB->query("SELECT mid FROM ibf_games_scores WHERE gid='".$gid."' ORDER BY score ".$ordering.", timespent ASC LIMIT 0,10"); if ($DB->get_num_rows($this_query)) { while($lboard = $DB->fetch_row($this_query)) { switch($ctr) { case 1: $points = $leaguearray[0]; break; case 2: $points = $leaguearray[1]; break; case 3: $points = $leaguearray[2]; break; case 4: $points = $leaguearray[3]; break; case 5: $points = $leaguearray[4]; break; case 6: $points = $leaguearray[5]; break; case 7: $points = $leaguearray[6]; break; case 8: $points = $leaguearray[7]; break; case 9: $points = $leaguearray[8]; break; case 10: $points = $leaguearray[9]; break; default: $points = $leaguearray[10]; } if ($points > 0) { extract($ginfo); $mid = $this->arcade->user['id']; // check if that player already has an entry for that game $DB->query("SELECT gid, mid, lid FROM ibf_games_league WHERE gid=".$gid." AND mid=".$mid." AND position=0"); if ($DB->get_num_rows()) { // already in league, so just update the entry $onerow = $DB->fetch_row(); $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array ( 'mid' => $mid, 'gid' => $gid, 'position' => $ctr, 'points' => $points, 'cat' => $ginfo['gcat'] ) ); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_league SET ".$db_string." WHERE gid=".$gid." AND mid=".$mid." AND lid=".$onerow['lid']); } else { // new entry in league $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'mid' => $mid, 'gid' => $gid, 'position' => $ctr, 'points' => $points, 'cat' => $ginfo['gcat'] ) ); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_games_league (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"); } } $ctr++; } } } } elseif($tgame==1) { $tid = intval($_COOKIE['tidstarted']); $tquery = $DB->query("SELECT nbtries,cost,numplayers,gid FROM ibf_tournaments WHERE tid = '".$tid."' LIMIT 1"); $row = $DB->fetch_row($tquery); $nbtries = $row['nbtries']; $jackpot = $row['cost'] * $row['numplayers']; // get Game-Settings $gamequery = $DB->query("SELECT gid, bestmid, bestscore, besttime, highscore_type, gtitle FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gid=".$row['gid']); $gameinfo=$DB->fetch_row($gamequery); $scoretype=$gameinfo['highscore_type']; // best result of all time? by MrZeropage if ($player_score <> 0) { // check if existing best result ever is lower if ( (($gameinfo['bestscore'] < $player_score) && $scoretype == "high") || (($gameinfo['bestscore'] > $player_score) && $scoretype == "low") || (empty($gameinfo['bestscore'])) || ( ($gameinfo['bestscore'] == $player_score) && (($gameinfo['besttime']==0) || ($gameinfo['besttime'] > $timespent)))) { $userid=$this->arcade->user['id']; $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_list SET bestmid=".$userid.", bestscore='".$player_score."', besttime='".$timespent."' WHERE gid=".$gid); } } // Check to see if this faceoff in this rung has been played. $tourneyquery = $DB->query("SELECT rung,rungscore,timeplayed,faceoff,timesplayed FROM ibf_tournament_players WHERE mid=".$this->arcade->user['id']." AND tid=".$tid." ORDER BY rung DESC"); $ctr = 0; while($row = $DB->fetch_row($tourneyquery)) { if($row['timesplayed'] <= $nbtries) { $ctr++; } $savearray[0] = $row['rung']; $savearray[1] = $row['rungscore']; $savearray[2] = $row['timeplayed']; $savearray[3] = $row['faceoff']; $savearray[4] = $this->arcade->user['id']; $savearray[5] = $tid; $savearray[6] = $row['timesplayed']; } if($ctr > 0) { $thisscore = $player_score; if ( (($thisscore > $savearray[1]) && $scoretype == "high") || (($thisscore > 0 && $savearray[1]==0) && $scoretype == "low") || (($thisscore < $savearray[1]) && $scoretype == "low") && ($thisscore != 0) ) { // Save new game score in that spot $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournament_players SET rungscore=".$player_score.", timeplayed='".time()."', notified=0 WHERE mid=".$this->arcade->user['id']." AND tid=".$tid." AND rung=".$savearray[0]); $savearray[1] = $thisscore; } else { $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournament_players SET timeplayed='".time()."', notified=0 WHERE mid=".$this->arcade->user['id']." AND tid=".$tid." AND rung=".$savearray[0]); } } else { $this->view_tourney($tid); return; } // see if the opponent has played yet $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_tournament_players WHERE tid=".$tid." AND rung=".$savearray[0]." AND faceoff='".$savearray[3]."' AND mid <> '".$savearray[4]."' LIMIT 0, 1"); $opponentinfo = $DB->fetch_row(); $advancetourney=0; if($opponentinfo['timesplayed'] < $nbtries || $savearray[6] < $nbtries) { // check if the result could be clear before all Games are played // opponent is finished ? if ($opponentinfo['timesplayed']==$nbtries) { if (($savearray[1] > $opponentinfo['rungscore'] && $scoretype == "high") || ($savearray[1] < $opponentinfo['rungscore'] && $savearray[1]>0 && $scoretype == "low")) { // just beaten your opponent, so advance to next round :) $advancetourney=1; $savearray[6]=$nbtries; } } // player himself is finished ? if ($savearray[6]==$nbtries) { if (($savearray[1] < $opponentinfo['rungscore'] && $scoretype == "high") || ($savearray[1] > $opponentinfo['rungscore'] && $opponentinfo['rungscore']>0 && $scoretype == "low")) { // player did not reach opponent, so advance to next round :) $advancetourney=1; $opponentinfo['timesplayed']=$nbtries; } } } else { $advancetourney=1; } if ($advancetourney==1) { if($savearray[3] == 1 || $savearray[3] == 2) { $nextfaceoff=1; } else { $nextfaceoff=2; } if (($savearray[0] == 1) && ($opponentinfo['rungscore'] != $savearray[1])) { if (($opponentinfo['rungscore'] >= $savearray[1] && $scoretype == "high") || ($opponentinfo['rungscore'] < $savearray[1] && $opponentinfo['rungscore']>0 && $scoretype == "low")) { $winner = $opponentinfo['mid']; $loser = $savearray[4]; } else { $winner = $savearray[4]; $loser = $opponentinfo['mid']; } $DB->query("SELECT name,id FROM ibf_members WHERE id='".$winner."' LIMIT 1"); $name = $DB->fetch_row(); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournaments SET champion='".ibp_cleansql($name['name'])."' WHERE tid=".$tid); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournament_players_statut SET statut='1' WHERE tid='".$tid."' AND mid='".$loser."'"); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournament_players_statut SET statut='3' WHERE tid='".$tid."' AND mid='".$winner."'"); // Notification to winner by MrZeropage :-) if ($this->arcade->settings['msgsys_twin']==1) { $senderid = $this->arcade->user['id']; $sendername = $this->arcade->user['name']; $recipient = $winner; $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); // Version 3.0 oder 3.5 if ($vbversion == "3.0") { $forumlink = $vboptions['bburl']."/"; } else { $forumlink = $vbulletin->options['bburl']."/"; } $title = $ibforums->lang['pmnote_winner']; $mailtitle = $ibforums->lang['pmnote_winner']; $message = $this->arcade->settings['msgsys_twin_text']; $mailmessage = $this->arcade->settings['msgsys_twin_text']; $message = preg_replace('/%NAME%/',$name['name'],$message); $message = preg_replace('/%GAME%/',$gameinfo['gtitle'],$message); $message = preg_replace("#%LINK\|(.*?)%#","[url='".$forumlink."arcade.php?do=viewtourney&tid=".$tid."']$1[/url]",$message); $mailmessage = preg_replace('/%NAME%/',$name['name'],$mailmessage); $mailmessage = preg_replace('/%GAME%/',$gameinfo['gtitle'],$mailmessage); $mailmessage = preg_replace("#%LINK\|(.*?)%#","$1",$mailmessage); $mailmessage = strip_bbcode($mailmessage, true); $mailmessage = preg_replace('/<\/?[a-z][a-z0-9]*[^<>]*>/i', '', $mailmessage); // does the recipient want to receive any Notifications from the Arcade ? $DB->query("SELECT arcade_pmactive, email FROM ibf_user WHERE userid=$recipient"); $recip = $DB->fetch_row(); // check for possible Guest-Player if ($guestplayerid == $recipient) { $recip['arcade_pmactive']=0; } if ($recip['arcade_pmactive'] == 1) { // Notification via PM if (($this->arcade->settings['notification']=="pm") || ($this->arcade->settings['notification']=="pm+mail")) { $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_pmtext (fromuserid, fromusername, title, message, touserarray, iconid, dateline, showsignature, allowsmilie) VALUES ('".$senderid."', '".addslashes($sendername)."', '".addslashes($title)."', '" . addslashes($message) . "', '" . addslashes(serialize(array($recipient))) . "', 0, " . TIMENOW . ", 0, 0)"); $pmid = $DB->get_insert_id(); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_user SET pmtotal=pmtotal+1, pmunread=pmunread+1 WHERE userid=$recipient"); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_pm (pmtextid, userid, folderid, messageread) VALUES ('$pmid', '$recipient', '0', '0')"); } // Notification via eMail if (($this->arcade->settings['notification']=="mail") || ($this->arcade->settings['notification']=="pm+mail")) { vbmail($recip['email'],$mailtitle,$mailmessage); } } } $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); if (($vbversion != "3.0") && ($NATIVEMODE==0)) { ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('ibproarcade_tourney_won')) ? eval($hook) : false; } $this->view_tourney($tid); return; } $timenow = time(); if ($opponentinfo['rungscore'] == $savearray[1]) { // both opponents finally have same result, so give both one more try $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournament_players SET timesplayed=timesplayed-1, timeplayed='".$timenow."', notified=0 WHERE tid='".$tid."' AND mid='".$opponentinfo['mid']."' AND rung='".$opponentinfo['rung']."'"); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournament_players SET timesplayed=timesplayed-1, timeplayed='".$timenow."', notified=0 WHERE tid='".$tid."' AND mid='".$savearray['4']."' AND rung='".$savearray[0]."'"); } else { if (($opponentinfo['rungscore'] > $savearray[1] && $scoretype == "high") || ($opponentinfo['rungscore'] < $savearray[1] && $scoretype == "low")) { // opponent has won $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'mid' => $opponentinfo['mid'], 'tid' => $tid, 'rung' => ($opponentinfo['rung']-1), 'rungscore' => 0, 'faceoff' => $nextfaceoff, 'timeplayed' => $timenow, 'timesplayed' => 0, 'notified' => 0, ) ); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_tournament_players (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournament_players_statut SET statut='1' WHERE tid='".$tid."' AND mid='".$savearray[4]."'"); // check if there is an opponent (to set back his timer) $check=$DB->query("SELECT mid FROM ibf_tournament_players WHERE tid=".$tid." AND faceoff=".$nextfaceoff." AND rung=".($opponentinfo['rung']-1)." AND mid<>".$opponentinfo['mid']); if ($row = $DB->fetch_row($check)) { $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournament_players SET timeplayed='".$timenow."', notified=0 WHERE tid=".$tid." AND faceoff=".$nextfaceoff." AND rung=".($opponentinfo['rung']-1)." AND mid=".$row['mid']); } // fill up tries in old rung $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournament_players SET timesplayed=".$nbtries.", notified=1 WHERE tid=".$tid." AND rung=".$opponentinfo['rung']." AND mid=".$opponentinfo['mid']); // set data for notifications $winnerid = $opponentinfo['mid']; $loserid = $this->arcade->user['id']; } else { // player has won $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'mid' => $savearray[4], 'tid' => $savearray[5], 'rung' => ($savearray[0]-1), 'rungscore' => 0, 'faceoff' => $nextfaceoff, 'timeplayed' => $timenow, 'timesplayed' => 0, 'notified' => 0, ) ); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_tournament_players (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournament_players_statut SET statut='1' WHERE tid='".$tid."' AND mid='".$opponentinfo['mid']."'"); // check if there is an opponent (to set back his timer) $check=$DB->query("SELECT mid FROM ibf_tournament_players WHERE tid=".$savearray[5]." AND faceoff=".$nextfaceoff." AND rung=".($savearray[0]-1)." AND mid<>".$savearray[4]); if ($row = $DB->fetch_row($check)) { $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournament_players SET timeplayed='".$timenow."', notified=0 WHERE tid=".$savearray[5]." AND faceoff=".$nextfaceoff." AND rung=".($savearray[0]-1)." AND mid=".$row['mid']); } // fill up tries in old rung $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournament_players SET timesplayed=".$nbtries.", notified=1 WHERE tid=".$savearray[5]." AND rung=".$savearray[0]." AND mid=".$savearray[4]); // set data for notifications $loserid = $opponentinfo['mid']; $winnerid = $this->arcade->user['id']; $tid = $savearray[5]; } // Notifications by MrZeropage $senderid = $this->arcade->user['id']; $sendername = $this->arcade->user['name']; if ($senderid == $winnerid) { $winnername = $sendername; $getnamequery=$DB->query("SELECT username FROM ibf_user WHERE userid=".$loserid); $getname = $DB->fetch_row($getnamequery); $losername = $getname['username']; } else { $losername = $sendername; $getnamequery=$DB->query("SELECT username FROM ibf_user WHERE userid=".$winnerid); $getname = $DB->fetch_row($getnamequery); $winnername = $getname['username']; } $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); // Version 3.0 oder 3.5 if ($vbversion == "3.0") { $forumlink = $vboptions['bburl']."/"; } else { $forumlink = $vbulletin->options['bburl']."/"; } $title = $ibforums->lang['pmnote_elim']; $mailtitle = $ibforums->lang['pmnote_elim']; $message = $this->arcade->settings['msgsys_telim_text']; $mailmessage = $this->arcade->settings['msgsys_telim_text']; $message = preg_replace('/%NAME%/',$losername,$message); $message = preg_replace('/%OTHER%/',$winnername,$message); $message = preg_replace('/%GAME%/',$gameinfo['gtitle'],$message); $message = preg_replace("#%LINK\|(.*?)%#","[url='".$forumlink."arcade.php?do=viewtourney&tid=".$tid."']$1[/url]",$message); $mailmessage = preg_replace('/%NAME%/',$losername,$mailmessage); $mailmessage = preg_replace('/%OTHER%/',$winnername,$mailmessage); $mailmessage = preg_replace('/%GAME%/',$gameinfo['gtitle'],$mailmessage); $mailmessage = preg_replace("#%LINK\|(.*?)%#","$1",$mailmessage); $mailmessage = strip_bbcode($mailmessage, true); $mailmessage = preg_replace('/<\/?[a-z][a-z0-9]*[^<>]*>/i', '', $mailmessage); $recipient = $loserid; // does the recipient want to receive any Notifications from the Arcade ? $DB->query("SELECT arcade_pmactive, email FROM ibf_user WHERE userid=$recipient"); $recip = $DB->fetch_row(); // check for possible Guest-Player if ($guestplayerid == $recipient) { $recip['arcade_pmactive']=0; } if (($recip['arcade_pmactive'] == 1) && ($this->arcade->settings['msgsys_telim']==1)) { // Notification via PM if (($this->arcade->settings['notification']=="pm") || ($this->arcade->settings['notification']=="pm+mail")) { $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_pmtext (fromuserid, fromusername, title, message, touserarray, iconid, dateline, showsignature, allowsmilie) VALUES ('".$senderid."', '".addslashes($sendername)."', '".addslashes($title)."', '" . addslashes($message) . "', '" . addslashes(serialize(array($recipient))) . "', 0, " . TIMENOW . ", 0, 0)"); $pmid = $DB->get_insert_id(); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_user SET pmtotal=pmtotal+1, pmunread=pmunread+1 WHERE userid=$recipient"); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_pm (pmtextid, userid, folderid, messageread) VALUES ('$pmid', '$recipient', '0', '0')"); } // Notification via eMail if (($this->arcade->settings['notification']=="mail") || ($this->arcade->settings['notification']=="pm+mail")) { vbmail($recip['email'],$mailtitle,$mailmessage); } } // and now to the winner of the match... $title = $ibforums->lang['pmnote_adv']; $mailtitle = $ibforums->lang['pmnote_adv']; $message = $this->arcade->settings['msgsys_tadvance_text']; $mailmessage = $this->arcade->settings['msgsys_tadvance_text']; $message = preg_replace('/%NAME%/',$winnername,$message); $message = preg_replace('/%OTHER%/',$losername,$message); $message = preg_replace('/%GAME%/',$gameinfo['gtitle'],$message); $message = preg_replace("#%LINK\|(.*?)%#","[url='".$forumlink."arcade.php?do=viewtourney&tid=".$tid."']$1[/url]",$message); $mailmessage = preg_replace('/%NAME%/',$winnername,$mailmessage); $mailmessage = preg_replace('/%OTHER%/',$losername,$mailmessage); $mailmessage = preg_replace('/%GAME%/',$gameinfo['gtitle'],$mailmessage); $mailmessage = preg_replace("#%LINK\|(.*?)%#","$1",$mailmessage); $mailmessage = strip_bbcode($mailmessage, true); $mailmessage = preg_replace('/<\/?[a-z][a-z0-9]*[^<>]*>/i', '', $mailmessage); $recipient = $winnerid; // does the recipient want to receive any Notifications from the Arcade ? $DB->query("SELECT arcade_pmactive, email FROM ibf_user WHERE userid=$recipient"); $recip = $DB->fetch_row(); // check for possible Guest-Player if ($guestplayerid == $recipient) { $recip['arcade_pmactive']=0; } if (($recip['arcade_pmactive'] == 1) && ($this->arcade->settings['msgsys_tadvance']==1)) { // Notification via PM if (($this->arcade->settings['notification']=="pm") || ($this->arcade->settings['notification']=="pm+mail")) { $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_pmtext (fromuserid, fromusername, title, message, touserarray, iconid, dateline, showsignature, allowsmilie) VALUES ('".$senderid."', '".addslashes($sendername)."', '".addslashes($title)."', '" . addslashes($message) . "', '" . addslashes(serialize(array($recipient))) . "', 0, " . TIMENOW . ", 0, 0)"); $pmid = $DB->get_insert_id(); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_user SET pmtotal=pmtotal+1, pmunread=pmunread+1 WHERE userid=$recipient"); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_pm (pmtextid, userid, folderid, messageread) VALUES ('$pmid', '$recipient', '0', '0')"); } // Notification via eMail if (($this->arcade->settings['notification']=="mail") || ($this->arcade->settings['notification']=="pm+mail")) { vbmail($recip['email'],$mailtitle,$mailmessage); } } } if ($keepsess == 1) { // tournament-game, so change gametype to normal game after first result $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_members SET arcade_gtype='0' WHERE id=".$this->arcade->user['id']); } else { $this->view_tourney($tid); } } else { if ($keepsess == 1) { // tournament-game, so change gametype to normal game after first result $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_members SET arcade_gtype='0' WHERE id=".$this->arcade->user['id']); } else { $this->view_tourney($tid); } } } } function rate() { global $ibforums, $DB, $print; $gid = intval($ibforums->input['gid']); $pagereload = $ibforums->input['scored']; $raters = array(); $DB->query("SELECT g_raters FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gid=".$gid); $temp = $DB->fetch_row(); $temp = unserialize($temp['g_raters']); if( !is_array($temp) ) { $temp = array(); } $raters = $temp; $id = $this->arcade->user['id']; if( isset($raters[$id]) || $id == 0 ) { $msg = ( $id ) ? $ibforums->lang['rated_allready'] : $ibforums->lang['guest_rate']; $html = $this->html->rating_general($msg,$pagereload); $html .= $this->html->copyright($this->version,$ibforums->lang['timeformat1']); $print->pop_up_window("{$ibforums->lang['rate_title']}",$html); exit(); } if( !isset($ibforums->input['rating']) ) { $DB->query("SELECT gid, gtitle FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gid=".$gid); $game = $DB->fetch_row(); $html .= $this->html->rating($game,$pagereload); $html .= $this->html->copyright($this->version,$ibforums->lang['timeformat1']); $print->pop_up_window("{$ibforums->lang['rate_title']}",$html); exit(); } else { $new_amount = count($raters)+1; $total_rate = 0; foreach( $raters as $user=>$rate ) { $total_rate += $rate; } $total_rate += $ibforums->input['rating']; $new_rate = floor($total_rate/$new_amount); if( $new_rate > 5 ) { $new_rate = 5; } if( $new_rate < 1 ) { $new_rate = 1; } $raters[$id] = $ibforums->input['rating']; $new_raters = serialize($raters); $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array( 'g_rating' => $new_rate, 'g_raters' => $new_raters, ) ); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_list SET ".$db_string." WHERE gid=".$gid); $html = $this->html->rating_general($ibforums->lang['thanks_rating'],$pagereload); $html .= $this->html->copyright($this->version,$ibforums->lang['timeformat1']); $print->pop_up_window("{$ibforums->lang['rate_title']}",$html); exit(); } } function facteur($jour , $mois , $annee) { global $ibforums, $DB, $std, $GROUP; $b=365*$annee; $c=31*($mois-1); if (($mois==1) || ($mois==2)){ $d= 0; $e = intval(($annee -1)/4); $h = intval(0.75*(intval(($annee-1)/100)+1)); } else { $d= intval(0.4*$mois+2.3); $e = intval($annee/4); $h = intval(0.75*(intval($annee/100)+1)); } $result = $jour + $b+ $c - $d +$e -$h; return $result; } function diff_dates($time) { $diff = time() - $time; $daysDiff = floor($diff/60/60/24); return $daysDiff; } // Function to view the terminated tourneys function view_tourney_end() { global $ibforums, $DB, $std, $GROUP; $std->time_options['ARCADE'] = $ibforums->lang['timeformat4']; $this->output = $this->html->finished_tournament_listing($tourneyinfo); $DB->query("SELECT t.numplayers,t.datestarted,t.tid,g.gtitle,t.champion, t.url_discut FROM ibf_tournaments as t, ibf_games_list as g WHERE t.champion <> '' AND t.gid = g.gid ORDER BY datestarted DESC"); while($row = $DB->fetch_row()) { $row['link'] = "".$ibforums->lang['see_this_tourney'].""; $row['datestarted'] = $std->get_date($row['datestarted'],'ARCADE'); $this->output .= $this->html->tournament_row($row); } $this->output .= $this->html->stop(" ", " "); $this->page_title = $ibforums->vars['board_name']." -> ".$ibforums->lang['page_title']." -> ".$ibforums->lang['tournament_view']; $this->nav = array( "{$ibforums->lang['page_title']}", $ibforums->lang['tournament_view'] ); } function create_tourney() { global $ibforums, $DB, $std, $GROUP, $vbulletin, $vboptions, $guestplayerid, $NATIVEMODE; // is this a guest? if ($ibforums->member['id']==0) { $std->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'no_tourney_group') ); } // check users private permissions first $DB->query("SELECT create_tourney AS tourney FROM ibf_user WHERE userid=".$ibforums->member['id']); $userperm = $DB->fetch_row(); // check if player is allowed to create a tournament through all primary and secondary usergroups $cancreate = 0; $DB->query("SELECT m.usergroupid, m.membergroupids FROM ibf_members AS m LEFT JOIN ibf_groups AS g ON (m.mgroup=g.g_id) WHERE".$ibforums->member['id']); $userdata = $DB->fetch_row(); $groups = array(); $groups[] = $userdata['usergroupid']; if ($userdata['membergroupids'] != "") { $groups = array_merge($groups,explode(',',$userdata['membergroupids'])); } $groupstring = implode(',',$groups); $DB->query("SELECT tourney FROM ibf_groups WHERE g_id IN (".$groupstring.")"); while ($check = $DB->fetch_row()) { if ($check['tourney'] == 1) { $cancreate = 1; } } unset($groups); unset($check); unset($userdata); $DB->query("SELECT g.tourney AS tourney, u.is_arcade_mod AS is_mod, g.g_access_cp AS is_admin FROM ibf_members AS u LEFT JOIN ibf_groups AS g ON (u.mgroup=g.g_id) WHERE userid=".$ibforums->member['id']." LIMIT 0,1"); $groupperm = $DB->fetch_row(); if (!$groupperm['is_mod'] && !$groupperm['is_admin']) // Admins and Arcade-Mod do always have permission to create Tourneys { if (!$cancreate) { $std->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'no_tourney_group') ); } if (!$userperm['tourney']) { $std->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'no_tourney_user') ); } } if ($guestplayerid == $ibforums->member['id']) { $std->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'no_tourney_group') ); } // Looking for the game list $form = ""; $cat=""; $catquery=""; if ($this->arcade->settings['use_cats'] == 1) { $catquery="cat.pos, cat.c_id, "; } $DB->query(" SELECT g.*, cat.password, cat.cat_name FROM ibf_games_list AS g, ibf_games_cats AS cat WHERE = 1 AND g.tourney_use = 1 AND g.gcat=cat.c_id AND trim(password)='' ORDER BY ".$catquery."gtitle"); while( $GAME = $DB->fetch_row() ) { if( $GAME['cat_name'] != $cat && $this->arcade->settings['use_cats'] == 1 ) { if( preg_match("/optgroup/i", $form) ) { $form .= ""; } $form .= ""; $cat = $GAME['cat_name']; } $form .= ""; } $extra=""; // detect vBplaza if (($vbulletin->options['vbbux_enabled'] == 1) && ($vbulletin->options['vbbux_arcadeintegration'] == 1)) { $extra = " {$ibforums->lang['costs_tourney']} "; } $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); if (($vbversion != "3.0") && ($NATIVEMODE==0)) { ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('ibproarcade_create_tourney')) ? eval($hook) : false; } $this->output .= $this->html->create_tourney($form,$extra); $this->page_title = $ibforums->vars['board_name']." -> ".$ibforums->lang['page_title']." -> ".$ibforums->lang['tournament_view']; $this->nav = array( "{$ibforums->lang['page_title']}", $ibforums->lang['tournament_view'] ); } function do_create_tourney() { global $ibforums, $DB, $std, $GROUP, $bbuserinfo, $print, $vboptions, $vbulletin, $NATIVEMODE; // We aren't a guest... are we? if( $ibforums->member['id'] == "" || $ibforums->member['id'] == "0") { $std->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'no_guests') ); } $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); if (($vbversion != "3.0") && ($NATIVEMODE==0)) { ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('ibproarcade_do_create_tourney_start')) ? eval($hook) : false; } $nbjoueurs = $ibforums->input['nbjoueurs']; $nbtries = $ibforums->input['nbtries']; $game = intval($ibforums->input['the_game']); $costs = intval($ibforums->input['tourney_costs']); $DB->query("SELECT gtitle from ibf_games_list WHERE gid='".$game."' LIMIT 1"); $GAME = $DB->fetch_row(); $gtitle = $GAME['gtitle']; $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'gid' => $game, 'numplayers' => $nbjoueurs, 'datestarted' => time(), 'demare' => 0, 'creat' => $this->arcade->user['name'], 'plibre' => $nbjoueurs - 1, 'nbtries' => $nbtries, 'cost' => $costs, 'champion' => '', 'url_discut' => '', ) ); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_tournaments (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"); $tid = $DB->get_insert_id(); $nbjoueurs = $nbjoueurs + 1; $rung = ceil($nbjoueurs / 3); $cpt = 1; while($cpt < $nbjoueurs) { $faceoff = ceil($cpt/2); $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'mid' => 0, 'tid' => $tid, 'rung' => $rung, 'rungscore' => 0, 'faceoff' => $faceoff, 'timeplayed' => time(), 'timesplayed' => 0, 'notified' => 0, ) ); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_tournament_players (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"); $cpt = $cpt + 1; } // Insertion du membre créateur du tournoi dans ce tournoi (au hasard) $nbjoueurs = $nbjoueurs - 1; $hasard = rand(1,$nbjoueurs); $faceoff = ceil($hasard/2); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournament_players SET mid='".$ibforums->member['id']."' WHERE rung='".$rung."' AND tid='".$tid."' AND faceoff='".$faceoff."' LIMIT 1"); // Création statut pour ce tournoi (0 = Ok, actif) $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'tid' => $tid, 'mid' => $ibforums->member['id'], 'statut' => 0, ) ) ; $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_tournament_players_statut (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"); // Création statut bidon pour mid = 0 $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'tid' => $tid, 'mid' => 0, 'statut' => 0, ) ); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_tournament_players_statut (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"); if ($FIXSTYLE == 1) { echo " "; // some forums need this... } $print->redirect_screen($ibforums->lang['tournament_created'], $ibforums->vars['base_url']."do=viewtourney&tid=".$tid); } function register_tourney($tid) { global $ibforums, $DB, $std, $GROUP, $print, $vboptions, $vbulletin, $guestplayerid, $NATIVEMODE; // We aren't a guest... are we? if( $ibforums->member['id'] == "" || $ibforums->member['id'] == "0" || $guestplayerid==$ibforums->member['id']) { $std->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'no_guests') ); } // check if player is allowed to play the Arcade through all primary and secondary usergroups $playok = 0; $DB->query("SELECT g.arcade_access, m.usergroupid, m.membergroupids FROM ibf_members AS m LEFT JOIN ibf_groups AS g ON (m.mgroup=g.g_id) WHERE".$ibforums->member['id']); $userdata = $DB->fetch_row(); $groups = array(); $groups[] = $userdata['usergroupid']; if ($userdata['membergroupids'] != "") { $groups = array_merge($groups,explode(',',$userdata['membergroupids'])); } $groupstring = implode(',',$groups); $DB->query("SELECT arcade_access FROM ibf_groups WHERE g_id IN (".$groupstring.")"); while ($check = $DB->fetch_row()) { if ($check['arcade_access'] > 1) { $playok = 1; } } unset($groups); unset($check); if ($playok == 0) { $std->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'err_noplay') ); } $tid = intval($tid); // Ce membre n'est-il pas déjà inscrit à ce tournoi ? $DB->query("SELECT mid FROM ibf_tournament_players WHERE tid='".$tid."' AND mid='".$ibforums->member['id']."'"); if($DB->fetch_row()) { $std->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'player_already') ); } /* if($ibforums->member['posts'] < $GROUP['p_require']) { $std->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 't_p_requires') ); } */ $DB->query("SELECT creat, gid, demare, numplayers, cost FROM ibf_tournaments WHERE tid = '".$tid."' LIMIT 1"); $row = $DB->fetch_row(); if($row['demare'] == 1) { $std->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 't_deja_dem') ); } $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); if (($vbversion != "3.0") && ($NATIVEMODE==0)) { ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('ibproarcade_register_tourney_start')) ? eval($hook) : false; } $DB->query("SELECT gtitle from ibf_games_list WHERE gid='".$row['gid']."' LIMIT 1"); $GAME = $DB->fetch_row(); $gtitle = $GAME['gtitle']; $nbjoueurs = $row['numplayers']; $rung = ceil($nbjoueurs / 3); $gid = $row['gid']; $creat = $row['creat']; $ctr = 0; $liste = ""; $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_tournament_players WHERE tid='".$tid."' ORDER BY faceoff ASC"); while($row = $DB->fetch_row()) { if($ctr==0) { $ctr = 1; } else { $ctr = 0; } $num = ($row['faceoff']*2) - $ctr; if($row['mid'] == 0) // Place libre { $liste .= $num; } } $hasard = rand(1,strlen($liste)) - 1; $num = $liste{$hasard}; // On a une place ok :) $faceoff = ceil($num/2); $datestarted = time(); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournament_players SET mid='".$ibforums->member['id']."', notified=0 WHERE rung='".$rung."' AND tid='".$tid."' AND mid='0' AND faceoff='".$faceoff."' LIMIT 1"); // Création statut pour ce tournoi (0 = Ok, actif) $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_tournament_players_statut VALUES ('".$tid."', '".$ibforums->member['id']."', '0')"); if(strlen($liste) == 1) // Le tournoi est donc plein après cette inscription ;) { $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournament_players SET timeplayed='".$datestarted."' WHERE tid='".$tid."'"); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournaments SET datestarted='".$datestarted."',demare = '1', plibre='0' WHERE tid='".$tid."'"); if ($this->arcade->settings['msgsys_tstart']==1) { // send notification-message to all participants that the tourney starts right now $DB->query("SELECT gtitle from ibf_games_list WHERE gid='".$gid."' LIMIT 1"); $title = $DB->fetch_row(); $gamename = $title['gtitle']; $sendername = "Arcade System Message"; global $vbulletin, $vboptions; $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); // Version 3.0 oder 3.5 if ($vbversion == "3.0") { $forumlink = $vboptions['bburl']."/"; } else { $forumlink = $vbulletin->options['bburl']."/"; } $callusers = $DB->query("SELECT mid FROM ibf_tournament_players WHERE tid='".$tid."'"); while($row = $DB->fetch_row($callusers)) { $recipient = $row['mid']; // does the recipient want to receive any Notifications from the Arcade ? $DB->query("SELECT arcade_pmactive, email, username FROM ibf_user WHERE userid=".$recipient); $recip = $DB->fetch_row(); $recipientname = $recip['username']; $title = $gamename . " " . $ibforums->lang['pm_tourney_full']; $mailtitle = $gamename . " " . $ibforums->lang['pm_tourney_full']; $message = $this->arcade->settings['msgsys_tstart_text']; $mailmessage = $this->arcade->settings['msgsys_tstart_text']; $message = preg_replace('/%NAME%/',$recipientname,$message); $message = preg_replace('/%GAME%/',$gamename,$message); $message = preg_replace("#%LINK\|(.*?)%#","[url='".$forumlink."arcade.php?do=viewtourney&tid=".$tid."']$1[/url]",$message); $mailmessage = preg_replace('/%NAME%/',$recipientname,$mailmessage); $mailmessage = preg_replace('/%GAME%/',$gamename,$mailmessage); $mailmessage = preg_replace("#%LINK\|(.*?)%#","$1",$mailmessage); $mailmessage = strip_bbcode($mailmessage, true); $mailmessage = preg_replace('/<\/?[a-z][a-z0-9]*[^<>]*>/i', '', $mailmessage); if ($guestplayerid == $recipient) { $recip['arcade_pmactive']=0; } if ($recip['arcade_pmactive'] == 1) { // Notification via PM if (($this->arcade->settings['notification']=="pm") || ($this->arcade->settings['notification']=="pm+mail")) { $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_pmtext (fromuserid, fromusername, title, message, touserarray, iconid, dateline, showsignature, allowsmilie) VALUES ('".$recipient."', '".$sendername."', '".$title."', '" . addslashes($message) . "', '" . addslashes(serialize(array($recipient))) . "', 0, " . TIMENOW . ", 0, 0)"); $pmid = $DB->get_insert_id(); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_user SET pmtotal=pmtotal+1, pmunread=pmunread+1 WHERE userid=$recipient"); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_pm (pmtextid, userid, folderid, messageread) VALUES ('$pmid', '$recipient', '0', '0')"); } // Notification via eMail if (($this->arcade->settings['notification']=="mail") || ($this->arcade->settings['notification']=="pm+mail")) { vbmail($recip['email'],$mailtitle,$mailmessage); } } } } } $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournaments SET plibre=plibre-1 WHERE tid='".$tid."'"); if ($FIXSTYLE == 1) { echo " "; // some forums need this... } $print->redirect_screen($ibforums->lang['tourney_reg_ok'], $ibforums->vars['base_url']."do=viewtourney&tid=".$tid); } function corige_tournoi($tid, $rung, $faceoff) { global $ibforums, $DB, $std, $GROUP, $print; $tid = intval($tid); $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_tournaments WHERE tid='$tid'"); $infot = $DB->fetch_row(); $DB->query("SELECT * from ibf_games_list WHERE gid='".$infot['gid']."' LIMIT 1"); $infog = $DB->fetch_row(); $cpt=0; // Recherche des infos sur les 2 joueurs $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_tournament_players WHERE tid='$tid' AND rung='$rung' AND faceoff='$faceoff'"); while($row = $DB->fetch_row()) { $infoj[$cpt] = $row; $cpt++; } $nbtries = $infot['nbtries']; if($infoj[0]['timesplayed'] < $nbtries || $infoj[1]['timesplayed'] < $nbtries) { echo $ibforums->lang['advance_players']; $this->view_tourney($tid); return; } if($faceoff == 1 || $faceoff == 2) { $nextfaceoff=1; } else { $nextfaceoff=2; } // Cas où un champion doit être couronné if($rung == 1) { if ( (($infoj[0]['rungscore'] >= $infoj[1]['rungscore']) && $infog['highscore_type'] == "high") || (($infoj[0]['rungscore'] <= $infoj[1]['rungscore']) && $infog['highscore_type'] == "low" && $infoj[0]['rungscore'] > 0) ) { $winner = $infoj[0]['mid']; } else { $winner = $infoj[1]['mid']; } $DB->query("SELECT name,id FROM ibf_members WHERE id='".$winner."' LIMIT 1"); $name = $DB->fetch_row(); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournaments SET champion='".ibp_cleansql($name['name'])."' WHERE tid='$tid' LIMIT 1"); // Mise à jour du statut de tous les participants (Statut = 3 => Tournoi terminé) $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournament_players_statut SET statut='3' WHERE tid='".$tid."'"); $print->redirect_screen($ibforums->lang['operation_ok'], $ibforums->vars['base_url']."do=viewtourney&tid=".$tid); return; } // Le tournoi n'est pas terminé, on fait juste avancer $loser = ""; if ((($infoj[0]['rungscore'] >= $infoj[1]['rungscore']) && $infog['highscore_type'] == "high") || (($infoj[0]['rungscore'] <= $infoj[1]['rungscore']) && $infog['highscore_type'] == "low" && $infoj[0]['rungscore'] > 0)) { $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'mid' => $infoj[0]['mid'], 'tid' => $tid, 'rung' => ($rung-1), 'rungscore' => 0, 'faceoff' => $nextfaceoff, 'timeplayed' => time(), 'timesplayed' => 0, 'notified' => 0,) ); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_tournament_players (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"); $loser = $infoj[1]['mid']; } else { $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'mid' => $infoj[1]['mid'], 'tid' => $tid, 'rung' => ($rung-1), 'rungscore' => 0, 'faceoff' => $nextfaceoff, 'timeplayed' => time(), 'timesplayed' => 0, 'notified' => 0, ) ); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_tournament_players (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"); $loser = $infoj[0]['mid']; } // Mise à jour du statut du perdant $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournament_players_statut SET statut='1' WHERE tid='".$tid."' AND mid='".$loser."'"); // update last playtime for both (new) opponents $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournament_players SET timeplayed=".time().", notified=0 WHERE tid=".$tid." AND rung=".($rung-1)." AND faceoff=".$nextfaceoff); $print->redirect_screen($ibforums->lang['operation_ok'], $ibforums->vars['base_url']."do=viewtourney&tid=".$tid); } function disqual_tournoi($tid, $rung, $faceoff, $mid) { global $ibforums, $DB, $std, $GROUP, $print; $tid = intval($tid); $rung = intval($rung); $faceoff = intval($faceoff); $mid = intval($mid); // check permission to run this $DB->query("SELECT m.is_arcade_mod AS is_mod, g.g_access_cp AS is_admin FROM ibf_members AS m LEFT JOIN ibf_groups AS g ON (m.mgroup = g.g_id) WHERE id=".$ibforums->member['id']." LIMIT 0, 1"); $userinfo = $DB->fetch_row(); if ($userinfo['is_mod'] || $userinfo['is_admin']) { $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_tournaments WHERE tid='$tid'"); $infot = $DB->fetch_row(); $cpt=0; // Recherche des infos sur les 2 joueurs $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_tournament_players WHERE tid='$tid' AND rung='$rung' AND faceoff='$faceoff'"); while($row = $DB->fetch_row()) { $infoj[$cpt] = $row; $cpt++; } $nbtries = $infot['nbtries']; if($faceoff == 1 || $faceoff == 2) { $nextfaceoff=1; } else { $nextfaceoff=2; } // Cas où un champion doit être couronné if($rung == 1) { if($mid == $infoj[0]['mid']) { $winner = $infoj[1]['mid']; } else { $winner = $infoj[0]['mid']; } $DB->query("SELECT gname, gtitle from ibf_games_list WHERE gid='".$infot['gid']."' LIMIT 1"); $row = $DB->fetch_row(); $gname = $row['gname']; $gtitle = $row['gtitle']; $DB->query("SELECT name,id FROM ibf_members WHERE id='".$winner."' LIMIT 1"); $name = $DB->fetch_row(); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournaments SET champion='".ibp_cleansql($name['name'])."' WHERE tid='$tid' LIMIT 1"); // Mise à jour du statut de tous les participants (Statut = 3 => Tournoi terminé) $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournament_players_statut SET statut='3' WHERE tid='".$tid."' AND mid=".$winner); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournament_players_statut SET statut='2' WHERE tid='".$tid."' AND mid=".$mid); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournament_players SET timesplayed='$nbtries' WHERE tid='$tid' AND faceoff='$faceoff' AND rung='$rung'"); $print->redirect_screen($ibforums->lang['operation_ok'], $ibforums->vars['base_url']."do=viewtourney&tid=".$tid); return; } // Le tournoi n'est pas terminé, on fait juste avancer $loser = ""; if($mid == $infoj[0]['mid']) { $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'mid' => $infoj[1]['mid'], 'tid' => $tid, 'rung' => ($rung-1), 'rungscore' => 0, 'faceoff' => $nextfaceoff, 'timeplayed' => time(), 'timesplayed' => 0, 'notified' => 0,) ); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_tournament_players (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"); $loser = $infoj[0]['mid']; // check if there is an opponent (to set back his timer) $check=$DB->query("SELECT mid FROM ibf_tournament_players WHERE tid=".$tid." AND faceoff=".$nextfaceoff." AND rung=".($rung-1)." AND mid<>".$infoj[1]['mid']); if ($row = $DB->fetch_row($check)) { $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournament_players SET timeplayed='".time()."', notified=0 WHERE tid=".$tid." AND faceoff=".$nextfaceoff." AND rung=".($rung-1)." AND mid=".$row['mid']); } } else { $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'mid' => $infoj[0]['mid'], 'tid' => $tid, 'rung' => ($rung-1), 'rungscore' => 0, 'faceoff' => $nextfaceoff, 'timeplayed' => time(), 'timesplayed' => 0, 'notified' => 0,) ); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_tournament_players (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"); $loser = $infoj[1]['mid']; // check if there is an opponent (to set back his timer) $check=$DB->query("SELECT mid FROM ibf_tournament_players WHERE tid=".$tid." AND faceoff=".$nextfaceoff." AND rung=".($rung-1)." AND mid<>".$infoj[0]['mid']); if ($row = $DB->fetch_row($check)) { $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournament_players SET timeplayed='".time()."', notified=0 WHERE tid=".$tid." AND faceoff=".$nextfaceoff." AND rung=".($rung-1)." AND mid=".$row['mid']); } } // Mise à jour du statut du perdant $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournament_players_statut SET statut='2' WHERE tid='".$tid."' AND mid='".$loser."'"); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournament_players SET timesplayed='$nbtries' WHERE tid='$tid' AND faceoff='$faceoff' AND rung='$rung'"); } $print->redirect_screen($ibforums->lang['operation_ok'], $ibforums->vars['base_url']."do=viewtourney&tid=".$tid); } } $main = new Arcade; if( isset($ibforums->input['module']) ) { $file = MODULE_PATH."mod_".$ibforums->input['module'].".php"; if( file_exists($file) ) { require $file; } else { $main->show_games(); $print->add_output($main->output); $print->do_output( array( 'TITLE' => $main->page_title, 'JS' => 0, NAV => $main->nav ) ); } } function ibp_cleansql($value) { if( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) { $value = stripslashes( $value ); } //check if this function exists if( function_exists( "mysql_real_escape_string" ) ) { $value = mysql_real_escape_string( $value ); } //for PHP version < 4.3.0 use addslashes else { $value = addslashes( $value ); } return $value; } function ibp_cleanhtml($value) { if ($value != strip_tags($value)) { // seems to be HTML in the text... $search = array('@]*?>.*?@si', // Strip out javascript '@]*?>.*?@siU', // Strip style tags properly '@<[\/\!]*?[^<>]*?>@si', // Strip out HTML tags '@@' // Strip multi-line comments including CDATA ); $value = preg_replace($search, '', $value); $value = strip_tags($value); } return $value; } function clean_key($key) { if ($key == "") { return ""; } $key = preg_replace( "/\.\./" , "" , $key ); $key = preg_replace( "/\_\_(.+?)\_\_/" , "" , $key ); $key = preg_replace( "/^([\w\.\-\_]+)$/", "$1", $key ); return $key; } function clean_value($val) { if ($val == "") { return ""; } $val = str_replace( " ", " ", $val ); if ( $ibforums->vars['strip_space_chr'] ) { $val = str_replace( chr(0xCA), "", $val ); //Remove sneaky spaces } $val = str_replace( "&" , "&" , $val ); $val = str_replace( "" , "-->" , $val ); $val = preg_replace( "/