obj['sql_database'] = $dbname; $DB->obj['sql_user'] = $dbusername; $DB->obj['sql_pass'] = $dbpassword; $DB->obj['sql_host'] = $servername; $DB->obj['sql_port'] = $port; $DB->obj['sql_tbl_prefix'] = $tableprefix; } else { // DBaccess for vBulletin 3.5.x $DB->obj['sql_database'] = $config['Database']['dbname']; $DB->obj['sql_user'] = $config['MasterServer']['username']; $DB->obj['sql_pass'] = $config['MasterServer']['password']; $DB->obj['sql_host'] = $config['MasterServer']['servername']; $DB->obj['sql_port'] = $config['MasterServer']['port']; $DB->obj['sql_tbl_prefix'] = $config['Database']['tableprefix']; } $DB->connect(); // read settings $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_settings"); $arcade = $DB->fetch_row(); $arcade['league_scores'] = explode("," , $arcade['league_scores'] ); $show_active = unserialize($arcade['show_active']); if ($vbversion == "3.0") { $ibforums->member['id'] = $bbuserinfo['userid']; } else { $ibforums->member['id'] = $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']; } // load languagepack $languageid = $arcade['arcade_language']; $langfile = "lang_Arcade_".$languageid; $ibforums->lang = $std->load_words($ibforums->lang, $langfile, $ibforums->lang_id ); // check if file is valid and compatible if ($ibforums->lang['acp_on'] == "") { // incompatible language-file, load english (default) $ibforums->lang = $std->load_words($ibforums->lang, 'lang_Arcade_en', $ibforums->lang_id ); } if ($EMULATE_VBPLAZA==1) { $vbulletin->options['vbbux_enabled'] = 1; $vbulletin->options['vbbux_arcadeintegration'] = 1; } // parse all incoming data $IN = $std->parse_incoming(); foreach($_POST as $key => $value) { $IN[$key] = $value; } foreach($_GET as $key => $value) { $IN[$key] = $value; } $action = $_GET['code']; if ($action == "") { $action = "gamelist"; } switch ($_POST['do']) { case "updatesettings": $action = "updatesettings"; break; case "jumpsettings": $action = "settings"; break; case "updategroups": $action = "updategroups"; break; case "sort_games": $action = "sortgames"; break; case "edit_categories": $action = "do_cat_stuff"; $IN['do'] = "edit"; break; case "cat": $action = "cat"; break; case "add_category": $action = "do_cat_stuff"; $IN['do'] = "add"; break; case "usermanager": $action = "usermanager"; break; case "save_user": $action = "save_user"; break; case "save_ipban": $action = "save_ipban"; break; case "score_tools": $action = "score_tools"; break; case "tool_scores": $action = "tool_scores"; break; case "tool_multi_del": $action = "tool_multi_del"; break; case "tool_actnames": $action = "tool_actnames"; break; case "tool_champs": $action = "tool_champs"; break; case "tool_best": $action = "tool_best"; break; case "tool_league": $action = "tool_league"; break; case "games_setmulticat": $action = "games_setmulticat"; break; case "user_search": $action = "user_search"; break; case "prunet": $action = "tourney_stuff"; $IN['do'] = "prunet"; break; case "newt": $action = "tourney_stuff"; $IN['do'] = "newt"; break; case "add_t_confirm": $action = "tourney_stuff"; $IN['do'] = "add_t_confirm"; break; case "do_add_t": $action = "tourney_stuff"; $IN['do'] = "do_add_t"; break; case "confirm_r": $action = "tourney_stuff"; $IN['do'] = "confirm_r"; break; case "viewtourney": $action = "tourney_stuff"; $IN['do'] = "view"; break; case "do_replace": $action = "tourney_stuff"; $IN['do'] = "do_replace"; break; case "add_game": $action = "add_game"; break; case "del": $action = "del"; break; case "do_edit": $action = "do_editgame"; break; case "edit_comment": $action = "edit_comment"; break; case "do_add": $action = "do_addgame"; break; case "do_add_sql": $action = "do_add_sql"; break; case "tourneysettings": $action = "tourneysettings"; break; case "savemessages": $action = "savemessages"; break; } // ##### some functionality for some following operations ##### function update_cat_game_nums() { global $DB; $new_amounts = array(); $this_query = $DB->query("SELECT c_id, show_all FROM ibf_games_cats ORDER BY c_id"); while( $CAT = $DB->fetch_row($this_query) ) { $query_extra = ""; if( !$CAT['show_all'] ) { $query_extra = "AND gcat=".$CAT['c_id']; } $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(gid) AS amount FROM ibf_games_list WHERE active=1 ".$query_extra); $the = $DB->fetch_row(); $new_amounts[ $CAT['c_id'] ] = $the['amount']; } foreach( $new_amounts as $cat=>$amount ) { $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array ( 'num_of_games' => $amount ) ); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_cats SET ".$db_string." WHERE c_id='".$cat."'"); } } function do_champ_update($auto_run = 0) { global $IN, $DB; $query_extra = ""; if( !$auto_run ) { if( !in_array("0" , $IN['in_game']) ) { $query_extra .= "WHERE gid IN (".implode("," , $IN['in_game']).")"; } } $the_champs = array(); if( $query_extra == "" ) { $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_games_champs"); } $game_query = $DB->query("SELECT gid, highscore_type, gtitle FROM ibf_games_list ".$query_extra." ORDER by gtitle"); while( $game = $DB->fetch_row($game_query) ) { $order = ($game['highscore_type'] == "high") ? "DESC" : "ASC"; $DB->query("SELECT s.mid, s.gid, s.name, s.datescored, s.score, g.gtitle FROM ibf_games_scores AS s, ibf_games_list AS g WHERE s.gid=g.gid AND s.gid=".$game['gid']." ORDER BY score ".$order.", timespent ASC"); if( $DB->get_num_rows() ) { $champ = $DB->fetch_row(); $the_champs[] = array( 'gid' => $champ['gid'], 'gtitle' => $champ['gtitle'], 'mid' => $champ['mid'], 'name' => $champ['name'], 'date' => $champ['datescored'], 'score' => $champ['score'] ); } } foreach( $the_champs as $this_champ ) { if( $query_extra != "" ) { $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array ( 'champ_gid' => $this_champ['gid'], 'champ_gtitle' => $this_champ['gtitle'], 'champ_mid' => $this_champ['mid'], 'champ_name' => $this_champ['name'], 'champ_date' => $this_champ['date'], 'champ_score' => $this_champ['score'] ) ); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_champs SET ".$db_string." WHERE champ_gid=".$this_champ['gid']); } else { $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'champ_gid' => $this_champ['gid'], 'champ_gtitle' => $this_champ['gtitle'], 'champ_mid' => $this_champ['mid'], 'champ_name' => $this_champ['name'], 'champ_date' => $this_champ['date'], 'champ_score' => $this_champ['score'] ) ); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_games_champs (".$db_string['FIELD_NAMES'].") VALUES (".$db_string['FIELD_VALUES'].")"); } } if( !$auto_run ) { /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("Highscores aktualisiert"); } */ define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=score_tools'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); } } function do_league_update($auto_run = 0) { global $IN, $DB; $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_games_league"); $game_query = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_list WHERE active=1"); while ($ginfo = $DB->fetch_row($game_query)) { $ordering = ($ginfo['highscore_type'] == "high") ? "DESC" : "ASC"; $ctr = 1; $this_query = $DB->query("SELECT mid FROM ibf_games_scores WHERE gid='".$ginfo['gid']."' ORDER BY score ".$ordering.", timespent ASC LIMIT 0,10"); if ($DB->get_num_rows($this_query)) { while($lboard = $DB->fetch_row($this_query)) { switch($ctr) { case 1: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][0]; break; case 2: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][1]; break; case 3: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][2]; break; case 4: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][3]; break; case 5: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][4]; break; case 6: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][5]; break; case 7: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][6]; break; case 8: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][7]; break; case 9: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][8]; break; case 10: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][9]; break; default: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][10]; } if ($points > 0) { extract($ginfo); $lid = $lboard['mid']; $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'mid' => $lid, 'gid' => $gid, 'position' => $ctr, 'points' => $points, 'cat' => $gcat, ) ); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_games_league (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"); } $ctr++; } } } if (!$auto_run) { /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("Rangliste aktualisiert"); } */ define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=score_tools'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); } } function confirm($game_id = "") { global $IN, $DB, $ibforums; $game_id = $IN['gid']; $DB->query("SELECT gtitle, gname FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gid=".$game_id); $GAME = $DB->fetch_row(); $existsf = ( file_exists($INFO['base_dir']."arcade/".$GAME['gname'].".swf") ) ? "".$ibforums->lang['acp_yes']."" : "".$ibforums->lang['acp_no'].""; $existsi1 = ( file_exists($INFO['base_dir']."arcade/images/".$GAME['gname']."1.gif") ) ? "".$ibforums->lang['acp_yes']."" : "".$ibforums->lang['acp_no'].""; $existsi2 = ( file_exists($INFO['base_dir']."arcade/images/".$GAME['gname']."2.gif") ) ? "".$ibforums->lang['acp_yes']."" : "".$ibforums->lang['acp_no'].""; $removablef = ( is_writable($INFO['base_dir']."arcade/".$GAME['gname'].".swf") ) ? "".$ibforums->lang['acp_yes']."" : "".$ibforums->lang['acp_no'].""; $removablei1 = ( is_writable($INFO['base_dir']."arcade/images/".$GAME['gname']."1.gif") ) ? "".$ibforums->lang['acp_yes']."" : "".$ibforums->lang['acp_no'].""; $removablei2 = ( is_writable($INFO['base_dir']."arcade/images/".$GAME['gname']."2.gif") ) ? "".$ibforums->lang['acp_yes']."" : "".$ibforums->lang['acp_no'].""; print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'del'); $header = array(); $header[] = "
"; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_confirm2']; $header[] = "
"; $colspan = sizeof($header); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_removehead'].$GAME['gtitle'], $colspan); print_cells_row($header, 1); $cell = array(); $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; print_cells_row($cell); $cell = array(); $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; print_cells_row($cell); $cell = array(); $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; print_cells_row($cell); print_table_break('', "90%"); print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_select'], 'confirm', array('0' => $ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_select1'], '1' => $ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_select2'], '2' => $ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_select3']), 0); construct_hidden_code('gid', $game_id); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_save_settings'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } function timeoutput($temptime) // show correct date/time information, by MrZeropage { global $languageid; $bbuserinfo['tzoffset'] = $bbuserinfo['timezoneoffset']; if ($bbuserinfo['dstonoff']) { $bbuserinfo['tzoffset']++; if (substr($bbuserinfo['tzoffset'], 0, 1) != '-') { // recorrect so that it has + sign, if necessary $bbuserinfo['tzoffset'] = '+' . $bbuserinfo['tzoffset']; } } if ($bbuserinfo['tzoffset']) { if ($bbuserinfo['tzoffset'] > 0 AND strpos($bbuserinfo['tzoffset'], '+') === false) { $bbuserinfo['tzoffset'] = '+' . $bbuserinfo['tzoffset']; } } if (substr($bbuserinfi['tzoffset'],1,0) == "+") { $temptime = $temptime + strval(substr($bbuserinfo['tzoffset'],1)) * 3600; } else { $temptime = $temptime - strval(substr($bbuserinfo['tzoffset'],1)) * 3600; } if ($languageid == "de") { $dateformat = "d.m.Y H:i"; } else { $dateformat = "Y-m-d h:i a"; } $output = vbdate($dateformat, $temptime); return $output; } // ############################## // notifications / messages // ############################## if ($action == "messages") { $commoncodes = " %NAME%   =   ".$ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_NAME']."
%GAME%   =   ".$ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_GAME']; $additional1 = " %CHAMP%   =   ".$ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_CHAMP']."
%LINKGAME|text%   =   ".$ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_LINKG']."
%LINKHIGH|text%   =   ".$ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_LINKH']; $additional2 = " %LINK|text%   =   ".$ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_LINKT']; $additional3 = " %OTHER%   =   ".$ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_OPPONENT']."
%LINK|text%   =   ".$ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_LINKT']; $additional4 = " %OTHER%   =   ".$ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_OPPONENT']."
%LINK|text%   =   ".$ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_LINKT']; $additional5 = " %LINK|text%   =   ".$ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_LINKT']; $additional6 = " %LINK|text%   =   ".$ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_LINKT']; $additional7 = " %LINK|text%   =   ".$ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_LINKT']."
%LIMIT%   =   ".$ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_DAYS']; print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'savemessages'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_head']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_global']."
".$commoncodes.""); print_yes_no_row($ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_sendwhen'].$ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_msg1desc'], 'msgsys_hscore', $arcade['msgsys_hscore']); print_textarea_row($ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_msgtxt']."".$ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_msg1name']."
", 'msgsys_hscore_text', $arcade['msgsys_hscore_text'], 6, 45); print_yes_no_row($ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_sendwhen'].$ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_msg2desc'], 'msgsys_tstart', $arcade['msgsys_tstart']); print_textarea_row($ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_msgtxt']."".$ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_msg2name']."
", 'msgsys_tstart_text', $arcade['msgsys_tstart_text'], 6, 45); print_yes_no_row($ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_sendwhen'].$ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_msg3desc'], 'msgsys_tadvance', $arcade['msgsys_tadvance']); print_textarea_row($ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_msgtxt']."".$ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_msg3name']."
", 'msgsys_tadvance_text', $arcade['msgsys_tadvance_text'], 6, 45); print_yes_no_row($ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_sendwhen'].$ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_msg4desc'], 'msgsys_telim', $arcade['msgsys_telim']); print_textarea_row($ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_msgtxt']."".$ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_msg4name']."
", 'msgsys_telim_text', $arcade['msgsys_telim_text'], 6, 45); print_yes_no_row($ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_towinner'], 'msgsys_twin', $arcade['msgsys_twin']); print_textarea_row($ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_msgtxt']."".$ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_msg5name']."
", 'msgsys_twin_text', $arcade['msgsys_twin_text'], 6, 45); print_textarea_row($ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_msgtxt']."".$ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_msg6name']."
", 'msgsys_tremind_text', $arcade['msgsys_tremind_text'], 6, 45); print_textarea_row($ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_msgtxt']."".$ibforums->lang['acp_notifi_msg7name']."
", 'msgsys_tdisqual_text', $arcade['msgsys_tdisqual_text'], 6, 45); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_save_settings'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } // ############################## // save messages // ############################## if ($action == "savemessages") { global $IN; $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array ( 'msgsys_hscore' => $IN['msgsys_hscore'], 'msgsys_hscore_text' => $IN['msgsys_hscore_text'], 'msgsys_tstart' => $IN['msgsys_tstart'], 'msgsys_tstart_text' => $IN['msgsys_tstart_text'], 'msgsys_tadvance' => $IN['msgsys_tadvance'], 'msgsys_tadvance_text' => $IN['msgsys_tadvance_text'], 'msgsys_telim' => $IN['msgsys_telim'], 'msgsys_telim_text' => $IN['msgsys_telim_text'], 'msgsys_twin' => $IN['msgsys_twin'], 'msgsys_twin_text' => $IN['msgsys_twin_text'], 'msgsys_tremind_text' => $IN['msgsys_tremind_text'], 'msgsys_tdisqual_text' => $IN['msgsys_tdisqual_text'] ) ); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_settings SET ".$db_string); /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log(""); } */ define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=messages'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); } // ############################## // main settings // ############################## if ($action == "settings") { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'updatesettings'); // read the language-files // de => name $files = array(); $dir = ROOT_PATH."arcade/lang"; $langfiles = array(); if ( is_dir($dir) ) { $the_dir = opendir($dir); while( ($filename = readdir($the_dir)) !== false ) { if( ($filename != ".") && ($filename != "..") ) { if (substr($filename,0,12) == "lang_Arcade_") { $langid = substr($filename,12,2); switch ($langid) { case "en": $langname = "english"; break; case "de": $langname = "deutsch"; break; case "fr": $langname = "francais"; break; case "nl": $langname = "nederlands"; break; case "it": $langname = "italiano"; break; case "tr": $langname = "turkiye"; break; case "es" : $langname = "espaniol"; break; case "pt" : $langname = "portuguese"; break; case "ar" : $langname = "arabic"; break; default: $langname = "?"; break; } $langfiles[$langid] = $langname; } } } closedir($the_dir); } print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_main_header']); print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_arcade_status'], 'arcade_status', array('1' => $ibforums->lang['acp_on'], '0' => $ibforums->lang['acp_off']), $arcade['arcade_status']); print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_arcade_lang'], 'arcade_language', $langfiles, $arcade['arcade_language']); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_arcade_timeout'], 'scoretimeout', $arcade['scoretimeout'], 0); print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_g_display_sort'], 'g_display_sort', array('gtitle' => $ibforums->lang['acp_alphabetic'], 'gcount' => $ibforums->lang['acp_oftenplayed'], 'added' => $ibforums->lang['dateadded'], 'position' => $ibforums->lang['acp_userdefined']), $arcade['g_display_sort']); print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_g_disp_order'], 'g_display_order', array('ASC' => $ibforums->lang['acp_ASC'], 'DESC' => $ibforums->lang['acp_DESC']), $arcade['g_display_order']); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_games_pr'], 'games_pr', $arcade['games_pr'], 0); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_games_pp'], 'games_pp', $arcade['games_pp'], 0); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_scores_amount'], 'scores_amount', $arcade['scores_amount'], 0); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_user_choices'], 'user_choices', $arcade['user_choices'], 0); print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_skin'], 'skin', array('0' => "ibProArcade", '1' => "v3arcade"), $arcade['skin']); print_yes_no_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_user_skin'], 'allow_user_skin', $arcade['allow_user_skin']); $selectedmin = ""; $selectedhour = ""; $selectedday = ""; if ($arcade['show_new_frame'] == "60") { $selectedmin = "selected='selected'"; } if ($arcade['show_new_frame'] == "3600") { $selectedhour = "selected='selected'"; } if ($arcade['show_new_frame'] == "86400") { $selectedday = "selected='selected'"; } $output = array(); $output[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_main_show_new']; $output[] = "
\n \n
"; print_cells_row($output); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_games_new'], 'games_new', $arcade['games_new'], 0); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_games_popular'], 'games_popular', $arcade['games_popular'], 0); print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_score_type'], 'score_type', array('all' => $ibforums->lang['acp_allscores'], 'top' => $ibforums->lang['acp_bestscores']), $arcade['score_type']); print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_scores_sep'], 'score_sep', array('0' => $ibforums->lang['acp_main_seperator1'], ',' => $ibforums->lang['acp_main_seperator2'], ' ' => $ibforums->lang['acp_main_seperator3'], '.' => $ibforums->lang['acp_main_seperator4']), $arcade['score_sep']); //print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_decimal_amount'], 'dec_amount', $arcade['dec_amount'], 0); print_yes_no_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_show_crowns'], 'show_crowns', $arcade['show_crowns']); print_yes_no_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_show_t_won'], 'show_t_won', $arcade['show_t_won']); print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_crown_type'], 'crown_type', array('0' => "Standard", '1' => $ibforums->lang['acp_marquee_hori'], '2' => $ibforums->lang['acp_marquee_verti'], '3' => $ibforums->lang['acp_nomarquee'], '4' => $ibforums->lang['acp_trophy']), $arcade['crown_type']); print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_notification'], 'notification', array('none' => $ibforums->lang['acp_main_notify_pm1'], 'pm' => $ibforums->lang['acp_main_notify_pm2'], 'mail' => $ibforums->lang['acp_main_notify_pm3'], 'pm+mail' => $ibforums->lang['acp_main_notify_pm4']), $arcade['notification']); print_yes_no_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_use_cats'], 'use_cats', $arcade['use_cats']); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_cats_per_tr'], 'cats_per_tr', $arcade['cats_per_tr'], 0); $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_cats WHERE active=1 ORDER BY pos, cat_name"); $cat_list = array(); while( $CAT = $DB->fetch_row() ) { $cat_list[$CAT['c_id']] = $CAT['cat_name']; } print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_def_cat'], 'def_cat', $cat_list, $arcade['def_cat']); print_yes_no_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_use_announce'], 'use_announce', $arcade['use_announce']); print_textarea_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_announce'], 'announcement', $arcade['announcement'], 6, 45); print_yes_no_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_log'], 'log', $arcade['log']); if ($arcade['htmltitle']=="") { $arcade['htmltitle'] = "%FORUMNAME% - %IBPRO% - %ACTION%"; } print_input_row("HTML-Title format%FORUMNAME% = your forums name
%IBPRO% = Arcade (in your language)
%ACTION% = current site within ibProArcade, should be included for SEO-optimization!
", 'htmltitle', $arcade['htmltitle'], 0); print_table_break('', "90%"); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_main_prune_header']); print_yes_no_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_prune_auto'], 'auto_prune', $arcade['auto_prune']); $selectedhour = ""; $selectedday = ""; $selectedmonth = ""; if ($arcade['auto_prune_time2'] == "3600") { $selectedhour = "selected='selected'"; } if ($arcade['auto_prune_time2'] == "86400") { $selectedday = "selected='selected'"; } if ($arcade['auto_prune_time2'] == "2592000") { $selectedmonth = "selected='selected'"; } $output = array(); $output[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_main_prune_time1']; $output[] = "
\n \n
"; print_cells_row($output); print_table_break('', "90%"); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_main_online_header']); print_yes_no_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_online_main'], 'show_active_glist', $show_active['glist']); print_yes_no_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_online_game'], 'show_active_play', $show_active['play']); print_yes_no_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_online_tourney'], 'show_active_playtourney', $show_active['playtourney']); print_yes_no_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_online_comment'], 'show_active_newscore', $show_active['newscore']); print_yes_no_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_online_scores'], 'show_active_stats', $show_active['stats']); print_yes_no_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_online_tourna1'], 'show_active_viewtournaments', $show_active['viewtournaments']); print_yes_no_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_online_tourna2'], 'show_active_viewtourney', $show_active['viewtourney']); print_table_break('', "90%"); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_main_league_header']); for ($count=0; $count<10; $count++) { print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_league_rank'].($count+1), "league_score".$count, $arcade['league_scores'][$count], 0); construct_hidden_code("oldleague".$count, $arcade['league_scores'][$count]); } print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_league_last'], 'league_score10', $arcade['league_scores'][10], 0); construct_hidden_code("oldleague10", $arcade['league_scores'][10]); construct_hidden_code("old_language", $arcade['arcade_language']); construct_hidden_code("old_scoretype", $arcade['score_type']); $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); if ($vbversion != "3.0") { ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('ibproarcade_acp_mainsettings')) ? eval($hook) : false; } print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_save_settings'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } // ################################ // store main settings to DB // ################################ if ($action == "updatesettings") { global $IN; /* $IN[glist] = $show_active[glist]; $IN[newscore] = $show_active[newscore]; $IN[stats] = $show_active[stats]; $IN[viewtournaments] = $show_active[viewtournaments]; $IN[playtourney] = $show_active[playtourney]; $IN[viewtourney] = $show_active[viewtourney]; */ // Überprüfung der Werte auf Plausibilität $IN['scores_amount'] = intval($IN['scores_amount']); if ( empty($IN['arcade_language']) ) { // default language is english $IN['arcade_language'] = "en"; } if( empty($IN['scores_amount']) || $IN['scores_amount'] < 1 || $IN['scores_amount'] > 100) { $IN['scores_amount']=10; } $changedleague = false; for ($x=0; $x<=10; $x++) { $arcade['league_scores'][$x] = $IN["league_score".$x]; if ($IN["league_score".$x] != $IN["oldleague".$x]) { $changedleague = true; } } $arcade['league_scores'] = implode("," ,$arcade['league_scores']); if( empty($IN['time_frame_num']) || !is_numeric($IN['time_frame_num']) || $IN['time_frame_num'] < 0 ) { $IN['time_frame_num'] = 0; } $IN['auto_prune_time'] = intval($IN['auto_prune_time']); if( $IN['auto_prune_time'] < 0 ) { $IN['auto_prune_time'] = 0; } $IN['games_pp'] = intval($IN['games_pp']); if( ($IN['games_pp'] < 1) || ($IN['games_pp'] > 200)) { $IN['games_pp'] = 200; } $IN['cats_per_tr'] = intval($IN['cats_per_tr']); if( $IN['cats_per_tr'] < 0 ) { $IN['cats_per_tr'] = 0; } $IN['dec_amount'] = intval($IN['dec_amount']); if( $IN['dec_amount'] < 0 ) { $IN['dec_amount'] = 0; } $IN['games_pr'] = intval($IN['games_pr']); if( $IN['games_pr'] < 1 ) { $IN['games_pr'] = 1; } if ($IN['games_new'] < 1) { $IN['games_new'] = 1; } if ($IN['games_popular'] < 1) { $IN['games_popular']=1; } $IN['scoretimeout'] = intval($IN['scoretimeout']); if ($IN['scoretimeout'] < 1) { $IN['scoretimeout'] = 1; } $announcement = $IN['announcement']; if ($vbversion == "3.0") { require_once('./includes/functions_bbcodeparse.php'); $announcement_parsed = parse_bbcode($IN['announcement']); } else { require_once('./includes/class_bbcode.php'); $bbcode_parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list()); $announcement_parsed = $bbcode_parser->parse($IN['announcement'],0,1); } $show_active = array(); $tmp = array(); $tmp['glist'] = $IN['show_active_glist']; $tmp['play'] = $IN['show_active_play']; $tmp['newscore'] = $IN['show_active_newscore']; $tmp['stats'] = $IN['show_active_stats']; $tmp['viewtournaments'] = $IN['show_active_viewtournaments']; $tmp['playtourney'] = $IN['show_active_playtourney']; $tmp['viewtourney'] = $IN['show_active_viewtourney']; $show_active = serialize($tmp); $queryprepare = array ( 'arcade_status' => $IN['arcade_status'], 'arcade_language' => $IN['arcade_language'], 'g_display_sort' => $IN['g_display_sort'], 'g_display_order' => $IN['g_display_order'], 'scores_amount' => $IN['scores_amount'], 'score_type' => $IN['score_type'], 'log' => $IN['log'], 'skin' => $IN['skin'], 'use_cats' => $IN['use_cats'], 'crown_type' => $IN['crown_type'], 'notification' => $IN['notification'], 'show_new' => $IN['show_new'], 'show_new_frame' => $IN['show_new_frame'], 'show_active' => $show_active, 'auto_prune' => $IN['auto_prune'], 'auto_prune_time' => $IN['auto_prune_time'], 'auto_prune_time2' => $IN['auto_prune_time2'], 'games_pr' => $IN['games_pr'], 'games_pp' => $IN['games_pp'], 'user_choices' => $IN['user_choices'], 'allow_user_skin' => $IN['allow_user_skin'], 'def_cat' => $IN['def_cat'], 'cats_per_tr' => $IN['cats_per_tr'], 'show_crowns' => $IN['show_crowns'], 'show_t_won' => $IN['show_t_won'], 'score_sep' => $IN['score_sep'], 'dec_amount' => $IN['dec_amount'], 'league_scores' => $arcade['league_scores'], 'use_announce' => $IN['use_announce'], 'announcement' => $announcement, 'announcement_parsed' => $announcement_parsed, 'games_new' => $IN['games_new'], 'games_popular' => $IN['games_popular'], 'scoretimeout' => $IN['scoretimeout'], 'htmltitle' => addslashes($IN['htmltitle']) ); $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); if ($vbversion != "3.0") { ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('ibproarcade_acp_mainsettings_query')) ? eval($hook) : false; } $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string($queryprepare); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_settings SET ".$db_string); /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log(""); } */ if (($IN['old_scoretype'] != $IN['score_type']) && ($IN['score_type']=="top")) { // prune scores, just keep the top per game from each player } if ($IN['old_language'] != $IN['arcade_language']) // language changed, so update the vB-phrases for leftside menu :-) { // read new languagefile $languageid = $IN['arcade_language']; $langfile = "lang_Arcade_".$languageid; $ibforums->lang = $std->load_words($ibforums->lang, $langfile, $ibforums->lang_id ); // check if file is valid and compatible if ($ibforums->lang['acp_on'] == "") { // incompatible language-file, load english (default) $ibforums->lang = $std->load_words($ibforums->lang, 'lang_Arcade_en', $ibforums->lang_id ); } // update phrases to fit the new language $DB->query('UPDATE ibf_phrase SET text="'.$ibforums->lang['acp_menu0'].'" WHERE varname="ibparcade_acpmenu0"'); $DB->query('UPDATE ibf_phrase SET text="'.$ibforums->lang['acp_menu1'].'" WHERE varname="ibparcade_acpmenu1"'); $DB->query('UPDATE ibf_phrase SET text="'.$ibforums->lang['acp_menu2'].'" WHERE varname="ibparcade_acpmenu2"'); $DB->query('UPDATE ibf_phrase SET text="'.$ibforums->lang['acp_menu3'].'" WHERE varname="ibparcade_acpmenu3"'); $DB->query('UPDATE ibf_phrase SET text="'.$ibforums->lang['acp_menu4'].'" WHERE varname="ibparcade_acpmenu4"'); $DB->query('UPDATE ibf_phrase SET text="'.$ibforums->lang['acp_menu5'].'" WHERE varname="ibparcade_acpmenu5"'); $DB->query('UPDATE ibf_phrase SET text="'.$ibforums->lang['acp_menu6'].'" WHERE varname="ibparcade_acpmenu6"'); $DB->query('UPDATE ibf_phrase SET text="'.$ibforums->lang['acp_menu7'].'" WHERE varname="ibparcade_acpmenu7"'); $DB->query('UPDATE ibf_phrase SET text="'.$ibforums->lang['acp_menu8'].'" WHERE varname="ibparcade_acpmenu8"'); $DB->query('UPDATE ibf_phrase SET text="'.$ibforums->lang['acp_menu9'].'" WHERE varname="ibparcade_acpmenu9"'); $DB->query('UPDATE ibf_phrase SET text="'.$ibforums->lang['acp_menu10'].'" WHERE varname="ibparcade_acpmenu10"'); $DB->query('UPDATE ibf_phrase SET text="'.$ibforums->lang['acp_menu11'].'" WHERE varname="ibparcade_acpmenu11"'); $DB->query('UPDATE ibf_phrase SET text="'.$ibforums->lang['wol_home'].'" WHERE varname="ibproarcade_home"'); $DB->query('UPDATE ibf_phrase SET text="'.$ibforums->lang['wol_play'].'" WHERE varname="ibproarcade_playing_game"'); $DB->query('UPDATE ibf_phrase SET text="'.$ibforums->lang['wol_viewscore'].'" WHERE varname="ibproarcade_viewing_highscores"'); $DB->query('UPDATE ibf_phrase SET text="'.$ibforums->lang['wol_viewhome'].'" WHERE varname="ibproarcade_viewing_home"'); $DB->query('UPDATE ibf_phrase SET text="'.$ibforums->lang['postbit_tourney'].'" WHERE varname="ibpa_tourney"'); // make sure to rebuild the language after saving data $finalcommand = "language.php?do=rebuild&goto=arcade.php?code=settings"; if ($changedleague) { // update league after rebuilding language $finalcommand = "language.php?do=rebuild&goto=arcade.php?code=tool_league"; } define('CP_REDIRECT', $finalcommand); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); } if ($changedleague) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'tool_league'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_gamesort_err_header']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_updleague']); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_league_button'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } else { define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=settings'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); } } // ############################## // show games // ############################## if ($action == "gamelist") { global $IN, $std, $vbulletin, $vboptions; print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'games_setmulticat'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_games_header_az']); $extrainfo = ""; if( (isset($IN['cat'])) && ($IN['cat'] == 0) ) { $extrainfo = "
".$ibforums->lang['acp_games_headerinfo2'].""; } print_description_row("
"); $the_links = ""; // additional Sort-Options $the_links .= ""; $prefix = ""; $suffix=""; $separator = " | "; $link1 = ""; $link3 = ""; $type = "dateasc"; $text = $ibforums->lang['acp_games_filter1']; if ($IN['sort']==$type) { $the_links.= $link1.$type.$link2.$prefix.$text.$suffix.$link3; } else { $the_links.= $link1.$type.$link2.$text.$link3; } $the_links.=$separator; $type = "datedesc"; $text = $ibforums->lang['acp_games_filter2']; if ($IN['sort']==$type) { $the_links.= $link1.$type.$link2.$prefix.$text.$suffix.$link3; } else { $the_links.= $link1.$type.$link2.$text.$link3; } $the_links.=$separator; $type = "timesplayed"; $text = $ibforums->lang['acp_games_filter3']; if ($IN['sort']==$type) { $the_links.= $link1.$type.$link2.$prefix.$text.$suffix.$link3; } else { $the_links.= $link1.$type.$link2.$text.$link3; } $the_links.=$separator; $type = "inactive"; $text = $ibforums->lang['acp_games_filter4']; if ($IN['sort']==$type) { $the_links.= $link1.$type.$link2.$prefix.$text.$suffix.$link3; } else { $the_links.= $link1.$type.$link2.$text.$link3; } // detect vBplaza if (($vbulletin->options['vbbux_enabled'] == 1) && ($vbulletin->options['vbbux_arcadeintegration'] == 1)) { $the_links.="
"; $type = "costs"; $text = $ibforums->lang['acp_games_filter5']; if ($IN['sort']==$type) { $the_links.= $link1.$type.$link2.$prefix.$text.$suffix.$link3; } else { $the_links.= $link1.$type.$link2.$text.$link3; } $the_links.=$separator; $type = "jpraise"; $text = $ibforums->lang['acp_games_filter6']; if ($IN['sort']==$type) { $the_links.= $link1.$type.$link2.$prefix.$text.$suffix.$link3; } else { $the_links.= $link1.$type.$link2.$text.$link3; } $the_links.=$separator; $type = "jpstatic"; $text = $ibforums->lang['acp_games_filter7']; if ($IN['sort']==$type) { $the_links.= $link1.$type.$link2.$prefix.$text.$suffix.$link3; } else { $the_links.= $link1.$type.$link2.$text.$link3; } } $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); if ($vbversion != "3.0") { ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('ibproarcade_acp_gamelist')) ? eval($hook) : false; } $the_links .= "

"; $alphabet = array( "0-9" , "A" , "B" , "C" , "D" , "E" , "F" , "G" , "H" , "I" , "J" , "K" , "L" , "M" , "N" , "O" , "P" , "Q" , "R" , "S" , "T" , "U" , "V" , "W" , "X" , "Y" , "Z" ); foreach( $alphabet as $letter ) { $prefix = ""; $suffix = ""; if( $letter == $IN['filter'] ) { $prefix = ""; $suffix = ""; } $the_links .= "  ".$prefix.$letter.$suffix.""; } if( isset($IN['filter']) || isset($IN['cat']) || isset($IN['sort']) ) { $the_links .= "  ".$ibforums->lang['acp_all'].""; } else { $the_links .= "  ".$ibforums->lang['acp_all'].""; } if( $arcade['use_cats'] ) { $the_links .= "

"; $charcount=0; $DB->query("SELECT c.c_id, c.cat_name, c.pos, c.password, count(g.gid) AS howmany FROM ibf_games_cats AS c LEFT JOIN ibf_games_list AS g ON (g.gcat=c.c_id) WHERE c.show_all<>1 GROUP BY g.gcat ORDER BY c.pos, c.cat_name"); while( $CAT = $DB->fetch_row() ) { $prefix = ""; $suffix = ""; if( $CAT['c_id'] == $IN['cat'] ) { $prefix = ""; $suffix = ""; } if ( $CAT['password'] != "" ) { $prefix .= ""; $suffix = "".$suffix; } $suffix = " (".$CAT['howmany'].")".$suffix; $the_links .= "  ".$prefix.$CAT['cat_name'].$suffix.""; $charcount = $charcount + strlen($CAT['cat_name']); if ($charcount > 60) // max. 60 characters per row { $the_links .= "
"; $charcount = 0; } } } print_description_row("
"); print_table_break('', "90%"); $header = array(); $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_gamesort_icon']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_gamesort_game']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_gamesort_info']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_gamesort_cat']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_gamesort_active']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_gamesort_tourney']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_gamesort_edit']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_gamesort_delete']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_result_empty']; $colspan = sizeof($header); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_games_header'], $colspan); print_cells_row($header, 1); $status['color'] = array( 0 => "".$ibforums->lang['acp_games_active_n']."", 1 => "".$ibforums->lang['acp_games_active_y']."" ); $query_extra = ""; if( isset($IN['filter']) ) { if( $IN['filter'] != "0-9" ) { $query_extra = "WHERE gtitle LIKE '".$IN['filter']."%'"; } else { $query_extra = "WHERE gtitle REGEXP '^[0-9]'"; } } if( isset($IN['cat']) ) { $query_extra = "WHERE gcat=".$IN['cat']; } if ((isset($IN['cat'])) || (isset($IN['filter']))) { if ($IN['sort']=="inactive") { // although multiple filters are not clickable, but who knows ;) $query_extra .= " AND active<>1"; } } else { if ($IN['sort']=="inactive") { $query_extra = "WHERE active<>1"; } } $counter = 0; //$DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_cats WHERE show_all<>1 ORDER BY pos, cat_name"); $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_cats ORDER BY pos, cat_name"); $cat_list = array(); while( $CAT = $DB->fetch_row() ) { $cat_list[$counter] = array( $CAT['c_id'] , $CAT['cat_name'] , $CAT['password'] ); $counter++; } $sortextra = ""; if (($IN['sort']=="dateasc") || ($IN['sort']=="datedesc") || ($IN['sort']=="timesplayed") || ($IN['sort']=="inactive") || ($IN['sort']=="costs") || ($IN['sort']=="jpraise") || ($IN['sort']=="jpstatic")) { if ($IN['sort']=="dateasc") { $sortextra = "added ASC,"; } if ($IN['sort']=="datedesc") { $sortextra = "added DESC,"; } if ($IN['sort']=="timesplayed") { $sortextra = "gcount DESC,"; } if ($IN['sort']=="costs") { $sortextra = "cost DESC,"; } if ($IN['sort']=="jpraise") { $sortextra = "jackpot DESC,"; if ($query_extra=="") { $query_extra ="WHERE jackpot_type='-1'";} else { $query_extra.=" AND jackpot_type='-1'";} } if ($IN['sort']=="jpstatic") { $sortextra = "jackpot_type DESC,"; if ($query_extra=="") { $query_extra ="WHERE jackpot_type<>'-1'";} else { $query_extra.=" AND jackpot_type<>'-1'";} } } $counter=1; $this_query = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_list ".$query_extra." ORDER BY ".$sortextra."gtitle"); while( $GAME = $DB->fetch_row($this_query) ) { $counter++; $filesize = ""; if( $GAME['filesize'] ) { $filesize = $std->size_format($GAME['filesize']); } else { $filesize = "---"; } $top['score'] = "---"; $top['name'] = "---"; $score_query = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_champs WHERE champ_gid=".$GAME['gid']); if( $DB->get_num_rows($score_query) ) { $top = $DB->fetch_row(); // Punkte formatieren ? $top['score'] = $top['champ_score']; $top['name'] = "".$top['champ_name'].""; } $playlink1 = ""; $playlink2 = ""; $status['play_link'] = ($GAME['active']) ? $playlink1.$GAME['gtitle'].$playlink2 : $playlink1."".$GAME['gtitle']."".$playlink2; $catname = "---"; $catpassed = false; foreach ($cat_list as $k => $v) { if ($v[0] == $GAME['gcat']) { $catname = $v[1]; if ($v[2] != "") { $catpassed = true; } } } $catpasspre = ""; $catpasssuf = ""; if ($catpassed) { $catpasspre = ""; $catpasssuf = ""; } $costinfo = ""; $jackpotinfo = ""; // detect vBplaza if (($vbulletin->options['vbbux_enabled'] == 1) && ($vbulletin->options['vbbux_arcadeintegration'] == 1)) { $costinfo = $ibforums->lang['costs_pgame'].$GAME['cost']."
"; if (intval($GAME['jackpot_type'])>=0) { // static Jackpot $jackpotinfo = "
Jackpot ".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_jack_static']."
"; } else { $jackpotinfo = "
Jackpot ".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_jack_raise']."
"; } } $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); if ($vbversion != "3.0") { ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('ibproarcade_acp_gamebit')) ? eval($hook) : false; } $hscorename = ""; if ($top['score']!="---") { $hscorename = " (".$top['name'].")"; } $securegame = ""; // if ($GAME['game_type']==1) if ( ( file_exists(ROOT_PATH.'arcade/gamedata/'.$GAME['gname'].'/v32game.txt' ) ) || ( file_exists(ROOT_PATH.'arcade/gamedata/'.$GAME['gname'].'/v3game.txt' ) ) ) { $securegame = "secure"; } $filesize=""; if ($GAME['filesize'] > 0) { $filesize = "
".$std->size_format($GAME['filesize']).""; } $cell = array(); $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
".$jackpotinfo; $cell[] = "
".$ibforums->lang['acp_games_info1'].": ".$top['score'].$hscorename."
".$ibforums->lang['acp_games_info3'].": ".$GAME['gcount']."
".$costinfo.$ibforums->lang['acp_games_info4'].": ".timeoutput($GAME['added'])."
"; $cell[] = "".$catpasspre.$catname.$catpasssuf."".$securegame; $cell[] = $status['color'][$GAME['active']]; $cell[] = $status['color'][$GAME['tourney_use']]; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "".$ibforums->lang['acp_games_delete']."".$filesize; $cell[] = ""; print_cells_row($cell); } // line for CHECK ALL $counter++; $selectall = "
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"; $counter--; $javascript = " "; if ($counter>1) { print_description_row($javascript.$selectall,0,$colspan); } print_table_break('', "90%"); $colspan=0; if ($counter > 1) { $header = array(); $header[] = "
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"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
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"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; print_cells_row($cell); $cell = array(); $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; print_cells_row($cell); // detect vBplaza if (($vbulletin->options['vbbux_enabled'] == 1) && ($vbulletin->options['vbbux_arcadeintegration'] == 1)) { $cell = array(); $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; print_cells_row($cell); $cell = array(); $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; print_cells_row($cell); $cell = array(); $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; print_cells_row($cell); $cell = array(); $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; print_cells_row($cell); } $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); if ($vbversion != "3.0") { ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('ibproarcade_acp_gameoptions')) ? eval($hook) : false; } $cell = array(); $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = " "; print_cells_row($cell); $cell = array(); $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = " "; print_cells_row($cell); $cell = array(); $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = " "; print_cells_row($cell); $cell = array(); $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = " "; print_cells_row($cell); $cell = array(); $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = " "; print_cells_row($cell); $cell = array(); $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = " "; print_cells_row($cell); } print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_start'], 0, $colspan); print_cp_footer(); exit; } // ############################## // set options for multiple games // ############################## if ($action == "games_setmulticat") { global $IN; // get the GameIDs that where selected $cat_string = "(0)"; if( !empty($IN['move_to']) ) { $cat_string = "(".implode("," , $IN['move_to']).")"; } // move to category if ($IN['opt_movecat']==1) { $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array ( 'gcat' => $IN['put_in_cat'] ) ); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_list SET ".$db_string." WHERE gid IN ".$cat_string); $new_amounts = array(); $this_query = $DB->query("SELECT c_id, show_all FROM ibf_games_cats ORDER BY c_id"); while( $CAT = $DB->fetch_row($this_query) ) { $query_extra = ""; if( !$CAT['show_all'] ) { $query_extra = "AND gcat=".$CAT['c_id']; } $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(gid) AS amount FROM ibf_games_list WHERE active=1 ".$query_extra); $the = $DB->fetch_row(); $new_amounts[ $CAT['c_id'] ] = $the['amount']; } foreach( $new_amounts as $cat=>$amount ) { $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array ( 'num_of_games' => $amount ) ); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_cats SET ".$db_string." WHERE c_id='".$cat."'"); } } // set active on/off if ($IN['opt_active']==1) { $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array ( 'active' => $IN['select_active'] ) ); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_list SET ".$db_string." WHERE gid IN ".$cat_string); updateleague(); } // set tournament-game on/off if ($IN['opt_tourney']==1) { $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array ( 'tourney_use' => $IN['select_tourney'] ) ); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_list SET ".$db_string." WHERE gid IN ".$cat_string); } // filesize if ($IN['opt_filesize']==1) { $games = array(); $getgames=$DB->query("SELECT gid, gname FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gid IN ".$cat_string); while( $GAME = $DB->fetch_row($getgames) ) { $games[] = array('gid' => $GAME['gid'], 'gname' => $GAME['gname']); } $dir = getcwd()."/arcade"; foreach ($games AS $this_game) { $filesize=0; $file = $dir."/".$this_game['gname'].".swf"; if(file_exists($file)) { @chmod( $file , 0777 ); $filesize = filesize($file); } $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_list SET filesize='".$filesize."' WHERE gid='".$this_game['gid']."'"); } } // set costs if (($IN['opt_costs']==1) && (intval($IN['select_costs'])>=0)) { $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array ( 'cost' => $IN['select_costs'] ) ); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_list SET ".$db_string." WHERE gid IN ".$cat_string); } // set static jackpot (if possible) $staticjp = false; if ($IN['opt_jackpotstatic']==1) { if (intval($IN['select_jackpotstatic'])>=0) { $staticjackpot = $IN['select_jackpotstatic']; $staticjp = true; } } // set jackpot-type if ($IN['opt_jackpottype']==1) { if ($IN['select_jackpottype']==0) { // static Jackpot if ($staticjp) { $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array ( 'jackpot_type' => $IN['select_jackpotstatic'] ) ); } else { $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array ( 'jackpot_type' => '0' )); } } else { // raising Jackpot $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array ( 'jackpot_type' => '-1' ) ); } $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_list SET ".$db_string." WHERE gid IN ".$cat_string); } else { // no changes on Jackpot-Type, so finally store static value if that was changed if ($staticjp) { // check if Jackpot-Type of that Game isn't set to RAISING (done via Query) $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array ( 'jackpot_type' => $staticjackpot ) ); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_list SET ".$db_string." WHERE jackpot_type<>'-1' AND gid IN ".$cat_string); } } // set Jackpot (raising) if ($IN['opt_jackpot']==1) { $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array ( 'jackpot' => $IN['select_jackpot'] ) ); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_list SET ".$db_string." WHERE gid IN ".$cat_string); } // reset times played if ($IN['opt_resettimes']==1) { $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array ( 'gcount' => '0' ) ); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_list SET ".$db_string." WHERE gid IN ".$cat_string); } // reset time played if ($IN['opt_resettime']==1) { $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array ( 'gtime' => '0' ) ); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_list SET ".$db_string." WHERE gid IN ".$cat_string); } // reset scores if ($IN['opt_resetscores']==1) { $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_games_scores WHERE gid IN ".$cat_string); } // reset best result ever if ($IN['opt_resetbest']==1) { $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array ( 'bestscore' => '0', 'bestmid' => '', 'besttime' => '0' ) ); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_list SET ".$db_string." WHERE gid IN ".$cat_string); } // delete game from database if ($IN['opt_delgame']==1) { // look for existing tournaments of that Game $looktourney = $DB->query("SELECT tid FROM ibf_tournaments WHERE gid IN ".$cat_string); while ($tourney=$DB->fetch_row($looktourney)) { $tid=$tourney[tid]; $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_tournament_players WHERE tid=".$tid); $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_tournament_players_statut WHERE tid=".$tid); $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_tournaments WHERE tid=".$tid); } $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_games_scores WHERE gid IN ".$cat_string); $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_games_league WHERE gid IN ".$cat_string); $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gid IN ".$cat_string); do_champ_update(1); update_cat_game_nums(); do_league_update(1); } /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("..."); } */ define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=gamelist&cat=0'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); } // ############################## // categories // ############################## if ($action == "cat") { global $IN; print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); $header = array(); $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_catlist_sort']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_catlist_name'] ; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_catlist_newname']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_catlist_pass']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_catlist_icon']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_catlist_active']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_catlist_all']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_catlist_remove']; $colspan = sizeof($header); print_form_header('arcade', 'edit_categories'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_cat_header1'], $colspan); print_cells_row($header, 1); $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(c_id) AS many FROM ibf_games_cats"); $how = $DB->fetch_row(); $the_list = array(); for( $a = 0 ; $a < $how['many'] ; $a++) { $the_list[$a] = array( $a+1 , $a+1 ); } $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_cats ORDER BY pos"); while( $CAT = $DB->fetch_row() ) { $remove_link = ( $CAT['c_id'] !=1 ) ? "
" : ""; $cell = array(); $celloutput = "
"; $cell[] = $celloutput; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; $selected1 = ""; $selected0 = ""; if ($CAT['active'] == 1) { $selected1 = " selected"; } else { $selected0 = " selected"; } $cell[] = "
"; $selected1 = ""; $selected0 = ""; if ($CAT['show_all'] == 1) { $selected1 = " selected"; } else { $selected0 = " selected"; } $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = $remove_link; print_cells_row($cell); } print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_cat_describeall'], 0, $colspan); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_save'], 0, $colspan); print_table_break('', "90%"); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_cat_header2']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_category'); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_cat_newcat'], 'cat_name', '', 0); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_cat_newcatbutton'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } // ############################## // do category function // ############################## if ($action == "do_cat_stuff") { global $ADMIN, $IN, $DB, $INFO; $error = array(); switch( $IN['do'] ) { case add: $name = $IN['cat_name']; if( empty($name) || strlen($name) > 32 || strlen($name) < 4 ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'cat'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_cat_error1']); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_cats WHERE cat_name='".$name."'"); if( $DB->get_num_rows() ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'cat'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_cat_error2_1'].$name.$ibforums->lang['acp_cat_error2_2']); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'cat_name' => $name, 'active' => 1, 'show_all' => 0, 'pos' => 1, 'password' => "", 'description' => "", ) ); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_games_cats (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"); break; case edit: $this_query = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_cats"); while( $this_cat = $DB->fetch_row($this_query) ) { $query = ""; $name = ""; if( $this_cat['active'] != $IN[ "active_".$this_cat['c_id'] ] ) { $active = ( $this_cat['active'] == 1 ) ? 0 : 1; $query .= "active=".$active; } if( $this_cat['show_all'] != $IN[ "show_".$this_cat['c_id'] ] ) { $show = ( $this_cat['show_all'] == 1 ) ? 0 : 1; $query .= ($query != "") ? ", " : " "; $query .= "show_all=".$show; } if( $IN[ "name_".$this_cat['c_id'] ] != "" ) { $name = $IN[ "name_".$this_cat['c_id'] ]; if( strlen($name) > 32 || strlen($name) < 4 ) { $error[$this_cat['c_id'] ] = $this_cat['cat_name']; } $query .= ($query != "") ? ", " : " "; $query .= "cat_name='".addslashes($name)."' "; } $pass = trim($IN[ "pass_".$this_cat['c_id'] ]); if( (strlen($pass) > 32 || strlen($pass) < 4) && (!empty($pass) || $pass != "") ) { $error[ $this_cat['c_id'] ] = $this_cat['cat_name']; } $query .= ($query != "") ? ", " : " "; $query .= "password='".$pass."' "; if( $query != "" && $error[ $this_cat['c_id'] ] == "") { $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_cats SET ".$query." WHERE c_id=".$this_cat['c_id']); } } $order = array(); $counter = 0; foreach( $IN as $key=>$value ) { $counter++; if( preg_match("#_order#", $key) ) { $key = intval($key); $order[$key] = $value; } } unset($key); unset($value); foreach( $order as $key=>$value ) { $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array ( 'pos' => $value ) ); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_cats SET ".$db_string." WHERE c_id='".$key."'"); } // check if the show_all settings are ok $cntquery = $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS howmany FROM ibf_games_cats"); $cntresult = $DB->fetch_row($cntquery); $counter = $cntresult['howmany']; $cntquery = $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS howmany FROM ibf_games_cats WHERE show_all=1"); $cntresult = $DB->fetch_row($cntquery); $cnt_showall = $cntresult['howmany']; if ($counter==$cnt_showall) { $query = ""; if ($counter > 1) { $query = "WHERE c_id=1"; } $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_cats SET show_all = 0 ".$query); } break; case del: if( $IN['c'] == 1 ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'cat'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_cat_error3']); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_games_cats WHERE c_id=".$IN['c']); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_list SET gcat=1 WHERE gcat=".$IN['c']); break; default: break; } update_cat_game_nums(); /* if( $this->arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("Edited Arcade Categories".$gtitle); } */ if( count($error) == 0 ) { define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=cat'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); } else { $errmsg = "
    "; foreach( $error as $k=>$v ) { $errmsg .= "
  1. ".$v."
  2. "; } $errmsg = "
"; print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'cat'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_cat_donehead']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_cat_error4'].$errmsg); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } } // ############################## // add game // ############################## if ($action == "add_game") { global $IN, $vboptions; print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'do_add'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_game_header']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_info']); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_name'], 'gtitle', $ibforums->lang['acp_game_namedefault'], 0); print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_active'], 'active', array('1' => $ibforums->lang['acp_on'], '0' => $ibforums->lang['acp_off']), 1); print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_scoretype'], 'highscore_type', array('high' => $ibforums->lang['acp_high'], 'low' => $ibforums->lang['acp_low']), 'high'); // print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_gametype'], 'game_type', array('1' => $ibforums->lang['acp_on'], '0' => $ibforums->lang['acp_off']), '0'); //if( $arcade['use_cats'] ) //{ $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_cats WHERE show_all<>1 ORDER BY pos, cat_name"); $cat_list = array(); while( $CAT = $DB->fetch_row() ) { $cat_list[$CAT['c_id']] = $CAT['cat_name']; } print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_cat'], 'in_cat', $cat_list, '1'); //} print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_gname'], 'gname', '', 0); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_decimal'], 'decpoints', '0', 0); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_bgcolor'], 'bgcolor', '000000', 0); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_width'], 'gwidth', '400', 0); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_height'], 'gheight', '400', 0); print_table_break('', "90%"); // detect vBplaza if (($vbulletin->options['vbbux_enabled'] == 1) && ($vbulletin->options['vbbux_arcadeintegration'] == 1)) { print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_game_vbplaza']); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_costs'], 'cost', '25', 0); print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_jackpottype'], 'jackpottype', array('1' => $ibforums->lang['acp_game_jack_raise'], '0' => $ibforums->lang['acp_game_jack_static']), 1); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_static'], 'static', '100', 0); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_jackpot'], 'jackpot', '0', 0); print_table_break('', "90%"); } $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); if ($vbversion != "3.0") { ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('ibproarcade_acp_addgame')) ? eval($hook) : false; } print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_game_optheader']); print_textarea_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_descr'], 'gwords', '', 6, 45); print_textarea_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_object'], 'object', '', 6, 45); print_textarea_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_keys'], 'keys', '', 6, 45); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_pnfglic'], 'license', '', 0); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_addbutton'], 0); print_table_break('', "90%"); $header = array(); $header[] = "
"; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_game_tarfile']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_gamesort_game']; $header[] = "
"; $colspan = sizeof($header); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_game_tarheader'], $colspan); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_tarinfo'], 0, $colspan); print_cells_row($header, 1); $files = array(); $dir = ROOT_PATH."arcade/tar"; if ( is_dir($dir) ) { $the_dir = opendir($dir); while( ($filename = readdir($the_dir)) !== false ) { if( ($filename != ".") && ($filename != "..") ) { // $files[] = preg_match("/^(game).+?\.(tar)$/", $filename); if( preg_match("/^(game).+?\.(tar)$/", $filename) ) { $files[] = $filename; } } } closedir($the_dir); } asort($files); $install_link = ""; if( count($files) > 0 ) { foreach( $files as $this_file ) { $name = preg_replace( "/^(game)_(.+?)\.(\S+)$/", "\\2", $this_file ); $DB->query("SELECT gid, gname FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gname='".$name."'"); if( $DB->get_num_rows() ) { $gid = $DB->fetch_row(); $install_link = "
"; } else { $install_link = "
"; } $cell = array(); $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; print_cells_row($cell); } print_description_row("
", 0, $colspan); } else { print_description_row("
- ".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_empty']." -
", 0, $colspan); } print_table_break('', "90%"); $header = array(); $header[] = "
"; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_game_tarfile'] ; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_gamesort_game']; $header[] = "
"; $colspan = sizeof($header); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_game_zipheader'], $colspan); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_zipinfo'], 0, $colspan); print_cells_row($header, 1); $files = array(); $dir = ROOT_PATH."arcade/zip"; if ( is_dir($dir) ) { $zip_dir = opendir($dir); while( ($filename = readdir($zip_dir)) !== false ) { if( ($filename != ".") && ($filename != "..") ) { $ext = substr(strrchr($filename, "."), 1); if($ext == "zip") { $files[] = str_replace(".zip","",$filename); } } } closedir($zip_dir); } asort($files); $install_link = ""; if( count($files) > 0 ) { foreach( $files as $this_file ) { $name = $this_file; $DB->query("SELECT gid, gname FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gname='".$name."'"); if( $DB->get_num_rows() ) { $gid = $DB->fetch_row(); $install_link = "
"; } else { $install_link = "
"; } $cell = array(); $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; print_cells_row($cell); } print_description_row("
", 0, $colspan); } else { print_description_row("
- ".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_empty']." -
", 0, $colspan); } print_table_break('', "90%"); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_game_sqlheader']); print_form_header('arcade', 'do_add_sql'); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_sqlinfo']); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_sql'], 'the_query', '', 0); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_sqlbutton'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } // ############################## // store gamedata to DB after add game // ############################## if ($action == "do_addgame") { global $IN; $checks = array( 'gtitle' => $IN['gtitle'], 'gname' => $IN['gname'], 'bgcolor' => $IN['bgcolor'], ); foreach($checks as $check_key=>$check_value) { if( empty($check_value) ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); construct_hidden_code('gid', $gid); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_error1']); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } $$check_key = $check_value; } unset($checks); $checks = array( 'gwidth' => $IN['gwidth'], 'gheight' => $IN['gheight'] ); foreach($checks as $check_key=>$check_value) { $check_value = intval($check_value); if($check_value == 0) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); construct_hidden_code('gid', $gid); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_error2']); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } $$check_key = $check_value; } $gname = $IN['gname']; $active = $IN['active']; $gwords = $IN['gwords']; $keys = $IN['keys']; $object = $IN['object']; $license = $IN['license']; $cat = ($arcade['use_cats'] != 0) ? $IN['in_cat'] : 1; $hscore = $IN['highscore_type']; $jackpottype = $IN['jackpottype']; $jackpot = $IN['jackpot']; $static = $IN['static']; $costs = $IN['cost']; if (strtolower(substr($gname,-4)) == ".swf") { $gname = substr($gname,0,(strlen($gname)-4)); } $game_type = 0; if ( ( file_exists(ROOT_PATH.'arcade/gamedata/'.$gname.'/v32game.txt' ) ) || ( file_exists(ROOT_PATH.'arcade/gamedata/'.$gname.'/v3game.txt' ) ) ) { $game_type = 1; } if( (!is_numeric($costs)) || ($costs < 0) ) { $costs = 0; } if (($jackpottype<0) || ($jackpottype>1)) { $jackpottype = 1; } if( (!is_numeric($jackpot)) || ($jackpot < 0) ) { $jackpot = 0; } if( (!is_numeric($static)) || ($static < 0) ) { $static = 0; } if ($jackpottype == 1) { // if raising Jackpot set the Jackpot itself to Zero $jackpottype = "-1"; } else { // static Jackpot $jackpottype = $static; } $dir = getcwd()."/arcade"; $filesize=0; $file = $dir."/".$gname.".swf"; if(file_exists($file)) { @chmod( $file , 0777 ); $filesize = filesize($file); } if (intval($cat) < 1) { $cat = 1; } if (game_exists($gname)) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$gname." - ".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error0']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'gname' => $gname, 'gwords' => $gwords, 'gtitle' => $gtitle, 'bgcolor' => strtolower($bgcolor), 'gwidth' => $gwidth, 'gheight' => $gheight, 'active' => $active, 'object' => $object, 'gkeys' => $keys, 'gcat' => $cat, 'added' => time(), 'decpoints' => $IN['decpoints'], 'cost' => $costs, 'jackpot_type' => $jackpottype, 'jackpot' => $jackpot, 'highscore_type' => $hscore, 'license' => $license, 'tourney_use' => 1, 'gtime' => 0, 'game_type' => $game_type, 'filesize' => $filesize, 'g_raters' => '', ) ); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_games_list (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"); update_cat_game_nums(); /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("Spiel hinzugefügt: ".$gtitle); } */ define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=gamelist&cat=0'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); } // ############################## // perform SQL-query from 'add game' // ############################## if ($action == "do_add_sql") { global $DB, $IN; $DB->return_die = 1; $DB->query($IN['the_query'],1); if( $DB->error != "" ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'do_add_sql'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_sqlerror'].$DB->error); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_sql'], 'the_query', $IN['the_query'], 0); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_sqlbutton'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } else { update_cat_game_nums(); /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("Spiel mit SQL-Query hinzugefügt"); } */ define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=gamelist&cat=0'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); } } // ############################## // edit game // ############################## if ($action == "editgame") { global $IN, $DB, $vboptions; $gid = $IN['gid']; $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gid=".$gid); $GAME = $DB->fetch_row(); print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'do_edit'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_game_header']." ".$GAME['gtitle']); construct_hidden_code('gid', $gid); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_name'], 'gtitle', $GAME['gtitle'], 0); print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_active'], 'active', array('1' => $ibforums->lang['acp_on'], '0' => $ibforums->lang['acp_off']), $GAME['active']); print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_scoretype'], 'highscore_type', array('high' => $ibforums->lang['acp_high'], 'low' => $ibforums->lang['acp_low']), $GAME['highscore_type']); // print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_gametype'], 'game_type', array('1' => $ibforums->lang['acp_on'], '0' => $ibforums->lang['acp_off']), $GAME['game_type']); print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_tourney'], 'tourney_use', array('1' => $ibforums->lang['acp_yes'], '0' => $ibforums->lang['acp_no']), $GAME['tourney_use']); //if( $arcade['use_cats'] ) //{ $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_cats WHERE show_all<>1 ORDER BY pos, cat_name"); $cat_list = array(); while( $CAT = $DB->fetch_row() ) { $cat_list[$CAT['c_id']] = $CAT['cat_name']; } print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_cat'], 'in_cat', $cat_list, $GAME['gcat']); //} print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_timesplayed'], 'gcount', $GAME['gcount'], 0); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_gname'], 'gname', $GAME['gname'], 0); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_decimal'], 'decpoints', $GAME['decpoints'], 0); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_bgcolor'], 'bgcolor', $GAME['bgcolor'], 0); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_width'], 'gwidth', $GAME['gwidth'], 0); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_height'], 'gheight', $GAME['gheight'], 0); print_table_break('', "90%"); // detect vBplaza if (($vbulletin->options['vbbux_enabled'] == 1) && ($vbulletin->options['vbbux_arcadeintegration'] == 1)) { print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_game_vbplaza']); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_costs'], 'cost', $GAME['cost'], 0); if ($GAME['jackpot_type']=="-1") { // raising Jackpot $GAME['jackpot_type']=1; $GAME['static']=0; } else { // static Jackpot $GAME['static']=$GAME['jackpot_type']; $GAME['jackpot_type']=0; } print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_jackpottype'], 'jackpottype', array('1' => $ibforums->lang['acp_game_jack_raise'], '0' => $ibforums->lang['acp_game_jack_static']), $GAME['jackpot_type']); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_static'], 'static', $GAME['static'], 0); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_jackpot'], 'jackpot', $GAME['jackpot'], 0); print_table_break('', "90%"); } $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); if ($vbversion != "3.0") { ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('ibproarcade_acp_editgame')) ? eval($hook) : false; } print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_game_optheader']); print_textarea_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_descr'], 'gwords', $GAME['gwords'], 6, 45); print_textarea_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_object'], 'object', $GAME['object'], 6, 45); print_textarea_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_keys'], 'keys', $GAME['gkeys'], 6, 45); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_pnfglic'], 'license', $GAME['license'], 0); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_save'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } // ############################## // store gamedata to DB after edit // ############################## if ($action == "do_editgame") { global $IN; $gid = $IN['gid']; $IN['bgcolor'] = strtolower($IN['bgcolor']); if ( dechex(hexdec(substr($IN['bgcolor'],0,2))) == (substr($IN['bgcolor'],0,2)) ) { $bgcolor = substr($IN['bgcolor'],0,2); } else { $bgcolor = "00"; } if ( dechex(hexdec(substr($IN['bgcolor'],2,2))) == (substr($IN['bgcolor'],2,2)) ) { $bgcolor .= substr($IN['bgcolor'],2,2); } else { $bgcolor .= "00"; } if ( dechex(hexdec(substr($IN['bgcolor'],4,2))) == (substr($IN['bgcolor'],4,2)) ) { $bgcolor .= substr($IN['bgcolor'],4,2); } else { $bgcolor .= "00"; } $checks = array( 'gtitle' => $IN['gtitle'], 'gname' => $IN['gname'], 'gname' => $IN['gname'], ); foreach($checks as $check_key=>$check_value) { if( empty($check_value) ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'editgame'); construct_hidden_code('gid', $gid); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_error1']); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } $$check_key = $check_value; } unset($checks); $checks = array( 'gwidth' => $IN['gwidth'], 'gheight' => $IN['gheight'] ); foreach($checks as $check_key=>$check_value) { $check_value = intval($check_value); if($check_value == 0) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'editgame'); construct_hidden_code('gid', $gid); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_error2']); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } $$check_key = $check_value; } $active = $IN['active']; $gcount = $IN['gcount']; $gwords = $IN['gwords']; $keys = $IN['keys']; $object = $IN['object']; $cat = $IN['in_cat']; $hscore = $IN['highscore_type']; $license = $IN['license']; $dec = $IN['decpoints']; $costs = $IN['cost']; $jackpot = $IN['jackpot']; $jackpottype = $IN['jackpottype']; $static = $IN['static']; $tourney = $IN['tourney_use']; $gametype = 0; if ( ( file_exists(ROOT_PATH.'arcade/gamedata/'.$gname.'/v32game.txt' ) ) || ( file_exists(ROOT_PATH.'arcade/gamedata/'.$gname.'/v3game.txt' ) ) ) { $gametype = 1; } if( !is_numeric($gcount) ) { $gcount = 0; } if( (!is_numeric($costs)) || ($costs < 0) ) { $costs = 0; } if (($jackpottype<0) || ($jackpottype>1)) { $jackpottype = 1; } if( (!is_numeric($jackpot)) || ($jackpot < 0) ) { $jackpot = 0; } if( (!is_numeric($static)) || ($static < 0) ) { $static = 0; } if ($jackpottype == 1) { // if raising Jackpot set the Jackpot itself to Zero $jackpottype = "-1"; } else { // static Jackpot $jackpottype = $static; } if (intval($cat) < 1) { $cat = 1; } if ((intval($gametype!=0)) && (intval($gametype!=1))) { $gametype = 0; } $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array( 'gwords' => $gwords, 'gcount' => $gcount, 'gtitle' => $gtitle, 'bgcolor' => $bgcolor, 'gwidth' => $gwidth, 'gheight' => $gheight, 'active' => $active, 'object' => $object, 'gkeys' => $keys, 'gcat' => $cat, 'gname' => $gname, 'highscore_type' => $hscore, 'cost' => $costs, 'jackpot_type' => $jackpottype, 'jackpot' => $jackpot, 'license' => $license, 'decpoints' => $dec, 'tourney_use' => $tourney, 'game_type' => $gametype, ) ); $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gid=".$gid); $GAME = $DB->fetch_row(); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_list SET ".$db_string." WHERE gid=".$gid); update_cat_game_nums(); /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("Spiel ".$GAME['gtitle']." bearbeitet."); } */ define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=gamelist&cat=0'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); } // ############################## // TAR install // ############################## if ($action == "tar_install") { global $IN, $INFO; $name = preg_replace( "/^(game)_(.+?)\.(\S+)$/", "\\2", $IN['file'] ); $name = trim($name); $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gname = '".$name."'"); $row=$DB->fetch_row(); if($row['gname'] == $name) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$file_dir."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error0']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); break; } $tar_dir = getcwd().'/arcade/tar'; $tmp_dir = getcwd().'/arcade/tmp'; $arcade_dir = getcwd().'/arcade'; $images_dir = getcwd().'/arcade/images'; $multi_dir = getcwd().'/arcade/gamedata'; $file_dir = $INFO['base_dir']."arcade/tar/".$IN['file']; $file = $IN['file']; $tar = ''; if( !file_exists($file_dir) ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$file_dir."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error1']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } if (!file_exists($tmp_dir)) { @mkdir($tmp_dir); @chmod($tmp_dir , 0777); } if( !is_writable($tar_dir) ) { if( !@chmod($tar_dir , 0777) ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$tar_dir."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error2']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } } if( !is_writable($tmp_dir) ) { if( !@chmod($tmp_dir , 0777) ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$tmp_dir."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error2']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } } if( !is_writable($arcade_dir) ) { if( !@chmod($arcade_dir , 0777) ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$arcade_dir."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error2']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } } if( !is_writable($images_dir) ) { if( !@chmod($images_dir , 0777) ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$images_dir."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error2']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } } if( !is_writable($multi_dir) ) { if( !@chmod($multi_dir , 0777) ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$multi_dir."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error2']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } } require FUNCTIONS_PATH."tar.php"; $tar = new tar(); $tar->new_tar($tar_dir , $file); $files = $tar->list_files(); if( count($files) > 0 ) { foreach($files as $the_file) { if( !preg_match( "/^(?:[\(\)\:\;\~\.\w\d\+\-\_\/]+)$/", $the_file) ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error3']); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } } } else { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error3']); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } $tar->extract_files( $tmp_dir ); $config_file = $tmp_dir."/".$name.".php"; @chmod($config_file , 0777); $swf_file = $tmp_dir."/".$name.".swf"; @chmod($swf_file , 0777); $filesize=0; if(file_exists($swf_file)) { $filesize = filesize($swf_file); } $gif1_file = $tmp_dir."/".$name."1.gif"; @chmod($gif1_file , 0777); $gif2_file = $tmp_dir."/".$name."2.gif"; @chmod($gif2_file , 0777); // improved handling of multifiles by MrZeropage $multi = $tmp_dir."/gamedata/".$name; if ( file_exists($multi) ) { // make tempdir writeable @chmod($multi , 0777); // define target directory... $dest_multi = $multi_dir."/".$name; // and make it writeable @mkdir($dest_multi , 0777); // now copy stuff from tempdir @copydirr($multi,$dest_multi,0777,false); // and remove temp-multidir @rm($multi); // just securing... @unlink($dest_multi."/*.php"); @unlink($dest_multi."/*.html"); @copy($arcade_dir."/index.html" , $dest_multi."/index.html"); @chmod($dest_multi."/index.html" , 0777); } $dest_swf = $arcade_dir."/".$name.".swf"; if( file_exists($dest_swf) ) { @chmod($dest_swf , 0777); @unlink($dest_swf); } $dest_gif1 = $images_dir."/".$name."1.gif"; if( file_exists($dest_gif1) ) { @chmod($dest_gif1 , 0777); @unlink($dest_gif1); } $dest_gif2 = $images_dir."/".$name."2.gif"; if( file_exists($dest_gif2) ) { @chmod($dest_gif2 , 0777); @unlink($dest_gif2); } require $config_file; @copy($swf_file , $dest_swf); @copy($gif1_file , $dest_gif1); @copy($gif2_file , $dest_gif2); @chmod($dest_swf , 0777); @chmod($dest_gif1 , 0777); @chmod($dest_gif2 , 0777); @unlink($swf_file); @unlink($gif1_file); @unlink($gif2_file); @unlink($config_file); // cleanup whole temp-directory @rm($tmp_dir."/*"); // some default settings $config['gcat']=1; $config['active']=1; $config['bgcolor'] = strtolower($config['bgcolor']); if (hexdec($config['bgcolor'])==0) { $config['bgcolor']="000000"; } if (game_exists($config['gname'])) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$config['gname']." - ".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error0']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'gname' => stripslashes($config['gname']), 'gwords' => stripslashes($config['gwords']), 'gtitle' => stripslashes($config['gtitle']), 'bgcolor' => stripslashes($config['bgcolor']), 'gwidth' => stripslashes($config['gwidth']), 'gheight' => stripslashes($config['gheight']), 'active' => stripslashes($config['active']), 'object' => stripslashes($config['object']), 'gkeys' => stripslashes($config['gkeys']), 'gcat' => stripslashes($config['gcat']), 'cost' => 0, 'jackpot' => 0, 'jackpot_type' => -1, 'added' => time(), 'tourney_use' => 1, 'gtime' => 0, 'game_type' => 0, 'g_raters' => '', 'license' => '', 'filesize' => $filesize, ) ); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_games_list (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"); update_cat_game_nums(); /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("Spiel aus TAR-Archiv hinzugefügt: ".$gtitle); } */ define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=add_game'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); } // ############################## // ZIP install // ############################## if ($action == "zip_install") { global $IN; $name = $IN['file']; $name = trim($name); $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gname = '".$name."'"); $row=$DB->fetch_row(); if($row['gname'] == $name) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$file_dir."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error0']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); break; } $zip_dir = getcwd().'/arcade/zip'; $arcade_dir = getcwd().'/arcade'; $images_dir = getcwd().'/arcade/images'; $multi_dir = getcwd().'/arcade/gamedata'; $file_dir = ROOT_PATH.'/arcade/zip/'.$name.'.zip'; if( !file_exists($file_dir) ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$file_dir."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error1']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } if( !is_writable($zip_dir) ) { if( !@chmod($zip_dir , 0777) ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$zip_dir."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error2']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } } if( !is_writable($arcade_dir) ) { if( !@chmod($arcade_dir , 0777) ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$arcade_dir."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error2']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } } if( !is_writable($images_dir) ) { if( !@chmod($images_dir , 0777) ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$images_dir."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error2']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } } if( !is_writable($multi_dir) ) { if( !@chmod($multi_dir , 0777) ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$multi_dir."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error2']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } } require_once(FUNCTIONS_PATH."pclzip.lib.php"); $zip = new PclZip($file_dir); if (($list = $zip->listContent()) == 0) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$tar_dir."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_zip_error8']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } for ($i=0; $iextract(PCLZIP_OPT_BY_NAME, $filename, PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_AS_STRING); $buf = $output[0]['content']; // PHP Parsing messy :( if (!strpos($buf, "game_width")) { //It's the older type with the insert statement written directly, so we need to find it and take it apart $fileStart = strpos($buf, "highscore) VALUES ("); $buf = substr($buf,$fileStart+19); $fileEnd = strpos($buf, ", NULL)"); $buf = substr($buf,0,$fileEnd); //This is very buggy, if there is a comma in the description the array will be out of wack So far when this occurs it is only the description, width and height that get messed up. $arv3legacy = explode(",",str_replace("'","",$buf)); $title = trim($arv3legacy[2]); $shortname = trim($arv3legacy[0]); $game_width = trim($arv3legacy[5]); $game_height = trim($arv3legacy[6]); $description = trim($arv3legacy[3]); $config = array( gname => $shortname, gtitle => $title, bgcolor => '000000', gwidth => $game_width, gheight => $game_height, active => '1', gcat => '1', gwords => $description, object => $description, gkeys => '',); } else { //It's the newer type with predefined vars $fileStart = strpos($buf, "global.php"); $buf = substr($buf,$fileStart+13); $fileEnd = strpos($buf, "print_cp_header"); $buf = substr($buf,0,$fileEnd); $tmpfilename = $zip_dir.'/'.rand().'.php'; $tmpfile = fopen($tmpfilename, "x"); fwrite($tmpfile, ''); fclose($tmpfile); require_once($tmpfilename); unlink($tmpfilename); $config = array( gname => $shortname, gtitle => $title, bgcolor => '000000', gwidth => $game_width, gheight => $game_height, active => '1', gcat => '1', gwords => $description, object => $description, gkeys => '',); } //End PHP Parsing } else if ($ext == "swf") { $savefile = $arcade_dir.'/'.$filename; $filesize=0; if( file_exists($savefile) ) { @chmod($savefile , 0777); $filesize = filesize($savefile); @unlink($savefile); } $output = $zip->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_BY_NAME, $filename, PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_AS_STRING); $savefile = fopen($savefile, "x"); fwrite($savefile, $output[0]['content']); fclose($savefile); } else if ($ext == "gif") { $savefile = $images_dir.'/'.$filename; if( file_exists($savefile) ) { @chmod($savefile , 0777); @unlink($savefile); } $output = $zip->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_BY_NAME, $filename, PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_AS_STRING); $savefile = fopen($savefile, "x"); fwrite($savefile, $output[0]['content']); fclose($savefile); } } } } if (!$shortname) { //incompatible game please add manually print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$tar_dir."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_zip_error8']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } rename($file_dir,$zip_dir.'/'.$shortname.".zip"); // some default settings $config['gcat']=1; $config['active']=1; $config['bgcolor']="000000"; if (game_exists($config['gname'])) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$config['gname']." - ".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error0']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'gname' => stripslashes($config['gname']), 'gwords' => stripslashes($config['gwords']), 'gtitle' => stripslashes($config['gtitle']), 'bgcolor' => stripslashes($config['bgcolor']), 'gwidth' => stripslashes($config['gwidth']), 'gheight' => stripslashes($config['gheight']), 'active' => stripslashes($config['active']), 'object' => stripslashes($config['object']), 'gkeys' => stripslashes($config['gkeys']), 'gcat' => stripslashes($config['gcat']), 'cost' => 0, 'jackpot' => 0, 'jackpot_type' => -1, 'added' => time(), 'tourney_use' => 1, 'gtime' => 0, 'game_type' => 0, 'g_raters' => '', 'license' => '', 'filesize' => $filesize, ) ); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_games_list (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"); update_cat_game_nums(); define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=add_game'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); } // ############################## // Game uninstall // ############################## if ($action == "del") { global $IN, $INFO; if( !isset($IN['confirm']) ) { confirm(); } else { if( $IN['confirm'] == 0 ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_confhead']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error6']); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_continue'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } $gid = $IN['gid']; $error = 0; $DB->query("SELECT gtitle, gname FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gid=".$gid); $GAME = $DB->fetch_row(); if( $IN['confirm'] == 2 ) { $del = array( 'swf' => "" , 'gif1' => "" , 'gif2' => "" ); $swf_file = $INFO['base_dir']."arcade/".$GAME['gname'].".swf"; $gif1_file = $INFO['base_dir']."arcade/images/".$GAME['gname']."1.gif"; $gif2_file = $INFO['base_dir']."arcade/images/".$GAME['gname']."2.gif"; if( @unlink($swf_file) ) { $del['swf'] = true; } if( @unlink($gif1_file) ) { $del['gif1'] = true; } if( @unlink($gif2_file) ) { $del['gif2'] = true; } // delete data from /gamedata if existing... $multi = $INFO['base_dir']."arcade/gamedata/".$GAME['gname']; if ( file_exists($multi) ) { @rm($multi); } $files = "
    "; foreach( $del as $key=>$value ) { if( !$value ) { $error = 1; $files .= "
  1. "; $files .= $GAME['gname']; $files .= ( preg_match("#gif#" , $key) ) ? substr( $key , 3 , 1).".".substr( $key , 0 , 3) : ".".substr( $key , 0 , 3); $files .= "
  2. "; } } $files .= "
"; } // look for existing tournaments of that Game $looktourney = $DB->query("SELECT tid FROM ibf_tournaments WHERE gid=".$gid); while ($tourney=$DB->fetch_row($looktourney)) { $tid=$tourney[tid]; $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_tournament_players WHERE tid=".$tid); $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_tournament_players_statut WHERE tid=".$tid); $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_tournaments WHERE tid=".$tid); } $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_games_scores WHERE gid=".$gid); $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_games_league WHERE gid=".$gid); $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gid=".$gid); do_champ_update(1); update_cat_game_nums(); do_league_update(1); /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("Spiel ".$GAME['gtitle']." gelöscht."); } */ if( !$error ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_confhead']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error7']); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_continue'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } else { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row($GAME['gname'].$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error4'].$files); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_continue'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } } } // ############################## // remove TAR archive // ############################## if ($action == "remove_tar") { global $IN; $dir = ROOT_PATH."arcade/tar/"; $file = $dir."game_".$IN['file'].".tar"; if( !file_exists($file) ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$file."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error1']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } @chmod($file , 0777); if( !unlink($file) ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$file."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error5']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } else { /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("Archiv gelöscht."); } */ define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=add_game'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); } } // ############################## // remove ZIP archive // ############################## if ($action == "remove_zip") { global $IN; $dir = ROOT_PATH."arcade/zip/"; $file = $dir.$IN['file'].".zip"; if( !file_exists($file) ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$file."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_zip_error1']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } @chmod($file , 0777); if( !unlink($file) ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$file."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_zip_error5']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } else { /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("Archiv gelöscht."); } */ define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=add_game'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); } } // ############################## // Install ALL TAR-Games at once // ############################## if ($action == "install_all") { global $IN, $dl_dir; $dir = ROOT_PATH."arcade/tar"; if ( is_dir($dir) ) { $the_dir = opendir($dir); $tarcounter = 0; while( ($filename = readdir($the_dir)) !== false ) { if( ($filename != ".") && ($filename != "..") ) { if( preg_match("/^(game).+?\.(tar)$/", $filename) ) { $name = preg_replace( "/^(game)_(.+?)\.(\S+)$/", "\\2", $filename ); $name = trim($name); $result=$DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gname = '$name'"); $row=mysql_fetch_row($result); if($row[1] != $name) { $filelists[$tarcounter] = $filename; $tarcounter++; } } } } closedir($the_dir); } $tar_dir = getcwd().'/arcade/tar'; $arcade_dir = getcwd().'/arcade'; $images_dir = getcwd().'/arcade/images'; $multi_dir = getcwd().'/arcade/gamedata'; $tmp_dir = getcwd().'/arcade/tmp'; $dl_dir = getcwd().'/arcade/installed'; if( !is_writable($tar_dir) ) { if( !@chmod($tar_dir , 0777) ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$tar_dir."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error2']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } } if( !is_writable($arcade_dir) ) { if( !@chmod($arcade_dir , 0777) ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$arcade_dir."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error2']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } } if( !is_writable($images_dir) ) { if( !@chmod($images_dir , 0777) ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$images_dir."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error2']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } } if( !is_writable($multi_dir) ) { if( !@chmod($multi_dir , 0777) ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$multi_dir."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error2']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } } if (!file_exists($tmp_dir)) { @mkdir($tmp_dir); @chmod($tmp_dir , 0777); } if( !is_writable($tmp_dir) ) { if( !@chmod($tmp_dir , 0777) ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$tmp_dir."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error2']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } } $installcounter = 0; $skipcounter = 0; require FUNCTIONS_PATH."tar.php"; while ($tarcounter > $installcounter) { $name = preg_replace( "/^(game)_(.+?)\.(\S+)$/", "\\2", $filelists[$installcounter] ); $name = trim($name); $file_dir = getcwd()."arcade/tar/".$filelists[$installcounter]; $file = $filelists[$installcounter]; $IN['file'] = $filelists[$installcounter]; $tar = ''; $tar = new tar(); $tar->new_tar($tar_dir , $file); $files = $tar->list_files(); $tar->extract_files( $tmp_dir ); $config_file = $tmp_dir."/".$name.".php"; @chmod($config_file , 0777); $swf_file = $tmp_dir."/".$name.".swf"; @chmod($swf_file , 0777); $filesize=0; if(file_exists($swf_file)) { $filesize = filesize($swf_file); } $gif1_file = $tmp_dir."/".$name."1.gif"; @chmod($gif1_file , 0777); $gif2_file = $tmp_dir."/".$name."2.gif"; @chmod($gif2_file , 0777); $ta_file = $tar_dir."/game_".$name.".tar"; @chmod($ta_file , 0777); if ( file_exists($config_file) && file_exists($swf_file) && file_exists($gif1_file) && file_exists($gif2_file) ) { // improved handling of multifiles by MrZeropage $multi = $tmp_dir."/gamedata/".$name; if ( file_exists($multi) ) { // make tempdir writeable @chmod($multi , 0777); // define target directory... $dest_multi = $multi_dir."/".$name; // and make it writeable @mkdir($dest_multi , 0777); // now copy stuff from tempdir @copydirr($multi,$dest_multi,0777,false); // and remove temp-multidir @rm($multi); // just securing... @unlink($dest_multi."/*.php"); @unlink($dest_multi."/*.html"); @copy($arcade_dir."/index.html" , $dest_multi."/index.html"); @chmod($dest_multi."/index.html" , 0777); } $dest_swf = $arcade_dir."/".$name.".swf"; $filesize=0; if( file_exists($dest_swf) ) { @chmod($dest_swf , 0777); @unlink($dest_swf); } $dest_gif1 = $images_dir."/".$name."1.gif"; if( file_exists($dest_gif1) ) { @chmod($dest_gif1 , 0777); @unlink($dest_gif1); } $dest_gif2 = $images_dir."/".$name."2.gif"; if( file_exists($dest_gif2) ) { @chmod($dest_gif2 , 0777); @unlink($dest_gif2); } /* no automatic move of archives $dest_ta = $dl_dir."/game_".$name.".tar"; if( file_exists($dest_ta) ) { @chmod($dest_ta , 0777); @unlink($dest_ta); } */ require $config_file; @copy($swf_file , $dest_swf); @copy($gif1_file , $dest_gif1); @copy($gif2_file , $dest_gif2); //@copy($ta_file , $dest_ta); @chmod($dest_swf , 0777); @chmod($dest_gif1 , 0777); @chmod($dest_gif2 , 0777); //@chmod($dest_ta , 0777); @unlink($swf_file); @unlink($gif1_file); @unlink($gif2_file); @unlink($config_file); //@unlink($ta_file); // cleanup whole temp-directory @rm($tmp_dir."/*"); // some default settings $config['gcat']=1; $config['active']=1; $config['bgcolor'] = strtolower($config['bgcolor']); if (hexdec($config['bgcolor'])==0) { $config['bgcolor']="000000"; } if (game_exists($config['gname'])) { $skipcounter++; } else { // write to DB $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'gname' => stripslashes($config['gname']), 'gwords' => stripslashes($config['gwords']), 'gtitle' => stripslashes($config['gtitle']), 'bgcolor' => stripslashes($config['bgcolor']), 'gwidth' => stripslashes($config['gwidth']), 'gheight' => stripslashes($config['gheight']), 'active' => stripslashes($config['active']), 'object' => stripslashes($config['object']), 'gkeys' => stripslashes($config['gkeys']), 'gcat' => stripslashes($config['gcat']), 'added' => time(), 'cost' => 0, 'jackpot' => 0, 'jackpot_type' => -1, 'tourney_use' => 1, 'gtime' => 0, 'game_type' => 0, 'g_raters' => '', 'license' => '', 'filesize' => $filesize, ) ); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_games_list (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"); $installcounter++; } } } update_cat_game_nums(); /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("Added ".$tarcounter." Game(s) via tar archives."); } */ print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_masshead']); print_description_row("
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_massbutton'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } // ############################## // Install ALL ZIP-Games at once // ############################## if ($action == "install_all_zip") { global $IN; $dir = ROOT_PATH."arcade/zip"; $zip_dir = getcwd().'/arcade/zip'; $arcade_dir = getcwd().'/arcade'; $images_dir = getcwd().'/arcade/images'; $multi_dir = getcwd().'/arcade/gamedata'; $tar = ''; if( !is_writable($zip_dir) ) { if( !@chmod($zip_dir , 0777) ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$zip_dir."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error2']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } } if( !is_writable($arcade_dir) ) { if( !@chmod($arcade_dir , 0777) ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$arcade_dir."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error2']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } } if( !is_writable($images_dir) ) { if( !@chmod($images_dir , 0777) ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$images_dir."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_error2']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } } $zipcounter = 0; $skipcounter = 0; require_once(FUNCTIONS_PATH."pclzip.lib.php"); $the_dir = opendir($zip_dir); while( ($filename = readdir($the_dir)) !== false ) { $ext = substr(strrchr($filename, "."), 1); if($ext == "zip") { $name = trim($filename); $result=$DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gname = '$name'"); $row=mysql_fetch_row($result); if($row[1] != $name) { //Game Doesnt exist lets install it $file_dir = $zip_dir.'/'.$name; $zip = new PclZip($file_dir); if (($list = $zip->listContent()) == 0) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$file_dir."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_zip_error8']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } for ($i=0; $iextract(PCLZIP_OPT_BY_NAME, $filename, PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_AS_STRING); $buf = $output[0]['content']; //PHP Parsing messy :( if (!strpos($buf, "game_width")) { //It's the older type with the insert statement written directly so we need to find it and take it apart $fileStart = strpos($buf, "highscore) VALUES ("); $buf = substr($buf,$fileStart+19); $fileEnd = strpos($buf, ", NULL)"); $buf = substr($buf,0,$fileEnd); //This is very buggy, if there is a comma in the descritpion the array will be out of wack So far when this occurs it is only the description, width and height that get messed up. $arv3legacy = explode(",",str_replace("'","",$buf)); $title = trim($arv3legacy[2]); $shortname = trim($arv3legacy[0]); $game_width = trim($arv3legacy[5]); $game_height = trim($arv3legacy[6]); $description = trim($arv3legacy[3]); $config = array( gname => $shortname, gtitle => $title, bgcolor => '000000', gwidth => $game_width, gheight => $game_height, active => '1', gcat => '1', gwords => $description, object => $description, gkeys => '',); } else { //It's the newer type with predefined vars $fileStart = strpos($buf, "global.php"); $buf = substr($buf,$fileStart+13); $fileEnd = strpos($buf, "print_cp_header"); $buf = substr($buf,0,$fileEnd); $tmpfilename = $zip_dir.'/'.rand().'.php'; $tmpfile = fopen($tmpfilename, "x"); fwrite($tmpfile, ''); fclose($tmpfile); require_once($tmpfilename); unlink($tmpfilename); $config = array( gname => $shortname, gtitle => $title, bgcolor => '000000', gwidth => $game_width, gheight => $game_height, active => '1', gcat => '1', gwords => $description, object => $description, gkeys => '',); } //End PHP Parsing } else if ($ext == "swf") { $filename2 = substr(strrchr($list[$i][$key], "/"), 1); if (!$filename2) {$filename2 = $list[$i][$key];} $savefile = $arcade_dir.'/'.$filename2; $filesize=0; if( file_exists($savefile) ) { @chmod($savefile , 0777); $filesize = filesize($savefile); @unlink($savefile); } $output = $zip->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_BY_NAME, $filename, PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_AS_STRING); $savefile = fopen($savefile, "x"); fwrite($savefile, $output[0]['content']); fclose($savefile); } else if ($ext == "gif") { $filename2 = substr(strrchr($list[$i][$key], "/"), 1); if (!$filename2){$filename2 = $list[$i][$key];} $savefile = $images_dir.'/'.$filename2; if( file_exists($savefile) ) { @chmod($savefile , 0777); @unlink($savefile); } $output = $zip->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_BY_NAME, $filename, PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_AS_STRING); $savefile = fopen($savefile, "x"); fwrite($savefile, $output[0]['content']); fclose($savefile); } } } } if (!$shortname) { //incompatible game please add manually print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row("".$tar_dir."".$ibforums->lang['acp_game_zip_error8']."
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } rename($file_dir,$zip_dir.'/'.$shortname.".zip"); // some default settings $config['gcat']=1; $config['active']=1; $config['bgcolor']="000000"; if (game_exists($config['gname'])) { $skipcounter++; } else { $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'gname' => stripslashes($config['gname']), 'gwords' => stripslashes($config['gwords']), 'gtitle' => stripslashes($config['gtitle']), 'bgcolor' => stripslashes($config['bgcolor']), 'gwidth' => stripslashes($config['gwidth']), 'gheight' => stripslashes($config['gheight']), 'active' => stripslashes($config['active']), 'object' => stripslashes($config['object']), 'gkeys' => stripslashes($config['gkeys']), 'gcat' => stripslashes($config['gcat']), 'added' => time(), 'cost' => 0, 'jackpot' => 0, 'jackpot_type' => -1, 'tourney_use' => 1, 'gtime' => 0, 'game_type' => 0, 'g_raters' => '', 'license' => '', 'filesize' => $filesize ) ); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_games_list (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"); $zipcounter++; } } } } closedir($the_dir); update_cat_game_nums(); /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("Added ".$zipcounter." Game(s) via zip archives."); } */ print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_game'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_masshead']); print_description_row("
"); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_game_tar_massbutton'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } // ############################## // Tournaments // ############################## if ($action == "tourney") { global $IN; print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'tourneysettings'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tourney_settings']); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_tourneylimit1'], 'tourney_limit1', $arcade['tourney_limit1'], 0); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_tourneylimit2'], 'tourney_limit2', $arcade['tourney_limit2'], 0); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_main_tourney_head']); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_tourney_col1'], 'ladder_color', $arcade['ladder_color'], 0); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_tourney_col2'], 'ladder_empty_color', $arcade['ladder_empty_color'], 0); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_tourney_col3'], 'ladder_qual_color', $arcade['ladder_qual_color'], 0); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_tourney_col4'], 'ladder_disqual_color', $arcade['ladder_disqual_color'], 0); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_main_tourney_col5'], 'ladder_elim_color', $arcade['ladder_elim_color'], 0); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_save_settings'], 0); print_table_break('', "90%"); $header = array(); $header[] = "
"; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_gamesort_game']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_gamesort_player']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_tourneylist_start']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_tourneylist_player']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_empty']; $colspan = sizeof($header); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tourneylist_head'], $colspan); print_form_header('arcade', 'tourney_stuff'); print_cells_row($header, 1); print_description_row("
- ".$ibforums->lang['acp_tourneylist_active']." -
", 0, $colspan); $this_query = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_tournaments WHERE champion=''"); if( $DB->get_num_rows($this_query) ) { while( $TOURNEY = $DB->fetch_row($this_query) ) { $DB->query("SELECT gname, gtitle FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gid=".$TOURNEY['gid']); $GAME = $DB->fetch_row(); $cell = array(); $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; print_cells_row($cell); } } else { print_description_row("
", 0, $colspan); } print_description_row("
- ".$ibforums->lang['acp_tourneylist_ready']." -
", 0, $colspan); $this_query = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_tournaments WHERE champion<>''"); if( $DB->get_num_rows($this_query) ) { while( $TOURNEY = $DB->fetch_row($this_query) ) { $DB->query("SELECT gname, gtitle FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gid=".$TOURNEY['gid']); $GAME = $DB->fetch_row(); $cell = array(); $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
".$GAME['gtitle']." ~ ".$TOURNEY['champion']."
"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; print_cells_row($cell); } } else { print_description_row("
", 0, $colspan); } print_table_break('', "90%"); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tourneylist_newhead']); $output = "  "; $output = $output . "  "; $output = $output . ""; print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_tourney_create']."  ".$output, 0); construct_hidden_code('do', 'newt'); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_tourneylist_button'], 0); print_form_header('arcade', 'tourney_stuff'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tourney_prune_head']); $output1 = "  "; $output2 = ""; print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_tourney_prune_txt'].$output1." ".$ibforums->lang['acp_scoretool_age_old']." ".$output2." ".$ibforums->lang['acp_days'], 0); construct_hidden_code('do', 'prunet'); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_start'], 0); // print_table_break('', "90%"); print_cp_footer(); exit; } // ############################## // Tournament functions // ############################## if ($action == "tourneysettings") { global $IN, $DB, $vboptions, $vbulletin; if (strlen($IN['ladder_color'])>6) { $IN['ladder_color']="000000"; } if (strlen($IN['ladder_empty_color'])>6) { $IN['ladder_empty_color']="FFFFFF"; } if (strlen($IN['ladder_qual_color'])>6) { $IN['ladder_qual_color']="A0FEA0"; } if (strlen($IN['ladder_disqual_color'])>6) { $IN['ladder_disqual_color']="C22424"; } if (strlen($IN['ladder_elim_color'])>6) { $IN['ladder_elim_color']="787878"; } if ($IN['tourney_limit1'] < 0) { $IN['tourney_limit1']=0; } if ($IN['tourney_limit2'] < 0) { $IN['tourney_limit2']=0; } if (($IN['tourney_limit1']>0) && ($IN['tourney_limit2']>0) && ($IN['tourney_limit1']>=$IN['tourney_limit2'])) { $IN['tourney_limit2']=$IN['tourney_limit1']+1; } $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array ( 'ladder_color' => $IN['ladder_color'], 'ladder_empty_color' => $IN['ladder_empty_color'], 'ladder_qual_color' => $IN['ladder_qual_color'], 'ladder_disqual_color' => $IN['ladder_disqual_color'], 'ladder_elim_color' => $IN['ladder_elim_color'], 'tourney_limit1' => $IN['tourney_limit1'], 'tourney_limit2' => $IN['tourney_limit2'] ) ); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_settings SET ".$db_string); /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log(""); } */ define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=tourney'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); } if ($action == "tourney_stuff") { global $IN, $DB, $vboptions, $vbulletin; switch( $IN['do'] ) { // ##### prune tournaments (by MrZeropage) ##### case prunet: $timeout = time() - (intval($IN['tourneyprune_days']) * 86400); $status = "demare="; if (intval($IN['tourneyprune_status']) < 2) { $status .= $IN['tourneyprune_status']; } else { $status .= "1 AND champion<>''"; } $counter=0; $gettourney = $DB->query("SELECT tid, datestarted FROM ibf_tournaments WHERE ".$status." AND datestarted < '".$timeout."'"); while ($tinfo = $DB->fetch_row($gettourney)) { $tid = $tinfo['tid']; $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_tournament_players WHERE tid=".$tid); $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_tournament_players_statut WHERE tid=".$tid); $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_tournaments WHERE tid=".$tid); } /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("Turnier-Teilnehmer ersetzt."); } */ define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=tourney'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); break; // ##### new Tournament ##### case newt: print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'tourney_stuff'); construct_hidden_code('do', 'add_t_confirm'); construct_hidden_code('gid', $IN['the_game']); construct_hidden_code('player_amount', $IN['player_amount']); construct_hidden_code('tries', $IN['tries']); construct_hidden_code('costs', $IN['costs']); $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gid=".$IN['the_game']); $GAME = $DB->fetch_row(); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_newtourney_head1'].$GAME['gtitle'].$ibforums->lang['acp_newtourney_head2']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_newtourney_info'], 0); for( $counter = 1 ; $counter <= $IN['player_amount'] ; $counter++ ) { print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_tourneylist_player']." ".$counter, 'users[]', '', 0); } print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_newtourney_button'], 0); print_cp_footer(); break; // ##### confirm selected players for this tourney ##### case add_t_confirm: /* if( $IN['users'] == "" ) { $IN['users'] = array(); } */ $i = 0; $dbstring=""; foreach($IN['users'] as $value) { $user = intval($value); if($user == 0) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'newt'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_newtourney_error1']); construct_hidden_code('the_game', $IN['gid']); construct_hidden_code('player_amount', $IN['player_amount']); construct_hidden_code('tries', $IN['tries']); construct_hidden_code('costs', $IN['costs']); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } $dbstring .= ($i) ? ", ".$user : $user; $i++; } $DB->query("SELECT id, name FROM ibf_members WHERE id IN(".$dbstring.") ORDER BY id"); if($i != $DB->get_num_rows() ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'newt'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_newtourney_error2']); construct_hidden_code('the_game', $IN['gid']); construct_hidden_code('player_amount', $IN['player_amount']); construct_hidden_code('tries', $IN['tries']); construct_hidden_code('costs', $IN['costs']); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } else { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'do_add_t'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_newtourney_head3']); construct_hidden_code('gid', $IN['gid']); construct_hidden_code('player_amount', $IN['player_amount']); construct_hidden_code('users[]', $IN['users']); construct_hidden_code('tries', $IN['tries']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_newtourney_confirm']."
".$ibforums->lang['acp_newtourney_descr']); $drop_list = array(); $counter = intval($IN['player_amount'])/2; $drop_list[0] = $ibforums->lang['acp_newtourney_select']; for( $i = 1 ; $i <= $counter ; $i++ ) { $drop_list[$i] = $ibforums->lang['acp_newtourney_match'].$i; } while( $USER = $DB->fetch_row() ) { print_select_row("".$USER['name']."", $USER['id'].'_user', $drop_list); } print_yes_no_row($ibforums->lang['acp_newtourney_pm'], 'pmnotify', 1); // detect vBplaza if (($vbulletin->options['vbbux_enabled'] == 1) && ($vbulletin->options['vbbux_arcadeintegration'] == 1)) { print_input_row($ibforums->lang['costs_tourneyj'], 'costs', $IN['costs'], 0); } $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); if ($vbversion != "3.0") { ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('ibproarcade_acp_newtourney')) ? eval($hook) : false; } } print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_newtourney_save'], 0); print_cp_footer(); break; // ##### add new tournament to database ##### case do_add_t: $game = array(); if( $IN['player_amount'] == '2' ) { $rung = 1; } elseif( $IN['player_amount'] == '4' ) { $rung = 2; } else { $rung = 3; } $tries = intval($IN['tries']); if (($tries<1) || ($tries>5)) { // seems to be illegal value, so set it to default $tries = 3; } $costs = $IN['costs']; if ((intval($costs) < 0) || ($costs = "")) { $costs = 0; } if( $IN['player_amount'] != 2 ) { $counter = intval($IN['player_amount'])/2; for( $i = 1 ; $i <= $counter ; $i++ ) { $game[$i] = 0; } } $match = array(); foreach( $IN as $key=>$value ) { if( preg_match("#_user#", $key) ) { if( $value == 0 ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'newt'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['all_user_match']); construct_hidden_code('the_game', $IN['gid']); construct_hidden_code('player_amount', $IN['player_amount']); construct_hidden_code('costs', $IN['costs']); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } $game[$value]++; if( $game[$value] > 2 ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'add_t_confirm'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['two_per_match']); construct_hidden_code('the_game', $IN['gid']); construct_hidden_code('player_amount', $IN['player_amount']); construct_hidden_code('costs', $IN['costs']); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } } $key = intval($key); $match[$key] = $value; } $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); // Version 3.0 oder 3.5 if ($vbversion == "3.0") { $forumlink = $vboptions['bburl']."/"; } else { $forumlink = $vbulletin->options['bburl']."/"; } $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'gid' => $IN['gid'], 'numplayers' => $IN['player_amount'], 'datestarted' => time(), 'demare' => 1, 'creat' => $main->arcade->user['name'], 'plibre' => 0, 'nbtries' => $tries, 'cost' => $costs, 'champion' => '', 'url_discut' => '', ) ); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_tournaments (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"); $tid = $DB->get_insert_id(); unset($key); unset($value); foreach( $match as $key=>$value ) { if( $key != 0 ) { $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'mid' => $key, 'tid' => $tid, 'rung' => $rung, 'rungscore' => 0, 'faceoff' => $value, 'timeplayed' => time(), 'timesplayed' => 0, 'notified' => 0 ) ); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_tournament_players (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"); $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'tid' => $tid, 'mid' => $key, 'statut' => 0, ) ) ; $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_tournament_players_statut (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"); if ($IN['pmnotify'] == 1) { // PM-Notification to Tournament-Participants by MrZeropage $DB->query("SELECT id, name, email, arcade_pmactive FROM ibf_user WHERE userid=".$key); $recip=$DB->fetch_row(); $senderid = $ibforums->member['id']; $DB->query("SELECT id, name FROM ibf_members WHERE id=".$senderid); $userinfo = $DB->fetch_row(); $sendername = $userinfo['name']; $recipient = $key; $title = $ibforums->lang['pmtourney_title']; $message = $ibforums->lang['pmtourney_text1']. $recip['name']. $ibforums->lang['pmtourney_text2']. $forumlink."arcade.php?act=Arcade&do=viewtourney&tid=".$tid. $ibforums->lang['pmtourney_text3']; $mailtitle = $ibforums->lang['mailtourney_title']; $mailmessage = $ibforums->lang['mailtourney_text1']. $recip['name']. $ibforums->lang['mailtourney_text2']. $forumlink."arcade.php?act=Arcade&do=viewtourney&tid=".$tid. $ibforums->lang['mailtourney_text3']; // does the recipient want to receive any Notifications from the Arcade ? if ($recip['arcade_pmactive'] == 1) { // read Notification-Settings $DB->query("SELECT notification FROM ibf_games_settings"); $setting = $DB->fetch_row(); // Notification via PM if (($setting['notification']=="pm") || ($setting['notification']=="pm+mail")) { $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_pmtext (fromuserid, fromusername, title, message, touserarray, iconid, dateline, showsignature, allowsmilie) VALUES ('".$senderid."', '".addslashes($sendername)."', '".addslashes($title)."', '" . addslashes($message) . "', '" . addslashes(serialize(array($recipient))) . "', 0, " . TIMENOW . ", 0, 0)"); $pmid = $DB->get_insert_id(); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_user SET pmtotal=pmtotal+1, pmunread=pmunread+1 WHERE userid=$recipient"); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_pm (pmtextid, userid, folderid, messageread) VALUES ('$pmid', '$recipient', '0', '0')"); } // Notification via eMail if (($setting['notification']=="mail") || ($setting['notification']=="pm+mail")) { vbmail($recip['email'],$mailtitle,$mailmessage); } } } } } /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("Turnier erstellt"); } */ define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=tourney'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); break; // ##### view tournament, replace users ##### case view: print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'confirm_r'); $header = array(); $header[] = "
"; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_empty']; $colspan = sizeof($header); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tourney_edit'], $colspan); $javascript = " "; print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_tourney_editinfo'].$javascript, 0, $colspan); construct_hidden_code('tid', $IN['tid']); construct_hidden_code('userid', ''); print_cells_row($header, 1); // make it lookup the first round of the tournament $lookup_query = $DB->query("SELECT numplayers FROM ibf_tournaments WHERE tid=".$IN['tid']); $lookup = $DB->fetch_row($lookup_query); switch ($lookup['numplayers']) { case '2': $selectrung=" AND t.rung=1"; break; case '4': $selectrung=" AND t.rung=2"; break; case '8': $selectrung=" AND t.rung=3"; break; default : $selectrung=""; } $this_query = $DB->query("SELECT t.*, m.name AS username, m.id as userid FROM ibf_tournament_players AS t LEFT JOIN ibf_members AS m ON (t.mid = m.id) WHERE tid=".$IN['tid'].$selectrung); while($TOURNEY = $DB->fetch_row($this_query)) { $cell = array(); $cell[] = "
"; $cell[] = "
"; print_cells_row($cell); } print_table_break('', "90%"); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tourney_edituser']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_tourney_editusertxt'].""); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_tourney_replace'], 'replaceid', '', 0); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_replace'], 0); print_cp_footer(); break; // ##### confirm to replace user in tourney ##### case confirm_r: if( !is_numeric($IN['replaceid']) || $IN['replaceid'] <= 0 ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'viewtourney'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_tourney_error1']); construct_hidden_code('tid', $IN['tid']); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; break; } if( $IN['replaceid'] == $IN['userid'] ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'viewtourney'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_tourney_error2']); construct_hidden_code('tid', $IN['tid']); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; break; } $this_query = $DB->query("SELECT id, name FROM ibf_members WHERE id=".$IN['replaceid']); if( $DB->get_num_rows($this_query) ) { $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_tournament_players WHERE mid=".$IN['replaceid']." AND tid=".$IN['tid']); if( $DB->get_num_rows() ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'viewtourney'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_tourney_error4']); construct_hidden_code('tid', $IN['tid']); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; break; } $USER = $DB->fetch_row($this_query); print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'do_replace'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tourney_replaceconf']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_tourney_replacetxt1']."".$IN['username']."".$ibforums->lang['acp_tourney_replacetxt2']."".$USER['name']."".$ibforums->lang['acp_tourney_replacetxt3']); construct_hidden_code('tid', $IN['tid']); construct_hidden_code('oldmid', $IN['userid']); construct_hidden_code('newmid', $IN['replaceid']); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_confirm'], 0); print_cp_footer(); } else { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'viewtourney'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_tourney_error3']); construct_hidden_code('tid', $IN['tid']); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; break; } break; // ##### do replace user in tourney ##### case do_replace: $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournament_players SET mid=".$IN['newmid'].", notified=0 WHERE tid=".$IN['tid']." AND mid=".$IN['oldmid']); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournament_players_statut SET mid=".$IN['newmid']." WHERE tid=".$IN['tid']." AND mid=".$IN['oldmid']); /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("Turnier-Teilnehmer ersetzt."); } */ define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=tourney'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); break; // ##### remove tournament ##### case remove: $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_tournaments WHERE tid=".$IN['tid']); $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_tournament_players_statut WHERE tid=".$IN['tid']); $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_tournament_players WHERE tid=".$IN['tid']); /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("Turnier gelöscht."); } */ define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=tourney'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); break; default: break; } } // ############################## // usergroup permissions // ############################## if ($action == "groups") { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'updategroups'); // generate Category-List for Permission-Selection $cats=array(); $cats[0] = "-- ".$ibforums->lang['acp_all']." --"; $counter = 1; $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_cats ORDER BY pos, cat_name"); while( $CAT = $DB->fetch_row() ) { $protected = ""; if ($CAT['password']!='') { $protected=" (*)"; } $cats[$CAT['c_id']] = $CAT['cat_name'].$protected; $counter++; } if ($counter > 10) { $counter = 10; } $DB->query("SELECT g_id, g_title, arcade_access, p_require, max_play, ppd_require, ibpa_cats, tourney FROM ibf_groups"); while( $GROUP = $DB->fetch_row() ) { print_table_header($GROUP['g_title']); if ($GROUP['g_id'] == 1) // UserGroupID 1 = unregistered / Guest { print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_group_guest'], $GROUP['g_id']."_access", array('0' => $ibforums->lang['acp_group_noperm'], '1' => $ibforums->lang['acp_group_viewperm'], '3' => $ibforums->lang['acp_group_guestplay'], '4' => $ibforums->lang['acp_group_guestplaysave']), $GROUP['arcade_access']); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_group_guestid'], $GROUP['g_id']."_p_require", $GROUP['p_require'], 0); $selected = explode(',', $GROUP['ibpa_cats']); print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_group_catperm'], $GROUP['g_id'].'_catperm[]', $cats, $selected, 0, $counter, true); } else { print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_group'], $GROUP['g_id']."_access", array('0' => $ibforums->lang['acp_group_noperm'], '1' => $ibforums->lang['acp_group_viewperm'], '2' => $ibforums->lang['acp_group_playperm']), $GROUP['arcade_access']); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_group_posts'], $GROUP['g_id']."_p_require", $GROUP['p_require'], 0); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_group_ppd'], $GROUP['g_id']."_ppd_require", $GROUP['ppd_require'], 0); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_group_gpd'], $GROUP['g_id']."_max_play", $GROUP['max_play'], 0); print_yes_no_row($ibforums->lang['acp_group_tourney'], $GROUP['g_id'].'_tourney', $GROUP['tourney']); // Cat-Permissions per UG $selected = explode(',', $GROUP['ibpa_cats']); print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_group_catperm'], $GROUP['g_id'].'_catperm[]', $cats, $selected, 0, $counter, true); } print_table_break('', "90%"); } print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_save_settings'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } // ################################ // store usergroup-permissions to DB // ################################ if ($action == "updategroups") { $the_groups = array(); $access = ""; $posts = ""; $max = ""; $ppd = ""; $tourney = ""; $DB->query("SELECT g_id FROM ibf_groups"); while( $g = $DB->fetch_row() ) { $the_groups[] = $g['g_id']; } foreach( $the_groups as $id ) { $access = $_POST[ $id."_access" ]; $posts = intval($_POST[ $id."_p_require" ]); $max = intval($_POST[ $id."_max_play" ]); $ppd = intval($_POST[ $id."_ppd_require" ]); $tourney = intval($_POST[$id."_tourney"]); $categories = $_POST[ $id."_catperm" ]; $cats = ""; if ($categories != "") { $cats = implode("," , $categories); } if( $posts < 0 ) { $posts = 0; } if( $max < 0 ) { $max = 0; } if( $ppd < 0 ) { $ppd = 0; } if( ($tourney < 0) || ($tourney > 1) || (empty($tourney)) ) { $tourney = 0; } if ( ($id == 1) && ($posts < 1) && ($access == 4) ) { // make sure userid is set for guest-saving scores! $access = 3; } if ( ($id == 1) && ($access < 4) ) { // reset guestplayer-id if scoresaving is off $posts = 0; } if ($id==1) { // fixed values for guests $tourney=0; $ppd=0; $max=0; } $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array ( 'arcade_access' => $access, 'p_require' => $posts, 'max_play' => $max, 'ppd_require' => $ppd, 'ibpa_cats' => $cats, 'tourney' => $tourney, ) ); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_groups SET ".$db_string." WHERE g_id=".$id); } /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log(""); } */ define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=groups'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); } // ############################## // user-search // ############################## if ($action == "user_search") { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'usermanager'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_usersearch_header']); construct_hidden_code('limitstart', 0); construct_hidden_code('limitnumber', 10); // 10 user per result-page print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_usersearch_name'], 'name', "", 0); print_membergroup_row($ibforums->lang['acp_usersearch_group'], 'group_list', 0, $user); print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_usersearch_ban'], 'is_banned', array('0' => $ibforums->lang['acp_usersearch_ban_null'], '1' => $ibforums->lang['acp_usersearch_ban_yes'], '2' => $ibforums->lang['acp_usersearch_ban_no']), 0); print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_usersearch_sort'], 'sort_by', array('name' => $ibforums->lang['username'], 'id' =>$ibforums->lang['acp_usersearch_id'], 'g_title' => $ibforums->lang['acp_usersearch_ugid'], 'posts' => $ibforums->lang['acp_usersearch_posts']), 'name'); print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_usersearch_order'], 'sort_order', array('ASC' => $ibforums->lang['acp_ASC'], 'DESC' => $ibforums->lang['acp_DESC']), 'ASC'); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_search'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } // ################################ // user-manager // ################################ if ($action == "usermanager") { $name = $_POST['name']; $IN['is_banned'] = $_POST['is_banned']; $IN['sort_by'] = $_POST['sort_by']; $IN['sort_order'] = $_POST['sort_order']; $IN['in_group'] = $_POST['group_list']; $limitstart = $_POST['limitstart']; $limitnumber = $_POST['limitnumber']; $limitfinish = $limitstart + $limitnumber; if (empty($name)) { $name = "*"; /* define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=user_search'); print_stop_message('no_users_matched_your_query'); */ } if ($name == "*") { $name = "%"; } $query = ""; $a = 0; if ($IN['in_group']) { foreach($IN['in_group'] AS $group) { if( !($a) ) { $query .= "AND "; $query .= "g__id IN ("; } $query .= ($a) ? "," : ""; $query .= $group; $a++; } } $query .= ") "; if( $a == 0 ) { $query = ""; } if( $IN['is_banned'] != 0 ) { $query .= " AND "; if( $IN['is_banned'] == 1 ) { $query .= "arcade_ban=1"; } else { $query .= "arcade_ban=0"; } } $this_query = $DB->query(" SELECT m.id, m.name, m.mgroup, m.ip_address AS ip, m.posts, g.g_title FROM ibf_members AS m LEFT JOIN ibf_groups AS g ON (m.mgroup = g.g_id) WHERE name LIKE '%".$name."%' AND id<>0 ".$query." ORDER BY ".$IN['sort_by']." ".$IN['sort_order']." "); $countusers['users'] = $DB->get_num_rows($this_query); $this_query = $DB->query(" SELECT m.id, m.name, m.mgroup, m.ip_address AS ip, m.posts, g.g_title FROM ibf_members AS m LEFT JOIN ibf_groups AS g ON (m.mgroup = g.g_id) WHERE name LIKE '%".$name."%' AND id<>0 ".$query." ORDER BY ".$IN['sort_by']." ".$IN['sort_order']." LIMIT $limitstart, $limitnumber "); if( $DB->get_num_rows($this_query) ) { $header = array(); $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_result_name']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_result_usergroup']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_result_postings']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_result_options']; $colspan = sizeof($header); print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'usermanager'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_result_showing1'].($limitstart+1).$ibforums->lang['acp_result_showing2'].iif($limitfinish > $countusers['users'], $countusers['users'], $limitfinish).$ibforums->lang['acp_result_showing3'].$countusers['users'], $colspan); print_cells_row($header, 1); } else { define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=user_search'); print_stop_message('no_users_matched_your_query'); } // Ausgabe der Ergebnisse while( $member = $DB->fetch_row($this_query) ) { $cell = array(); $cell[] = "$member[name]"; $cell[] = $member['g_title']; $cell[] = $member['posts']; $cell[] = "".$ibforums->lang['acp_result_editperm']."
".$ibforums->lang['acp_result_editscore'].""; print_cells_row($cell); } construct_hidden_code('limitnumber', $limitnumber); construct_hidden_code('sort_by', $IN['sort_by']); construct_hidden_code('sort_order', $IN['sort_order']); construct_hidden_code('name', $name); construct_hidden_code('is_banned', $IN['is_banned']); construct_hidden_code('group_list', $IN['in_group']); if ($limitstart == 0 AND $countusers['users'] > $limitnumber) { construct_hidden_code('limitstart', $limitstart + $limitnumber); print_submit_row($vbphrase['next_page'], 0, $colspan); } else if ($limitfinish < $countusers['users']) { construct_hidden_code('limitstart', $limitstart + $limitnumber); print_submit_row($vbphrase['next_page'], 0, $colspan, $vbphrase['prev_page'], '', true); } else if ($limitfinish >= $countusers['users']) { construct_hidden_code('limitstart', 0); print_submit_row($vbphrase['first_page'], 0, $colspan, $vbphrase['prev_page'], '', true); } else { print_table_footer(); } print_cp_footer(); exit; } // ############################## // edit user // ############################## if ($action == "edit_user") { $IN['user'] = $_GET['user']; $DB->query("SELECT id, name, is_arcade_mod, arcade_ban, arcade_mod_privs, create_tourney FROM ibf_members WHERE id=".$IN['user']); $user = $DB->fetch_row(); print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'save_user'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_useredit_header'].$user['name']); construct_hidden_code('id', $IN['user']); print_yes_no_row($ibforums->lang['acp_group_tourney'], 'create_tourney', $user['create_tourney']); print_yes_no_row($ibforums->lang['acp_useredit_moderator'], 'is_mod', $user['is_arcade_mod']); print_yes_no_row($ibforums->lang['acp_useredit_banned'], 'is_banned', $user['arcade_ban']); print_table_break('', "90%"); $privs = unserialize($user['arcade_mod_privs']); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_useredit_modheader']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_useredit_modinfo']); print_yes_no_row($ibforums->lang['acp_useredit_modscore'], 'scores', $privs['scores']); print_yes_no_row($ibforums->lang['acp_useredit_modcomment'], 'comments', $privs['comments']); print_yes_no_row($ibforums->lang['acp_useredit_modtourney'], 'tourney', $privs['tourney']); print_yes_no_row($ibforums->lang['acp_useredit_modchamps'], 'champs', $privs['champs']); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_save'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } // ############################## // save user // ############################## if ($action == "save_user") { $privs = array(); $tmp = array(); $tmp['scores'] = $_POST['scores']; $tmp['comments'] = $_POST['comments']; $tmp['tourney'] = $_POST['tourney']; $tmp['champs'] = $_POST['champs']; $privs = serialize($tmp); $IN['create_tourney'] = $_POST['create_tourney']; $IN['is_mod'] = $_POST['is_mod']; $IN['is_banned'] = $_POST['is_banned']; $IN['id'] = $_POST['id']; $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array ( 'is_arcade_mod' => $IN['is_mod'], 'create_tourney' => $IN['create_tourney'], 'arcade_ban' => $IN['is_banned'], 'arcade_mod_privs' => $privs, ) ); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_members SET ".$db_string." WHERE id=".$IN['id']); /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("Benutzer ".$IN['name']." bearbeitet."); } */ define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=user_search'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); } // ############################## // edit scores of a user // ############################## if ($action == "scores") { global $IN, $vboptions, $vbulletin; $gid = $IN['gid']; $javascript = ""; if( !isset($IN['remove']) ) { $javascript = " "; if( $IN['do'] == 'game' ) { $DB->query("SELECT gtitle FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gid=".$gid); $GAME = $DB->fetch_row(); $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_scores WHERE gid=".$gid." ORDER BY score DESC"); if( $DB->get_num_rows() ) { $header = array(); $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_result_name']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_result_score']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_gamesort_delete']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_result_empty']; $colspan = sizeof($header); print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'tool_multi_del'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_score_gamedel'].$GAME['gtitle'], $colspan); $description = "
"; print_description_row($description.$javascript); print_table_break('', "90%"); print_cells_row($header, 1); $counter = 1; while( $SCORE = $DB->fetch_row() ) { $cell = array(); $cell[] = "".$SCORE['name'].""; $cell[] = $SCORE['score']; $cell[] = "".$ibforums->lang['acp_gamesort_delete'].""; $cell[] = ""; print_cells_row($cell); $counter++; } print_table_break('', "90%"); $counter++; $selectall = "
".$ibforums->lang['acp_selectall']." | ".$ibforums->lang['acp_deselectall']."
"; $counter--; print_description_row($selectall); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_score_removechoice'], 0); } else { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'gamelist'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_score_gamedel'].$GAME['gtitle'], $colspan); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_score_noscores']); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); } print_cp_footer(); exit; } else { $DB->query("SELECT id, name FROM ibf_members WHERE id=".$IN['user']); $USER = $DB->fetch_row(); $DB->query(" SELECT s.*, g.gname, g.gtitle FROM ibf_games_scores AS s LEFT JOIN ibf_games_list AS g ON (s.gid = g.gid) WHERE mid=".$USER['id']." ORDER BY s_id"); if( $DB->get_num_rows() ) { $header = array(); $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_gamesort_icon']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_gamesort_game']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_result_score']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_gamesort_comment']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_gamesort_delete']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_result_empty']; $colspan = sizeof($header); print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'multi_del'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_score_scoredel'].$USER['name'], $colspan); $description = "
"; print_description_row($description.$javascript); print_table_break('', "90%"); print_cells_row($header, 1); $counter = 1; while( $SCORE = $DB->fetch_row() ) { $js_comment = $SCORE['comment']; $js_comment = str_replace("'","\'",$js_comment); $linebreak = ""; if ($SCORE['comment']!="") { $linebreak = "
"; // parse the comment $vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3); // Version 3.0 oder 3.5 if ($vbversion == "3.0") { require_once('./includes/functions_bbcodeparse.php'); $parsed_comment = parse_bbcode($SCORE['comment']); } else { require_once('./includes/class_bbcode.php'); $bbcode_parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list()); $parsed_comment = $bbcode_parser->parse($SCORE['comment'],0,1); } $SCORE['comment'] = $parsed_comment; } $cell = array(); $cell[] = "".$SCORE["; $cell[] = $SCORE['gtitle']; $cell[] = $SCORE['score']; $cell[] = $SCORE['comment'].$linebreak."[ ".$ibforums->lang['acp_gamesort_edit']." ]"; $cell[] = "".$ibforums->lang['acp_remove'].""; $cell[] = ""; print_cells_row($cell); $counter++; } print_table_break('', "90%"); $counter++; print_description_row("
".$ibforums->lang['acp_selectall']." | ".$ibforums->lang['acp_deselectall']."
"); $counter--; print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_score_removechoice'], 0); print_form_header('arcade', 'edit_comment'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_score_commentheader']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_score_commenttext']); print_description_row("
"); construct_hidden_code('userid', $USER['id']); construct_hidden_code('score', ""); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_score_comment'], 0); } else { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'user_search'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_score_scoredel'].$USER['name'], $colspan); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_score_noscoreuser']); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_back'], 0); } print_cp_footer(); } } else { if( $IN['remove'] == 'user' ) { $id = $IN['user']; $DB->query("SELECT name FROM ibf_members WHERE id=".$id); $USER = $DB->fetch_row(); $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_games_scores WHERE mid=".$id); do_champ_update(1); do_league_update(); /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("Ergebnisse von ".$USER['name']." entfernt."); } */ define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=gamelist'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); } elseif( $IN['remove'] == 'game' ) { $gid = $IN['game_id']; $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_games_scores WHERE gid=".$gid); do_champ_update(1); do_league_update(); /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("Ergebnisse gelöscht"); } */ define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=gamelist'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); } else { $score = $IN['sid']; $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_games_scores WHERE s_id=".$score); do_champ_update(1); do_league_update(); /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("Ergebnisse gelöscht"); } */ define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=gamelist&cat=0'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); } } } // ############################## // comment editing // ############################## if ($action == "edit_comment") { global $IN; $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_scores SET comment='".cleansql($IN['comment_input'])."' WHERE s_id=".$IN['score']); define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=scores&do=user&user='.$IN['userid']); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); } // ############################## // IP banning // ############################## if ($action == "ip_ban") { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'save_ipban'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_ipban_header']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_ipban_text']); $arcade['banned_ips'] = str_replace("|", "\n", $arcade['banned_ips']); print_textarea_row($ibforums->lang['acp_ipban_field'], 'the_ips', $arcade['banned_ips'], 10, 16); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_save'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } // ############################## // save IP banning settings to DB // ############################## if ($action == "save_ipban") { $ip = $_POST['the_ips']; $ip = trim($std->txt_stripslashes($ip)); $ip = str_replace('|', "|", $ip); $ip = preg_replace( "/\n/", '|', str_replace( "\n\n", "\n", str_replace( "\r", "\n", $ip ) ) ); $ip = preg_replace( "/\|{1,}\s{1,}?/s", "|", $ip ); $ip = preg_replace( "/^\|/", "", $ip ); $ip = preg_replace( "/\|$/", "", $ip ); $ip = str_replace( "'", ''', $ip ); $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array ( 'banned_ips' => $ip ) ); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_settings SET ".$db_string); /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("gesperrte IP-Adressen aktualisiert"); } */ define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=ip_ban'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); } // ############################## // score tools page // ############################## if ($action == "score_tools") { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'tool_scores'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_scoretool_header']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_scoretool_text']); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_scoretool_name'], 'uname', "", 0); $game_list = array(); $games = array(); $games[0] = $ibforums->lang['acp_scoretool_allgames']; $counter = 1; $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_list ORDER BY gtitle"); while( $GAME = $DB->fetch_row() ) { $games[$GAME['gid']] = $GAME['gtitle']; } print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_scoretool_games'], 'in_game[]', $games, '', 0, 10, true); $output = array(); $output[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_scoretool_age']; $output[] = "
\n\n \n\n
"; print_cells_row($output); print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_scoretool_sortby'], 'sort', array('name' => $ibforums->lang['acp_scoretool_sname'], 'gid' => $ibforums->lang['acp_scoretool_sgid'], 'score' => $ibforums->lang['acp_scoretool_sscore'], 'datescored' => $ibforums->lang['acp_scoretool_sdate']), 'name'); print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_scoretool_sortorder'], 'order', array('ASC' => $ibforums->lang['acp_ASC'], 'DESC' => $ibforums->lang['acp_DESC']), 'ASC'); print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_scoretool_logic'], 'search_type', array('AND' => $ibforums->lang['acp_AND'], 'OR' => $ibforums->lang['acp_OR']), 'AND'); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_scoretool_amount'], 'limit', "", 0); $javascript = ""; $description = "
".$ibforums->lang['acp_scoretool_delall']."   ".$ibforums->lang['acp_scoretool_delalltxt1']." ".$ibforums->lang['acp_scoretool_delalltxt2']."
"; print_description_row($description.$javascript); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_search'], 0); print_table_break('', "90%"); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_actnames']); print_form_header('arcade', 'tool_actnames'); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_actnamestext']); print_input_row($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_actnamesamount'], 'amount_per_row', 500, 0); $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(s_id) AS amount FROM ibf_games_scores"); $scores = $DB->fetch_row(); construct_hidden_code('total', $scores['amount']); construct_hidden_code('start', 1); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_start'], 0); print_table_break('', "90%"); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_champs']); print_form_header('arcade', 'tool_champs'); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_champstext']); print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_champsgames'], 'in_game[]', $games, '', 0, 10, true); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_start'], 0); print_table_break('', "90%"); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_best']); print_form_header('arcade', 'tool_best'); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_besttext']); print_select_row($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_champsgames'], 'in_game[]', $games, '', 0, 10, true); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_start'], 0); print_table_break('', "90%"); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_league']); print_form_header('arcade', 'tool_league'); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_leaguetext']); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_start'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } // ############################## // score-tool: prune scores // ############################## if ($action == "tool_scores") { global $IN; $type = $IN['search_type']; $query = ""; if( !empty($IN['uname']) ) { $query .= " name LIKE '%".$IN['uname']."%' "; } if( !in_array("0" , $IN['in_game']) ) { if( !empty($query) ) { $query .= $type; } $query .= " gid IN (".implode("," , $IN['in_game']).")"; } if( !empty($IN['age']) ) { if( !empty($query) ) { $query .= $type; } if( $IN['time_frame'] == 'h' ) { $time = $IN['age']*(60*60); } elseif( $IN['time_frame'] == 'd' ) { $time = $IN['age']*(60*60*24); } else { $time = $IN['age']*(60*60*24*30); } $thetime = time()-$time; $op = ($IN['old_new'] == 'o') ? "<" : ">"; $query .= " datescored".$op.$thetime." "; } if( !empty($query) ) { $query .= " ORDER BY ".$IN['sort']." ".$IN['order']; } if( !empty($IN['limit']) ) { if( !empty($query) && is_numeric($IN['limit']) && $IN['limit'] > 0 ) { $query .= " LIMIT 0, ".$IN['limit']; } } if( empty($query) ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'score_tools'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errtext']); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errbutt'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } $this_query = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_scores WHERE ".$query); if( $DB->get_num_rows($this_query) ) { $header = array(); $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_result_score']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_result_name'] ; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_result_empty']; $header[] = $ibforums->lang['acp_result_empty']; $colspan = sizeof($header); print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'tool_multi_del'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_header'], $colspan); $javascript = " "; print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_headtxt'].$javascript, 0, $colspan); print_cells_row($header, 1); $gnames = array(); $counter = 1; while( $RESULT = $DB->fetch_row($this_query) ) { if( !isset($gnames[ $RESULT['gid'] ]) ) { $DB->query("SELECT gtitle FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gid=".$RESULT['gid']); $g = $DB->fetch_row(); $gnames[ $RESULT['gid'] ] = $g['gtitle']; } // Datumformat Zeitzone ?! $time = timeoutput($RESULT['datescored']); $cell = array(); $cell[] = $ibforums->lang['score'].": ".$RESULT['score']."
".$ibforums->lang['game'].": ".$gnames[ $RESULT['gid'] ]."
".$ibforums->lang['acp_scoretool_sdate'].": ".$time; $cell[] = "".$RESULT['name'].""; $cell[] = "".$ibforums->lang['acp_remove'].""; $cell[] = ""; print_cells_row($cell); $counter++; } $counter++; $selectall = "
".$ibforums->lang['acp_selectall']." | ".$ibforums->lang['acp_deselectall']."
"; $counter--; print_description_row($selectall,0,$colspan); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_remove_selected'], 0, $colspan); print_cp_footer(); exit; } else { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'score_tools'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errhead']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errtxt2']); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_prune_errbutt'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } } // ############################## // score-tool: delete multiple scores // ############################## if ($action == "tool_multi_del") { global $IN; $s_ids = $IN['del']; $i = 0; if( $s_ids == "" ) { $s_ids = array(); } foreach( $s_ids as $value ) { if( !$i ) { $remove .= $value; $i++; } else { $remove .= ", ".$value; } } if( $remove == "" ) { $remove = 0; } $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_games_scores WHERE s_id IN (".$remove.")"); do_champ_update(1); do_league_update(); /* if( $this->arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("Deleted Scores"); } */ define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=score_tools'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); } // ############################## // score-tools: delete all scores // ############################## if ($action == "del_all") { global $DB; $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_games_scores"); do_champ_update(1); do_league_update(1); /* if( $this->arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("Deleted All Scores"); } */ define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=score_tools'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); } // ############################## // score-tools: update usernames // ############################## if ($action == "tool_actnames") { global $IN; $total = $IN['total']; $per_row = $IN['amount_per_row']; if( empty($per_row) || !is_numeric($per_row) || $per_row < 1 ) { $per_row = 500; } $start = (isset($IN['start'])) ? $IN['start'] : 0; $end = (($start + $per_row) >= $total) ? 1 : 0; $changed = ""; $cache = array(); $this_query = $DB->query(" SELECT s.mid, s.name AS score_name, m.id, m.name FROM ibf_games_scores AS s LEFT JOIN ibf_members AS m ON (s.mid = m.id) ORDER BY s_id LIMIT ".$start.", ".$per_row); while( $row = $DB->fetch_row($this_query) ) { if( ($row['name'] != $row['score_name']) && (!in_array($row['score_name'] , $cache)) && (!empty($row['name'])) ) { $cache[] = $row['score_name']; $changed .= "
  • ".$row['score_name'].$ibforums->lang['acp_tool_userrename'].$row['name']."
  • "; $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array ( 'name' => $row['name'] ) ); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_scores SET ".$db_string." WHERE mid=".$row['id']); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_champs SET champ_name='".$row['name']."' WHERE champ_mid=".$row['id']); // update finished tournaments... $tourcheck_query = $DB->query("SELECT tid FROM ibf_tournaments WHERE champion='".$row['score_name']."'"); while ($tourcheck = $DB->fetch_row($tourcheck_query)) { $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tournaments SET champion='".$row['name']."' WHERE tid=".$tourcheck['tid']); } } if( (empty($row['name'])) && (!in_array($row['score_name'] , $cache)) ) { $cache[] = $row['score_name']; $changed .= "
  • ".$row['score_name'].$ibforums->lang['acp_tool_userdelete']."
  • "; $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_games_scores WHERE mid=".$row['mid']); } } if( !$end ) { $new_start = ($start + $per_row); print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'tool_actnames'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_result_showing0'].$start.$ibforums->lang['acp_result_showing2'].($new_start-1).$ibforums->lang['acp_result_showing3'].$total); construct_hidden_code('total', $total); construct_hidden_code('amount_per_row', $per_row); construct_hidden_code('start', $new_start); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_userupdate']); if( !empty($changed) ) { $changed_names = "
    "; } else { $changed_names .= "".$ibforums->lang['acp_tourneylist_none'].""; } print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_userupdatelist'].$changed_names); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_continue'], 0); print_cp_footer(); define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=score_tools'); exit; } else { /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("Benutzernamen aktualisiert."); } */ print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'tool_champs'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_done']); construct_hidden_code('in_game[]', 0); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_tool_userdone']); define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=tool_champs'); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_continue'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } } // ############################## // score-tools: update champs // ############################## if ($action == "tool_champs") { global $IN; $query_extra = ""; if( !in_array("0" , $IN['in_game']) ) { $query_extra .= "WHERE gid IN (".implode("," , $IN['in_game']).")"; } $the_champs = array(); if( $query_extra == "" ) { $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_games_champs"); } $game_query = $DB->query("SELECT gid, highscore_type, gtitle FROM ibf_games_list ".$query_extra." ORDER by gid"); while( $game = $DB->fetch_row($game_query) ) { $order = ($game['highscore_type'] == "high") ? "DESC" : "ASC"; $DB->query(" SELECT s.mid, s.gid, s.name, s.datescored, s.score, g.gtitle FROM ibf_games_scores AS s, ibf_games_list AS g WHERE s.gid=g.gid AND s.gid=".$game['gid']." ORDER BY score ".$order.", timespent ASC"); if( $DB->get_num_rows() ) { $champ = $DB->fetch_row(); $the_champs[] = array( 'gid' => $champ['gid'], 'gtitle' => $champ['gtitle'], 'mid' => $champ['mid'], 'name' => $champ['name'], 'date' => $champ['datescored'], 'score' => $champ['score'] ); } } foreach( $the_champs as $this_champ ) { if( $query_extra != "" ) { $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array ( 'champ_gid' => $this_champ['gid'], 'champ_gtitle' => $this_champ['gtitle'], 'champ_mid' => $this_champ['mid'], 'champ_name' => $this_champ['name'], 'champ_date' => $this_champ['date'], 'champ_score' => $this_champ['score'] ) ); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_champs SET ".$db_string." WHERE champ_gid=".$this_champ['gid']); } else { $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'champ_gid' => $this_champ['gid'], 'champ_gtitle' => $this_champ['gtitle'], 'champ_mid' => $this_champ['mid'], 'champ_name' => $this_champ['name'], 'champ_date' => $this_champ['date'], 'champ_score' => $this_champ['score'] ) ); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_games_champs (".$db_string['FIELD_NAMES'].") VALUES (".$db_string['FIELD_VALUES'].")"); } } /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("Spiele-Sortierung angepasst."); } */ define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=score_tools'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); } // ############################## // score-tools: update best results // ############################## if ($action == "tool_best") { global $IN; $query_extra = ""; if( !in_array("0" , $IN['in_game']) ) { $query_extra .= "WHERE champ_gid IN (".implode("," , $IN['in_game']).")"; } $this_query=$DB->query("SELECT champ_gid, champ_mid, champ_score, champ_time FROM ibf_games_champs ".$query_extra); WHILE ($champinfo=$DB->fetch_row($this_query)) { $check_query=$DB->query("SELECT gid, bestscore, besttime, highscore_type FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gid=".$champinfo['champ_gid']); $gameinfo=$DB->fetch_row($check_query); // update the best result only if current champ-result is really better if (($gameinfo['bestscore'] < $champinfo['champ_score'] && $gameinfo['highscore_type']=="high") || ($gameinfo['bestscore'] > $champinfo['champ_score'] && $gameinfo['highscore_type']=="low") || (($gameinfo['bestscore'] == $champinfo['champ_score']) && ($champinfo['champ_time']) < $gameinfo['besttime'] || $gameinfo['besttime']==0)) { $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_list SET bestmid=".$champinfo['champ_mid'].", bestscore='".$champinfo['champ_score']."', besttime='".$champinfo['champ_time']."' WHERE gid=".$champinfo['champ_gid']); } // force update if the is no best result and "the lower the better" if (((intval($gameinfo['bestscore'])==0) || ($gameinfo['bestscore']=="")) && ($gameinfo['highscore_type']=="low")) { $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_list SET bestmid=".$champinfo['champ_mid'].", bestscore='".$champinfo['champ_score']."', besttime='".$champinfo['champ_time']."' WHERE gid=".$champinfo['champ_gid']); } } /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("aktualisiert."); } */ define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=score_tools'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); } // ############################## // score-tools: update league // ############################## if ($action == "tool_league") { global $IN; $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_games_league"); $game_query = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_list WHERE active=1"); while ($ginfo = $DB->fetch_row($game_query)) { $ordering = ($ginfo['highscore_type'] == "high") ? "DESC" : "ASC"; $ctr = 1; $this_query = $DB->query("SELECT mid FROM ibf_games_scores WHERE gid='".$ginfo['gid']."' ORDER BY score ".$ordering.", timespent ASC LIMIT 0,10"); if ($DB->get_num_rows($this_query)) { while($lboard = $DB->fetch_row($this_query)) { switch($ctr) { case 1: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][0]; break; case 2: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][1]; break; case 3: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][2]; break; case 4: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][3]; break; case 5: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][4]; break; case 6: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][5]; break; case 7: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][6]; break; case 8: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][7]; break; case 9: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][8]; break; case 10: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][9]; break; default: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][10]; } if ($points > 0) { extract($ginfo); $lid = $lboard['mid']; $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'mid' => $lid, 'gid' => $gid, 'position' => $ctr, 'points' => $points, 'cat' => $gcat, ) ); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_games_league (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"); } $ctr++; } } } /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("Spiele-Sortierung angepasst."); } */ define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=score_tools'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); } // ############################## // custom game sorting // ############################## if ($action == "custom") { if( !$DB->field_exists("position","ibf_games_list") ) { $DB->query("ALTER TABLE ibf_games_list ADD position MEDIUMINT( 8 ) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL"); } $DB->query("SELECT g_display_sort AS sort FROM ibf_games_settings"); $CONFIG = $DB->fetch_row(); if( $CONFIG['sort'] != 'position' ) { print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'jumpsettings'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_gamesort_err_header']); print_description_row($ibforums->lang['acp_gamesort_err_text']); print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_gamesort_err_button'], 0); print_cp_footer(); exit; } else { $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_list ORDER BY position"); $header = array(); $header[] = "
    "; $header[] = "
    "; $header[] = "
    "; $colspan = sizeof($header); print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_form_header('arcade', 'sort_games'); print_table_header($ibforums->lang['acp_gamesort_header'], $colspan); print_cells_row($header, 1); while( $GAME = $DB->fetch_row() ) { $input_name = $GAME['gid']."_position"; $cell = array(); $cell[] = ""; $cell[] = "
    "; $cell[] = "
    "; print_cells_row($cell); } print_submit_row($ibforums->lang['acp_gamesort_button'], 0, $colspan); print_cp_footer(); exit; } } // ############################## // store custom game-order to DB // ############################## if ($action == "sortgames") { global $IN; $order = array(); foreach( $IN as $key=>$value ) { if( preg_match("#_position#", $key) ) { if( !is_numeric($value) || $value < 0 ) { $value = 1; } $key = intval($key); $order[$key] = $value; } } unset($key); unset($value); foreach( $order as $key=>$value ) { $db_string = $DB->compile_db_update_string( array ( 'position' => $value ) ); $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_games_list SET ".$db_string." WHERE gid='".$key."'"); } /* if( $arcade['log'] ) { $ADMIN->save_log("Spiele-Sortierung angepasst."); } */ define('CP_REDIRECT', 'arcade.php?code=custom'); print_stop_message('saved_settings_successfully'); } // ############################## // information // ############################## if ($action == "info") { $query = $DB->query("SELECT arcade_language FROM ibf_games_settings"); $setting = $DB->fetch_row($query); $indexcheck = ""; $javascript = ' '; if ($vbulletin->options['forumhome'] != "index") { if ($vboptions['forumhome'] != "index") { $homefile = $vbulletin->options['forumhome'].$vboptions['forumhome']; if ($setting['arcade_language']=="de") { $indexcheck = $javascript; $indexcheck.= "Hinweis:
    Die Startseite des Forums ist ".$homefile.".php - deshalb muss die Datei /index.php angepasst werden, ansonsten werden keine Punkte gespeichert!"; $indexcheck.= "Genaue Informationen zur notwendigen Anpassung sind im ibProArcade-Archiv enthalten: INFO - vbadvanced or other Portal.txt oder in diesem "; $indexcheck.= "Popup-Fenster"; $indexcheck.= ""; $indexcheck.= "
    "; } else { $indexcheck = $javascript; $indexcheck.= "Notice:
    Your forum's mainpage is ".$homefile.".php - please make sure to adapt your /index.php otherwise scores won't be recorded!"; $indexcheck.= "You will find detailed instructions in the ibProArcade-archive: INFO - vbadvanced or other Portal.txt or in this "; $indexcheck.= "popup-window"; $indexcheck.= ""; $indexcheck.= "
    "; } } } $checkhold = getcwd().'/holdsession.php'; $holdcheck = ""; if (!file_exists($checkhold)) { if ($setting['arcade_language']=="de") { $holdcheck = "ACHTUNG
    holdsession.php fehlt im Hauptverzeichnis des Forums, bitte umgehend dort hochladen!
    "; } else { $holdcheck = "ATTENTION
    holdsession.php is missing in your forums root directory, please upload it.
    "; } } $paypal_link_en = '
    '; $paypal_link_de = '
    '; $paypal_link_en_special = '
    '; $paypal_link_de_special = '
    '; $paypal_donate_en = '
    '; $paypal_donate_de = '
    '; $timelimit = 1262300400; print_cp_header($ibforums->lang['acp_header']); print_description_row("ibProArcade v2.7.0+by MrZeropage
    "); if ($setting['arcade_language']=="de") { print_description_row("Die jeweils aktuelle Version ist hier zu finden.
    Für deutschen Support bitte hier klicken.

    "); print_description_row("
    "); print_description_row($indexcheck); print_description_row($holdcheck); print_description_row("
    ".$paypal_donate_de."Freiwillige Spenden als Danksagung, zur Unterstützung usw. sind jederzeit willkommen - DANKE :)Der Spendenbetrag kann frei eingegeben werden.
    "); print_description_row("
    "); if (time() > $timelimit) { print_description_row("
    ".$paypal_link_de."Um die Versions- und Copyright-Informationen in der Spielhalle zu entfernen, wird eine Branding-Free-Lizenz angeboten.
    Der Preis für die Lizenz liegt bei 40,- EuroDie Lizenz ist für eine Installation, eine URL, eine Website gültig.
    Nach Abschluss der Zahlung bitte per Mail bei vb3hack@gmail.com melden für Anweisung, wie das Copyright entfernt wird.

    "); } else { print_description_row("
    ".$paypal_link_de_special."** SONDERAKTION bis 31.12.2009 **
    Um die Versions- und Copyright-Informationen in der Spielhalle zu entfernen, wird eine Branding-Free-Lizenz angeboten.
    Der Sonderpreis (gültig bis 31.12.2009) für die Lizenz liegt bei 25,- Euro (statt 40,-)Die Lizenz ist für eine Installation, eine URL, eine Website gültig.
    Nach Abschluss der Zahlung bitte per Mail bei vb3hack@gmail.com melden für Anweisung, wie das Copyright entfernt wird.

    "); } print_description_row("
    "); print_description_row("Zahlungen können auch manuell per PayPal an die Adresse vb3hack@gmail.com erfolgen.
    Bitte beachten Sie bei Verwendung der oberen Links, dass diese Adresse als Transaktionsadresse stets oben aufgeführt ist.
    "); } else { print_description_row("You can get the actual version here.
    For english support please click here.

    "); print_description_row("
    "); print_description_row($indexcheck); print_description_row($holdcheck); print_description_row("
    ".$paypal_donate_en."Donations to express your THANKS and support for further development are welcome :)You can donate any amount, every dollar is welcome.
    "); print_description_row("
    "); if (time() > $timelimit) { print_description_row("
    ".$paypal_link_en."To remove the Copyright-Information from the Arcade, we offer a Branding-Free-License.
    The price per license is 50,- US$One license is valid for one installation, one site, one URL.
    After the payment is done, please send mail to vb3hack@gmail.com to get instructions about removement.

    "); } else { print_description_row("
    ".$paypal_link_en_special."** SPECIAL OFFER valid until 31st december 2009 **
    To remove the Copyright-Information from the Arcade, we offer a Branding-Free-License.
    The special price (valid until 31st december 2009) for one license is 35,- US$ (instead of 50,- US$)One license is valid for one installation, one site, one URL.
    After the payment is done, please send mail to vb3hack@gmail.com to get instructions about removement.

    "); } print_description_row("
    "); print_description_row("You can pay manually via PayPal to vb3hack@gmail.com if you want to.
    Please make sure that this mailaddress is always the recipient for payments, even in the PayPal-Links above!
    "); } print_cp_footer(); } if ($action=="showtext_index") { $query = $DB->query("SELECT arcade_language FROM ibf_games_settings"); $setting = $DB->fetch_row($query); if ($setting['arcade_language']=="de") { $t1 = "Öffne"; $t2 = "Suche nach: (ganz am Anfang der Datei)"; $t3 = "Darunter füge hinzu:"; $t4 = "Speichere die Veränderung auf dem Server."; } else { $t1 = "Open"; $t2 = "Search for: (very top of file)"; $t3 = "Below that add:"; $t4 = "Save and upload your index.php back to your server."; } $instructions = ' '.$t1.' "/index.php"



    '.$t4.' '; echo << ibProArcade {$instructions} EOF; } // ##### function for the improved TAR-installer ##### function copyr($source, $dest) { // Simple copy for a file if (is_file($source)) { return copy($source, $dest); } // Make destination directory if (!is_dir($dest)) { mkdir($dest); } // Loop through the folder $dir = dir($source); while (false !== $entry = $dir->read()) { // Skip pointers if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') { continue; } // Deep copy directories if ($dest !== "$source/$entry") { copyr("$source/$entry", "$dest/$entry"); } } // Clean up $dir->close(); return true; } // #### function to update the league #### function updateleague() { global $DB, $arcade; $DB->query("DELETE FROM ibf_games_league"); $game_query = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_games_list WHERE active=1"); while ($ginfo = $DB->fetch_row($game_query)) { $ordering = ($ginfo['highscore_type'] == "high") ? "DESC" : "ASC"; $ctr = 1; $this_query = $DB->query("SELECT mid FROM ibf_games_scores WHERE gid='".$ginfo['gid']."' ORDER BY score ".$ordering.", timespent ASC LIMIT 0,10"); if ($DB->get_num_rows($this_query)) { while($lboard = $DB->fetch_row($this_query)) { switch($ctr) { case 1: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][0]; break; case 2: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][1]; break; case 3: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][2]; break; case 4: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][3]; break; case 5: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][4]; break; case 6: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][5]; break; case 7: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][6]; break; case 8: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][7]; break; case 9: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][8]; break; case 10: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][9]; break; default: $points = $arcade['league_scores'][10]; } if ($points > 0) { $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string( array ( 'mid' => $lboard['mid'], 'gid' => $ginfo['gid'], 'position' => $ctr, 'points' => $points, 'cat' => $ginfo['gcat'], ) ); $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_games_league (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"); } $ctr++; } } } } function copydirr($fromDir,$toDir,$chmod=0757,$verbose=false) { $errors=array(); $messages=array(); if (!is_writable($toDir)) $errors[]='target '.$toDir.' is not writable'; if (!is_dir($toDir)) $errors[]='target '.$toDir.' is not a directory'; if (!is_dir($fromDir)) $errors[]='source '.$fromDir.' is not a directory'; if (!empty($errors)) { if ($verbose) foreach($errors as $err) echo 'Error: '.$err.'
    '; return false; } $exceptions=array('.','..'); $handle=opendir($fromDir); while (false!==($item=readdir($handle))) if (!in_array($item,$exceptions)) { //* cleanup for trailing slashes in directories destinations $from=str_replace('//','/',$fromDir.'/'.$item); $to=str_replace('//','/',$toDir.'/'.$item); if (is_file($from)) { if (@copy($from,$to)) { chmod($to,$chmod); touch($to,filemtime($from)); // to track last modified time $messages[]='File copied from '.$from.' to '.$to; } else $errors[]='cannot copy file from '.$from.' to '.$to; } if (is_dir($from)) { if (@mkdir($to)) { chmod($to,$chmod); $messages[]='Directory created: '.$to; } else $errors[]='cannot create directory '.$to; copydirr($from,$to,$chmod,$verbose); } } closedir($handle); if ($verbose) { foreach($errors as $err) echo 'Error: '.$err.'
    '; foreach($messages as $msg) echo $msg.'
    '; } return true; } function rm($fileglob) { if (is_string($fileglob)) { if (is_file($fileglob)) { return unlink($fileglob); } else if (is_dir($fileglob)) { $ok = rm("$fileglob/*"); if (! $ok) { return false; } return rmdir($fileglob); } else { $matching = glob($fileglob); if ($matching === false) { trigger_error(sprintf('No files match supplied glob %s', $fileglob), E_USER_WARNING); return false; } $rcs = array_map('rm', $matching); if (in_array(false, $rcs)) { return false; } } } else if (is_array($fileglob)) { $rcs = array_map('rm', $fileglob); if (in_array(false, $rcs)) { return false; } } else { trigger_error('Param #1 must be filename or glob pattern, or array of filenames or glob patterns', E_USER_ERROR); return false; } return true; } function game_exists($gname) { global $DB, $DUPECHECK; if ($DUPECHECK == 0) { return false; } else { $result = $false; if ($gname!="") { $checkquery = $DB->query("SELECT gname FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gname='".$gname."'"); if ($DB->get_num_rows($checkquery)) { $result = true; } } return $result; } } function cleansql($value) { if( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) { $value = stripslashes( $value ); } //check if this function exists if( function_exists( "mysql_real_escape_string" ) ) { $value = mysql_real_escape_string( $value ); } //for PHP version < 4.3.0 use addslashes else { $value = addslashes( $value ); } return $value; } function clean_value($val) { if ($val == "") { return ""; } $val = str_replace( " ", " ", $val ); if ( $ibforums->vars['strip_space_chr'] ) { $val = str_replace( chr(0xCA), "", $val ); //Remove sneaky spaces } $val = str_replace( "&" , "&" , $val ); $val = str_replace( "" , "-->" , $val ); $val = preg_replace( "/